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Jesse Lacey;
Awake and Unafraid
Jesse Lacey;
Age: 28
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December 10th, 2007 at 07:21pm
Sorry if there is a thread like this, I didn't think it belonged in the religion thread (if there even is one Shifty2) because this one is just about the thoughts, views, and opinions of other people on non-theism (the belief in there being no god, creator, or anything spiritual).

Okay, let's get right to it Mr. Green!

1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?
2. How can it be supported?
3. How can it be UNsupported?
4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
etc., etc.

so, let's get posting! Clap
no face.
Awake and Unafraid
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December 10th, 2007 at 11:10pm
I dont think Agnostic shoudl be put in here because its a very different thing to Atheism.

1. Its basically saying there is nothing out there
2. its supported that there has been no proof whatsoever or a god or entity
3. its being ignorant to things that might be out there, i myself am agnostic but atheists are just really rude about it (the strong activist ones)
4. because we're not really being threatened like the church had so much control in the middle ages they'd burn "witches" at the stake and everything, we have more freedom to do what we want and now that science is really opening up theorys people are less believing. i think its a bit stupid to be convinced that nothign is out there because there might be. im just deciding not to commit.
Always Born a Crime
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December 11th, 2007 at 09:46am

1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?
Well, it's not a faith, so there is no basis of it.
You don't have faith in a God or any sort of higher being, so there's no faith involved in atheism.

2. How can it be supported?
Do you mean how can the arguement of "There is no God" be supported?
Well, that's like saying "How can you support the arguement that there is a God?"
You either accept it or you don't.
The whole idea of atheism.... that's up to the individual really.

3. How can it be UNsupported?
You can't really unsupport it.
It's a personal choice what religious beliefs you have.

4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
Because it's been glamourised.
Because people see bad things happening and think "Well, if there was a GOd why doesn't he stop it?"
Because it's easier to accept that science is right because it's based on facts rather than faith.
Because it's more known about now.
There's loads of reasons.
Really Not Okay
Age: 44
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Posts: 688
December 11th, 2007 at 01:30pm
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?
Here's the thing, every atheist I've ever met has different views on what atheism means to them. Mostly, it is a rejection of faith-based religion and a divine god-figure.

2. How can it be supported? UNsupported?
It doesn't need support or anti-support. Faith should NOT BE A CAMPAIGN. It should be a choice.

3. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
Because people are waking up and realizing that organized religion is a form of brain washing and a means of control through a government-like church. All religions claim to be the "one true religion" and thereby make all the rest false, which causes hatred, violence and war. People are slowly realizing this is very, very wrong. People are realizing that they can have faith without having religion.
sweet disposition.
sweet disposition.
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December 11th, 2007 at 04:32pm

2. How can it be supported? UNsupported?
It doesn't need support or anti-support. Faith should NOT BE A CAMPAIGN. It should be a choice.

Perfectly put.
Sorry, spam. ><
Joining The Black Parade
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December 12th, 2007 at 10:35am
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith? Not believing in any god/s.
2. How can it be supported? ---V
3. How can it be UNsupported? See Beeblebrox's post--I can't say it any better.
4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before? They're figuring out that organized religion is just a way to control people and getting more and more scientific evidence. I think the biggest turnoff is those Mega-Atheist types who are like YOU ARE STUPID FOR BELIEVING IN GOD! I personally have no problems with followers of organized religion if that's what they want, and I'm apa-atheist.
Ignore Alien Orders
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Ignore Alien Orders
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December 12th, 2007 at 01:59pm

As for atheists and faith: there's a difference between implicit and explicit atheism. Implicit atheism can be defined as not having faith because you're incapable of believing in a higher power. Explicit can't, though, because it's the conscious decision that there's no God: i.e., it's having faith in the idea that there's nothing. Basically what I'm arguing is that saying "I know there is no God" without any actual proof takes as much faith as saying "I know there is a God."

Also, I've heard atheists [I think it was Greg Graffin of Bad Religion that said it] say that they have plenty of faith, just not in supreme beings. Faith in the good of mankind, etc. So I'd argue that some atheists do have faith, just not in a higher power.

Rhys Webb
Awake and Unafraid
Rhys Webb
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December 13th, 2007 at 04:42pm
people need to understand that there are (yes, there are) various types of Atheism out there. here it is pretty much summed up quite well.
i think more people are going Atheistic because... there isnt much faith in the world right now. between war, the said global warming, diseases, what else do people believe in?
my only argument is that Atheism is more oh a philosohpy and not a religion... i dont that is an idea i cant grasp about it.
Jazz Hands
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December 14th, 2007 at 03:55pm
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith? The unbelief of gods
2. How can it be supported? Having alot supporters..V
3. How can it be UNsupported? The Churches that say its a sin to not believe in god and try to change you
4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
There is more freedom then there was back then. Also i think that some people are doing it as an act of rebellion. lastly the sciences have come far and disproves some religion belifs and stories
etc., etc.
Age: 53
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Posts: 96
December 30th, 2007 at 09:55pm
Sorry if there is a thread like this, I didn't think it belonged in the religion thread (if there even is one Shifty2) because this one is just about the thoughts, views, and opinions of other people on non-theism (the belief in there being no god, creator, or anything spiritual).

Okay, let's get right to it Mr. Green!

1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?

The basis is pretty simple...that there is no God. Yes, there are different theories explaining WHY and HOW one comes to this conclusion, but the conclusion itself is the basis...that there is not God.

2. How can it be supported?

Honestly, I don't think it CAN be supported. People have attempted to use the theory of evolution to support atheism, but even if evolution WERE true, this is still not adequate proof, because there are those people who believe that God could have created the world through evolution, which would negate atheism.

3. How can it be UNsupported?

I think the greatest evidence for Divine Intelligence is the human genome, and if Divine Intelligence is a reality, then obviously, atheism is not.

4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
etc., etc.

Someone above commented that, with the way the worlds is going, spiraling downward like it is, that this makes it hard for a lot of people to believe in a merciful, loving, and benevolent creator, and I can see how that would make sense.
Even so, this would only apply if we're talking about Yahweh, the God of Christianity. Christianity is not the only belief system out there, and it is monotheist.
There are other religions which are polytheist, where the gods are NOT so nice.
Jazz Hands
Age: 33
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Posts: 303
December 31st, 2007 at 09:25pm
Is atheism really a faith? I would say it's more a lack of faith in higher beings. I consider myself an athiest because I do not believe in a higher being, not because I believe in science (at times the evolution theory looks a bit sketchy).

What I do believe is chance and spontaneous order. I believe that no matter how infinitely small, everything and anything has a chance of happening. That includes the creation of a universe from nothing or a universe having no begining. And then I believe that everything sorts itself out in the end.
Bleeding on the Floor
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December 31st, 2007 at 10:33pm
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?
Common sense

2. How can it be supported?
I think in every way. Because it's the only "religion" with any proof whatsoever. Everything else is just a guess. An athiest bases faith on what they see, not what they are brainwashed to believe
(Note: I am not an athiest)

3. How can it be UNsupported?
Ignorance. People claiming they know things when they have NO proof.
Or if the savior were to come down from the heavens and offer everyone in the world a smoke.

4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
I think people are breaking from the chains of religion. Back in the day it was "if mommy and daddy say it, it's true", and that was how people though: less themselves and more on what they are told to believe. I think teens are able to use their own logic these days. I know so many people who were religious and now arn't, and one or two people who converted or went from having no faith to some faith.
Fading Sanity
Bleeding on the Floor
Fading Sanity
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January 6th, 2008 at 12:03am
2. How can it be supported?

Well, I don't really think it can be. Personally, I see god as a way to try to explain the unexplainable. We don't know if there is one, so we don't know if there isn't...but I guess you could say that people see all of the bad things in the world happening due to no god, so they lose faith/come to their senses/join the dark side, however you wanna say it, and stop believing.

4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?

New breakthroughs in science that could go against religious reasoning. That and people are becoming more open and caring less about what people think and going with what they belive in.
Really Not Okay
Age: 44
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Posts: 688
January 7th, 2008 at 01:19pm
New breakthroughs in science that could go against religious reasoning.

"religious reasoning" has to be the best oxymoron I've ever heard. I think it's better said that science is bringing people to reason over religion.
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 31
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January 17th, 2008 at 05:22pm
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?
Well, can you really call it faith? I'd say its more... well unfaith. It is not believing in a god or a spiritual life or anything like that.
2. How can it be supported?
Well, it's kind of hard to support, but heres what I say
A.If there is a god, where did he/she come from
B. Well, every christain has a different wiews on this, but if there is a god, why would he cause so much suffering, of let the devil? To test man- thoes "tests" are the REASON people are evil.. i dunno I also seem to find quite a bit of... lets say.. loopholes in christianity.... well what ev...
3. How can it be UNsupported?
I don't see a way it can... like one of my friends was trying to and said "There is PROOF Jesus walked this earth" and I said "No, there is PROOF that someone people MISTOOK for the son of a god and worshiped, there is PROOF that a man born in a stable who everyone thought works miricles walked this earth, there is PROOF that a man who was worshiped and killed walked this earth. There is, however, no PROOF that earths savior and a miricle working son of a god walked this earth.
4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
etc., etc.
I just think it's because people are becoming unafaraid of being different now, and admitting it more. I used to think it was BAD to be athiest, now I say "I will believe, or dis believe whatever the fuck I want"
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 31
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January 17th, 2008 at 05:24pm
P.S. I AM athiest, so if u wanna know more, just pm me or what ever
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 31
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Posts: 230
January 17th, 2008 at 05:25pm
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith?
Common sense

2. How can it be supported?
I think in every way. Because it's the only "religion" with any proof whatsoever. Everything else is just a guess. An athiest bases faith on what they see, not what they are brainwashed to believe
(Note: I am not an athiest)

3. How can it be UNsupported?
Ignorance. People claiming they know things when they have NO proof.
Or if the savior were to come down from the heavens and offer everyone in the world a smoke.

4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
I think people are breaking from the chains of religion. Back in the day it was "if mommy and daddy say it, it's true", and that was how people though: less themselves and more on what they are told to believe. I think teens are able to use their own logic these days. I know so many people who were religious and now arn't, and one or two people who converted or went from having no faith to some faith.

I also agree with her....
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
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Posts: 456
January 17th, 2008 at 06:36pm
Question that deals with this.
If you never think about a god, but do what your parents tell you, such as say your prayers before you go to sleep, How would you describe this? Consider this your own religion?
Girl Anachronism
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Girl Anachronism
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January 17th, 2008 at 07:37pm
1. What is the basis of the atheism faith? --- I guess people have their different ideas about what it its. It's basically not be beilive in God or a higher being, etc.

2. How can it be supported? --- Well, its more, Respect then support, I think. By letting that person have their OWN opinion on what they believe, teach all the different types of religions in schools so that everyone knows what they actually ARE and learn to respect others beliefs, and by respecting the people that are Atheist. It's really they're opinion, and even if they had no support on it, they'd believe it anyways. I totally respect the beliefs of others, I just don't get why others can't though, because no one knows what happens and no one really has a FOR SURE answer to any of it.

3. How can it be UNsupported? --- Basically by disrespecting ones beliefs and opinions on the matter. Actually KNOW what the religion actually is in the first place and not some kind of satanic worship (I have a friend who is, and she told this one kid in my class she was, and they were like 'OMG DO YOU LYK WORSHIP SATAN?!?! it was kind of funny, but at the same time... it wasn't. )

4. Why are more people "going atheist" now than ever before?
etc., etc. --- I guess with people having more freedom of what they choose to believe and the whole thing w/ evolution and scientific research (I'm one of the rare people that can mix God and evolution and reincarnation and all sorts of things together to come out with my faith on what I think happens, lol, others can't, though, I guess), and just, seeing all the bad things that happen daily and not believing that God would let that happen. And the fact that Atheism is sort of becoming a fad, slightly.
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July 3rd, 2008 at 10:37pm
Honestly, there really is no proof and when u look at it realistically, not emotionally, everythings molecules and physics. But if there was a divine force im sure it wouldnt spend all its time on our little mudball of a planet with a whole universe around us. But what proves that god's manmade is that it reflects human psychology and values. ex: "god" always being a male in non pagan religions, since they were valued more. <>Also, people are more free thinkers.