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Human Perception.

aliss practice.
Shotgun Sinner
aliss practice.
Age: 102
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Posts: 8198
June 1st, 2007 at 07:09pm
Well, it's about how we see things.
What we can interpretate.
Say if I say see something as blue, you may see it as green ?
What if everything is imagined, INO is a myth . . . your best friend isn't really there etc . . .
A certain song doesn't have guitar in it to you but i does to me.
Do you think this is real ?
Does this theory make sense ?
Do our brains fabricate everything we see ?
Oxycontin Genocide.
Oxycontin Genocide.
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Posts: 2955
June 1st, 2007 at 08:15pm
I see what you mean. I guess it's possible, because all your senses are analyzed by your brain. So if it's messed up, you get mental disorders, like schizophrenia, or if you're color blind, because a part of the brain is messed up.
In the Cannibal Glow
Age: 30
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Posts: 54114
June 2nd, 2007 at 01:53am
We all see things/hear things differently cause we all have different genes and dna.
I kind of understand where you are coming from.
Our brains tell us what is right, what is wrong and it makes up the decision if things are true or false.
Are you talking about someone seeing something, but someone elst sees it as fake? eg: Imaginary friends?
river phoenix.
Salute You in Your Grave
river phoenix.
Age: 96
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Posts: 2731
June 2nd, 2007 at 03:53pm
Dr A.H.Sublime:
Does this theory make sense ?

This is probably just me being dumb, but... No
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 71
June 2nd, 2007 at 08:24pm
Human perception is a topic that can be argued well into the next century, and yet we may never find a conclusive theory about what is and is not real, and how different minds perceive such things.

I have a partially detached retina, meaning the less light is present, the fewer colors I am able to perceive. Does that mean that the colors aren't real the moment I can no longer see them, or does it mean that my perception has changed?

Perhaps another way to look at this topic is through language. The sheer number of languages and names for things is proof that language is arbitrary. The sky is blue, but it is also azul. In English you can assign the meaning "blue" to azul, but again, the relationship between the two is completely based on our complex fabrication of arbitrary terms. An apple is an apple, but if the entire world suddenly started calling it a peach, does that mean it is a peach?