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Ontario, Canada

Member since April 15th, 2008



She is Steppie. She tends to act like a four year old; in other words, she get too hyper. She is a tomboy and you will never see her playing them 'girl games', but alas, you might see her in the nerd clique as you might put it.

She enjoy silence, like every other out there; she feels your pain, darling.
She has Acrophobia, Altophobia, Agoraphobia, Algophobia, Anthropophobia, Aquaphobia [Hydrophobia], Aviophobia, Aviatophobia, Claustrophobia, Gephyrophobia, Glossophobia, Necrophobia, Nosophobia, Nyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia, Pyrophobia [only big ones], Sociophobia [sociopath], Taphophobia, Trypanophobia, Aichmophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia, Apiphobia, Melissophobia, Arachnophobia, Chiroptophobia, Entomophobia, Musophobia and she has trouble with remembering, at times.

She knows she has to many phobias, which sometimes ruins her life; or so she thinks. But the funny thing is she doesn't mind being bitten by some reptile, or petting a wolf. Does that make any sense? No.

She's been a member of mibba since September 7th, 2007, and has mastered the profiles. But, honestly, she cannot handle CSS, it makes her go insane. So, yeah. She can speak, Russian, German, Spanish, Italian, English and French [German,French and English are fluently]. She may write it, but isn't as good at speaking it. She loves to pretend that she has an English accent, Italian accent or even a Russian one!

She loves to socialize on here, and one comment makes her jump out of her skin. Read her stories on mibba, comrades.
In all of My Chemical Romance, her idol would be Frank Iero. Why? "Every move, every bounce! It is so beautiful! He inspires me with everything tedious act of tenderness!" She would say.

And now, she must go and poke Brooklyn some more until she blows up... which hasn't happend yet. Thank you for being there all the time, and for having many things in common with her. She loves ya, B-Kin!

Then, she'll go see Thai and hug her to the death, and then scream random things to cheer eachother for no reason; and not to forget, they'll go stalk the Jonas Brothers too. Luff yu bb!

And then she'll go ask questions of wisdom to her lurver Kat, and then gasp in suprise as she sends somethin' with so much lovin' it makes her blush. I thank you, Kat, for being there for her. She really loooveees you.

¡Ella te ama, Danna! ¡Y ella te agradece diario por finalmente encontrar a alguien que sepa hablar español! Ella te ama, y cuida para ti.

BOO! It is the magical Kayla! She loves her, non-stop, and secretly reads her stories two times a day. She, is the perfect person to idolize, with every word of wisdom she says. Lurv ya, Kayla!

Hello there, friends. Let me introduce you to someone that Stephie adores. Her name is Kate, even though it's only been a week or so they've known each other, it feels like forever! Can't stop adoring you, XD Luff you!

Everyone, this is one of the best authors on mibba! Her name is Kaitlyn and she rocks the worlddfjkgt. Everybody WILL adore her, no matter what. 'Cause when you talk to her, it feels like you can say ANYTHING! And Stephie thanks you for that. -hugs- ily, mibba sister.


  • Photo #10559



  • Colorado Sunrise.

    hello fellow Ontarian :)

    Colorado Sunrise., April 20th, 2008 at 09:36:44pm



    sorry it took so long for me to reply.

    XxRIPTHEREVxX, April 20th, 2008 at 07:44:57pm

  • Frank Anthony Iero.

    No problem and thanks.
    Yours is pretty. Smiley

    Frank Anthony Iero., April 20th, 2008 at 06:28:56pm

  • A New Hope

    oh canada?

    texas is awesome but we don't have sexy accents like canadians do.

    A New Hope, April 20th, 2008 at 06:10:05pm

  • A New Hope

    er just on INO avoiding my homework


    A New Hope, April 20th, 2008 at 05:51:25pm

  • A New Hope

    I know how that feels. I spent a whole year just looking at INO but never getting a profile.

    so how are yous?

    A New Hope, April 20th, 2008 at 05:45:18pm



    welcome to INO.

    how are you?

    hope you like it here!!!!!!!!!!

    XxRIPTHEREVxX, April 15th, 2008 at 10:03:09pm

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