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Message Board - Ranks

Board index - Ranks
RankColorPostsDays on the site
Killjoy 00
Fabulous Killjoy 1000
Joining The Black Parade 1750
Jazz Hands 2500
Thinking Happy Thoughts 4000
Really Not Okay 6000
Motor Baby 7500
Bleeding on the Floor 10000
Salute You in Your Grave 20000
Always Born a Crime 50000
Shotgun Sinner 70000
Awake and Unafraid 100000
Demolition Lover 150000
In The Murder Scene 200000
Bulletproof Heart 250000
Crash Queen 300000
Devil's Got Your Number 350000
Full of Ephedrine 400000
Tragic With a Capital T 450000
In the Cannibal Glow 500000
In a Bullet's Embrace 550000
Ghost in the Snow 600000
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights 650000
Ghostbuster Famous 700000
In a Hail of Bullets 750000
Wild Eyed Joker 850000
Lost My Fear of Falling 900000
Star Crossed Lover 950000
Damned After All 1000000
Sparkling Like Bowie 1100000
Generation Nothing 1200000
Heaven Help Us 1300000
Touched by Angels 1400000
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W 1500000
Party Poison 1600000
Like Phantoms, Forever 1700000
Death Defying 1800000
Kid from Yesterday 1900000
Immortality 2000000
DEAD! 10000000