- Name:
- Megan
- Age:
- 32
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- right behind you
- PM:
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- MSN:
- megan_da_person@hotmail.com
- MySpace:
- http://www.myspace.com/xxx_blood_lust_xxx
Hey, i'm Megan.The first thing you have to know about me is that music is my life. without it i would die.
I play guitar, bass, I sing and i'm starting to learn drums. i want to get a band started but it's not really getting anywhere, we still need a drummer and second guitar.
I listen to alot of metal stuff, I fucking love Slipknot, Joey has to be the best fucking drummer the world has ever seen! I like Mudvaye, SOAD, Marilyn Manson, Pantera, Murderdolls, Joey again on guitar! but I also like bands like MCR, HIM, The used, Billy Tallent and Green Day.
There's two types of people that I hate. People that get fun out of hurting other people and people that just follow the croud and seem to have no mind of there own. You should be your own person and not just do something because that's what everyone else is doing, it could turn into the biggest mistake you've ever made.
I like people with an Individual personality and that are happy within themselves. anyway, i know i'm just rambling on now so yeah, this in me. like it or loathe it.
I play guitar, bass, I sing and i'm starting to learn drums. i want to get a band started but it's not really getting anywhere, we still need a drummer and second guitar.
I listen to alot of metal stuff, I fucking love Slipknot, Joey has to be the best fucking drummer the world has ever seen! I like Mudvaye, SOAD, Marilyn Manson, Pantera, Murderdolls, Joey again on guitar! but I also like bands like MCR, HIM, The used, Billy Tallent and Green Day.
There's two types of people that I hate. People that get fun out of hurting other people and people that just follow the croud and seem to have no mind of there own. You should be your own person and not just do something because that's what everyone else is doing, it could turn into the biggest mistake you've ever made.
I like people with an Individual personality and that are happy within themselves. anyway, i know i'm just rambling on now so yeah, this in me. like it or loathe it.
Any who hi.
Rainbow_Vampire, August 6th, 2008 at 11:39:12pm
hey i play guitar too! add?
iplayguitar007, March 8th, 2008 at 07:58:37pm