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Your local dumpster?

Member since May 24th, 2008



For some strange reason, I'm the wierd kid. Nobody ever really comes up to talk to me and when they do they ususally never return. For the people that have returned to talk to me and put up with my incoherent nonsense, I am 'funny.'


I'm barely 5'1" and I haven't grown since sixth grade. I get pissed off all the time and the words that frequently come out of my mouth, "I hate people," has actually started to circulate around my friends. I own the shirt that says, "Kill 'em all, Let god sort 'em out," just like Frank Iero. (That's actually an army shirt for the deadbeats that didn't know.)


I like to keep what's mine to myself unless I really really like you. I used to be called Munchkin, because my lack of height and the fact that in various situations I will follow people around like a lost puppy. I like to try and keep myself from doing what's expected, but at the same time I like it when things are plain and simple. Don't expect friend or boyfriend drama around me, because I don't deal with that shit. I repeatedly tell people, "They'll get over it."


No one really takes me serious. When I get mad they think it's cute. I've come to terms I might as well just go along with it. It doesn't really bother me anymore.

Let's go frolic in the flowers.


  • malibu.

    I'm Adri. :]
    How are you?

    malibu., May 30th, 2008 at 03:40:51am

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