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The Cemetary

Member since March 22nd, 2014



I'm 15. I have social anxiety,panic attacks,pretty bad depression and I'm bullied.Most of my friends are messed up in some way.Im getting worse.Im not emo,goth, or scene, Im just my weird ass self who hangs out with the emos.I self harm and I currently am on the butterfly challenge which I kill my butterflies alot.I have really bad depression problems and I'm suicidal.Im the helper so I don't really ever get helped.I honestly believe im not good enough to be here.A more detailed description is: My dad and mom didnt mean to have me.I was a mistake to begin with.I was suppose to be a abbortion baby but clearily that didnt work out.My dad left.My mom has like a split personality disorder.I get hit sometimes but mostly its just sever emotional abuse from her.When I was 4 she dated this guy who was abusive.We lived in hotels and moved ALOT.We only left him 2 years ago.I have flashbacks of the fights and the hitting and everything alot.In elementary I was bullied but it didnt bother me that bad until 5th grade when my best friend/sister started ignoring me out of the blue.Thats were the depression,bullying and fear of abandonment started.6th grade i was almost killed by bullies.In 7th I was bullied and now in 8th im bullied but not as bad.


  • prettyprecy

    Hello from Gladys.( ) I was very impressed to your profile and i feel to have a good friendship with you, my name is Gladys, i hope you are doing good, i like making new friends so feel free to contact me mail at( so that i can send you a picture and tell you more about me here

    prettyprecy, April 28th, 2014 at 04:05:05am

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