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Cadet Junior

Cadet Junior

Member since May 11th, 2006


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Okay, okay, i gots one, i gots one... *laughs uncontrolably*

Name Julia
Age 13 (April 29, bitchessss buy me stuff, mmkay?)
Weight 105 pounds of fun...oh dernit that doesn't rhyme
Height 5 foot 1...inches of fun?


okay uh i...dont know...what to write... ._.

Uh lessee, Alicia Simmons is a gorgeous woman, Mikey is a gorgeous man, therefore they belong together, i hate people who say otherwise...

One of my friends says i actually look like her, i beg to differ.

I like rhyming, don't ask me why, it just gives me a little happy feeling inside.

i LOVE any guy that sings, i mean i totaly and completley appreaciate it, you don't see much of it nowadays. Rock the arts plz, mmhmm.

I graduated from a modeling school [Barbizon] so technically i'm model potientail...but basically im the same person i was before, no one can change who i am, which is exactly what they tried to do. [So basically my mom wasted over 1 grand on my stuborn personality]I'm not going to be that over rated phrase that says "no one says you have to look like that" because people DO say that, I don't, i believe that EVERYONE is beautiful, and i only wish there was a way i could make people see that.
I wish there was a way i could make myself see that...

I'm straight, but i have absolutley nothing against being gay, bi, or lesbian. I think its beautiful that people could see right past another's gender. That, is love, darlings.

I wish people would take the chance to notice me. I'm very dark, and sensitive, (but don't call me an emo kid) there isn't anything that really makes me mad, well there is, i have a really bad anger disorder but half the time its because of my beiliefs and stuborness.

I dress like a total badass, but don't get me wrong, nothing makes me laugh like a little baby more than the color pink.
well, i like pink things, i dont like pink dresses for some reason...

yes, i'm 13, and i really wish people older than me wouldn't laugh or say something stupid if i say "i love _____"
I'm young, i understand. But i love, and without it i am dead. If i say i love you, i mean it. I cant stand when people abuse that word.
so i'll just go ahead and tell you that

I LOVE JESSICA VERSOZA she is my life, i am nothing worth caring for without her
I LOVE MATTHEW CARLSON he is the one i adore, and one day he will break my heart, but he will always have a place in the back of my head.
I LOVE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE they're the first band i ever listened to, they will stay that way. They made me realize that maybe someday i will be loved.

if you just read that then wow, marry me please?

thankyou for your time.


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