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Union Beach, New Jersey [Rep!]

Member since July 10th, 2008


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Hello. I'm Michelle. Let me start by saying that My Chemical Romance didn't save my life.
Let me explain. I was never really in indeed self suicidal help. Well, my life wasn't exactly perfect. I was depressed a lot, but suicide to me was never an option. I was in 6th grade when MCR stole my heart. The first song I've ever heard was 'Vampires Will Never Hurt You', and I fell in love with the band. I started listening to them a lot more and I bought their CDs. To this day, I'm still in love. I am a junior in high school, and still find them to be the biggest influence on my life. It just goes to show, when you listen to the song 'I'm Not Okay', that they were once losers, and they know what they are talking about. They've been to the point of self hatred and depression, and now they have made up for wasted time in their teen years. They are amazing, and I love so much. I hate the label 'emo', anyway, not because they do. I think it's pointless, and rude. I mean, there is no point in going around to people who wear black and calling them 'emo'. It's dumb and just plain hurtful.
Anyway, my top five favorite songs by MCR are:
1. I'm Not Okay
2. Drowning Lessons
3. Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us
4. Famous Last Words
5. Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Don't get me wrong, I love all of their songs so much, but if I had to choose five, they would be it. So, moving on about my earlier statement; MCR didn't save my life. My grandmother who lived with my family died, and she was my best friend [literally]. I told her everything, and I worshipped the ground she walked on. I went into a slight depression and stayed home from school for two weeks straight, never leaving my room. I listened to 'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love', and I felt a lot better when I left the room. I looked at life more positively, and I had a lot more self confidence and self esteem. I owe my life to My Chemical Romance, and I just really hope they know how much they changed my life forever. So, they didn't save my life. They made it. :]


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