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Member since September 22nd, 2008



Hiya I'm Lolli!

There's not much that you need to know about me except that I love My Chemical Romance and can't imagine what it would be like without them because they are such a special band who have made massive differences for millions of people and there's not a lot of people in this world who aim to achieve that sort of thing. Since I began listening to them it made me start to think more about the things around me and I began to realise what was really going on in the world that I thought I knew and the kind of pain that kids my age or even younger where going through. I just want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to my best mate Courtney Monaghan who first got me interested in the amazing band and I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to MCR because by listening to their music and by discovering all the hell that they had been through that changed me as a person. I used to be a shy kid who was afraid to speak up and who always bothered about what the people around me thought but now I've learned not to give a shit because I've got my best friends, family and I've got MCR and they're all that I need in my life because they are the people who mean the world to me and who have helped me through the most horrible times in my life!

My hobbies are listening to music, I like any kind of rock music but the thing that has been with me for most of my life is writing. Yeah, I know it sounds preety lame for a 14 year old kid but it is like part of me and I can't throw it away. I love reading horror books and fantasy. I have even tried to write my own fantasy novel and now I am looking for a publisher for it. Even though I have failed so many times I can't seem to give up on it because it's something that I have wanted to do since I was about ten. Just recentley, I began to write a new book but this time it's about bullying and rascism and the kind of effect that it has on people.

Anyway I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of my friends especially Courtney, Mary, Rachael and Stacey for alway being there for me when I needed them and who always put a smile on my face and for making me feel like I am appriciated. I also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to MCR again for helping me to undertsand life more and for their BRILLIANT music which has made me have more belief in myself. And I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Quaf my new friend who I have met on here because she has made me feel appriciated too!

And THANK YOU to all of you who have read this!



  • Photo #13974

  • Photo #13973

  • Photo #13968


  • attic dramatic

    Hi long time no write

    attic dramatic, June 30th, 2009 at 07:19:43am

  • quaf

    I sure will!!!
    I wrote your's and Coco's letters I have to find something though before I send it.
    Ima send Tomas one with bboth of yours lol.

    quaf, February 11th, 2009 at 04:51:53am

  • quaf

    I got your letter and you made me so happy! I love the drawing of little gerard lol. :)
    I miss talking to you :P I don't even know if you come on here anymore:/

    LOVE YOU xoxo and I'll be sending you a letter soon. I think you and coco are going to be my VALENTINES! <3

    miss ya love you

    quaf, February 10th, 2009 at 03:22:21am

  • attic dramatic

    hi lolli how r u?

    attic dramatic, February 9th, 2009 at 05:22:06am

  • attic dramatic

    i'm fine and i had a good chrismas u?

    attic dramatic, January 1st, 2009 at 06:52:30am

  • Fatatio

    hey, I miss you too! =)
    my Christmas was wonderful! I hope yours was too
    Well, i wish you a happy new year now, and a happy eve!
    have fun tonight! ;]

    Fatatio, December 31st, 2008 at 06:15:07am

  • attic dramatic

    hi lolli? how are u? : )

    attic dramatic, December 17th, 2008 at 03:39:39pm

  • Fatatio

    I still miss you.....

    Fatatio, November 14th, 2008 at 01:38:14pm

  • attic dramatic

    hi lolli?

    attic dramatic, November 6th, 2008 at 05:25:37am

  • BulletsLoveRevenge

    Heyyyyyy! Remember me??? haha. Love the profile. Add?

    BulletsLoveRevenge, October 15th, 2008 at 12:36:16pm

  • Mikey Way says: BOO!

    I know I know you from somewhere but I can't remember... chat?

    Mikey Way says: BOO!, October 13th, 2008 at 05:50:03pm

  • attic dramatic

    u have a cool profile to

    attic dramatic, October 12th, 2008 at 06:18:08am

  • quaf

    hope to talk to you tomorrow!!

    (i'm making french fries!!)

    quaf, September 25th, 2008 at 04:37:01pm

  • quaf


    quaf, September 25th, 2008 at 02:50:55pm

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