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Up in the clouds

Member since May 1st, 2009



Ok so I'm a blond with a quick temper and a sharp tongue. I'm not a "dumb blond" I don't think one such exists. Every blond has some form of intelligence. I may be a freak to you. But I'm loved because I'm not afraid to show who I am, I love Twilight, Rock music, and reading. I hate rap. I have one older sibling no younger ones. I have a guy friend and hes like my brother. So all his brothers and his sister are like mine. My BFFs are insane just like me and like me they are proud of it.
You say Beyonce i say Kristen Stewart. You say Jonas Brothers I say Linkin Park. You say pink I say black. You say Nick & Joe I say Edward and Emmett You say Harry Potter I say Edward Cullen. You say Miley Cyrus I say Alice Cullen. You say Harry Potter I say Twilight. You say Brad Pitt I say Jasper Hale You say I'm weirdIi say HELL YEAH!
95% of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the 5% who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile
92% of teens would die if Hollister said breathing wasn't cool,put this on your page if your part of the 8% laughing hysterically in the background!
Someone once said to me, " Who would ever want to friends with an Prep jerk like you?" My response, " So what if I'm a Prep or a jerk, its who I am. And its better than making fun of other people who aren't like me because its fun or I have nothing better to do." Put this on your site if you think who you are is perfect.
Post this on your page if you hate current rap: R: retards A: attempting P: poetry


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