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Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Member since July 18th, 2008



First and foremost: NO STEALING. These stories, characters, and scenarios are mine and mine alone. Please respect me as an author and write your own stuff. Plus, you would make a complete ass out of yourself if someone found out you had stolen someone else's creation and used it as your own. So just don't. Save me the high blood pressure and save yourself the humiliation.

To make a long story short, I am a story writing, very amateur guitar playing, passionate about singing music junkie. I love the books Twilight and New Moon, and I am also a Lord of the Rings fan (Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima!)I don't care what anyone thinks about me, and if you have a problem with me, build a bridge and get over it. Or I can build one for you and push you over it. Either way works for me. I suppose you could call me a punk but i'm not a huge fan of labels. I LOVE both Green Day and My Chemical Romance with all of my heart because they both saved me. The only thing that can lift me out of depression is the sound of either Gerard's or Billie Joe's voice in song, and I also like many more countless bands such as The Fratellis, Foxboro Hot Tubs, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters,Three Days Grace, punk rock, rock, alternative, but NO SCREAMO. PERIOD. To go political for a moment, I am about half liberal and half conservative, but I will say that I am rooting for John McCain to win the election and get us out of this war on terror. I mean, what the hell does global warming matter in the end if we all get blown off the face of the earth by the middle east's potential nuclear weapons?? War now, environment later. I am trying out this site as a last resort because at the moment my home writing site, is full of crap and I want a good website to put my stuff on. And isn't working for me because no matter how I try I can't make my stories fit the guidelines. Sad Right now I am pretty sure I will soon be deserting quizilla forever, and possibly mibba too if someone doesn't help me straighten out the guideline issues.. That's about it for me. Oh, and I don't give out my real name on public sites like this, not unless I get to know you well enough or I just feel like telling.

And now to touch on an important subject regarding my writing style:

I am a HUGE FAN of writing fan fiction, especially when it is about Green Day or MCR, but there are some guidlelines that I follow and that you should know.

1. I try to write the most realistic stories possible. For example, if one of my celebrity characters has a wife in real life, he will have a wife in my story(dependng on the time period, of course). I don't believe in removing the person's family from the picture and inserting myself as a love interest. That's just stupid, and anyone with fantasies like that needs some serious help.

2. NEVER will I EVER have ANY of the band members engage in ANY form of sexual activity with one another. END OF STORY. I have had the misfortune of reading stories like that, and it really grosses me out. You never know if the celebs you are writing about may stumble upon your stories, and how do you think they would feel about one of their own fans having them go and screw one of their best friends in writing for entertainment?

3. Some parts of my stories can be overdramatized and have fictional aspects to them, so don't take my stories super seriously unless you know for sure that what is happening is 100% true. My stories are for strictly entertainment purposes, not for spawning pointless gossip.

4. I always do my best to respect the particular people I am writing about, whether it's Gerard or Frank or Mike or Billie Joe or Mikey. I mean, they were awesome enough in the first place to put their AMAZING music out on the market, and they are people too, even if you've never seen them in person, and they deserve a little gratitude and respect, don't you think?

Get it? Got it? Good.

Well, I'm done rambling.


  • XxMCR-myxX

    im a member on mibba 2!!!

    XxMCR-myxX, October 26th, 2008 at 02:45:37am

  • XxMCR-myxX

    thats just a rumor.....i havent been to a concert either..i have the black parade is dead thuogh

    XxMCR-myxX, August 5th, 2008 at 02:41:11am

  • XxMCR-myxX

    theres a rumor gonig around that they might not be going on another tour, and that their LAST cd is coming out in 2009

    XxMCR-myxX, July 20th, 2008 at 11:02:09pm

  • XxMCR-myxX

    Hi! Welcome to INO. Like you, I hate Smiley jerks who steal and act "fake". I also like to play guitar. P.S. cool pic!

    XxMCR-myxX, July 18th, 2008 at 09:10:26pm

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