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emily :]
Murfreesboro, Tennnessee

Member since July 5th, 2008


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Usually, I lie in these little 'about me' section. But, this time, I'll be completely honest. :]

My name is Emily. I'm fourteen. Yeah, I can't even drive yet. But, I assure you, I'm probably more mature than many 14-year-olds you know. I love to write, fiction mainly. Fanfic isn't really for me, but I mess around with the idea all the time. I have amazing friends who just don't understand my obsession with My Chemical Romance. Eh, I love the losers anyway. I have OCD when it comes to typing, as you can see. I actually capitalize when typing seriously. I couldn't give a shit when I'm typing in messages and comments. Um, well, now to the obsession part:

Honestly, I'd never heard of My Chem before August 28, 2006 when they appeared on the VMA preshow. I heard Welcome To the Black Parade, and fell in love. Then, I discovered Three Cheers and Bullets. On April 25, 2007, I saw them live in Nashville. Fron row, and Frank spat on me. He apologized, though. Somehow, probably by force, this guy I met there got us backstage. I was hypervenilating.
I hugged all of them, got autographs and pictures. I was holding my breath the whole time. Thank God nobody asked to see a backstage pass. Frank complimented my Homophobia Is Gay shirt that i knda ripped off from him, and Ray asked how living in Nashville was. He and Gerard said they'd like to come back and visit when they weren't touring. Bob didn't say much, he was sick. And Mikey wasn't there; honeymooning.
But, it was amazing.
My Chemical Romance have shaped my life to what it is today. They've taken me away from friends that were HUGE druggies. They've helped me talk down a suicidal friend before. They took me away from country and rap music. :]
So, yay.

Hmmm, be my friend?


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