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Where ever i want to be

Member since March 18th, 2007



I am just an ordinary boy who has strange thoughts and doesnt know why hes thinking them! I am sick of being told MCR suck everyday and then them saying straight after "... but i like *insert MCR song here*". so yeah. I am not Emo. I am not anything.....wait...wait...whats that sound?.... oh i know what that is...

THATS THE LOVE DOCTOR BABY! *does some poses to music*

erm... yeah as i was saying. i am the love doctor even tho i am not very good at stuff myself but still.

I am the sole owner of the magic stick. it is a wooden stick with a gold nob on the end that glows and gives me magical powers (i know it sounds like a penis but its not) (my penises name is mike if you're interested). it also talks sometimes when i am in a bad situation.... anyway... hopefully u havent been scared off yet and you are still reading...

THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! is my baby...

TINA is the love of my life. she is not female. or male. she is my benson 4 string, black and white electric bass guitar. i am not that great at it as i aint been doing it long. but i love her already!

i express emotions by writing. below is the best poem i have wrote...

Im Gonna’ End Life like I Started it (In a Pool of Blood, Crying)

So I wait at the bridge With the wind
raging against my phone
As I desperately call my
Traditional (but irritating) Late friends

As I wonder about the response from
What happened twenty four hours ago.
With my collar and hat choking my reputation
I guide the weary travellers to the house.

As we stand cramped. She comes in.
And straight away the same problems
As the day before occur.
She Discounts me

She talks to everyone. But not me
She’s happy around everyone. But not me
We talk. I find out little. She tells me to
“Leave her alone”. so I walk off. Misery.

I need to be home soon. She doesn’t. I want
To get this sorted before she leaves. Maybe
I could walk with her? I ask. Im not sure if
She wants me to. Maybe this

Means she doesn’t want to go out with me
Anymore. Or maybe she just wants time away
from me to think. Maybe if I ignore her, she’ll
Miss me. Or maybe she just wont care. Misery.

As everyone cries at the happy occasion. I join
The crowd. Crying out my depressions alone.
I need her now. Cause im so down. Why cant
She just be normal. Why did I say anything.

As we walk home. She asks to be carried as her
Feet hurt. I oblige. I give my jacket to a cold friend
To impress her. I try and talk to her. But I have to
Get home. Its late. She leaves as I walk away. Misery.

As I walk home. The coldness embraces my
Thoughts. I come up with this catchy title
To this poem. I write. I need To tell someone how
im feeling. Drowning in misery. I need a drink….

erm... maybe i shuld talk about MCR now considering ive bored u to death... my favourite song is Helena. my favourite album is Three Cheers for sweet revenge. I love alot of MCR songs! i will probably be shot for saying i absolutely HATE thank you for the venom.

comment me!


  • The Creature


    *pokes you with the universe*

    ......I did....


    The Creature, December 3rd, 2007 at 02:07:27pm

  • The Creature

    Lmao, yes, we do.

    *Pokes you with a rabid snow flake*

    The Creature, December 3rd, 2007 at 12:18:35am

  • The Creature

    Thats goo you're good.
    I'm fine, thanks.

    *pokes back with a piece of lint*

    The Creature, December 2nd, 2007 at 10:36:39pm

  • The Creature

    *pokes you back with a stick*


    How are you?

    The Creature, December 2nd, 2007 at 10:23:16pm

  • Bleeding Dry

    Aww, itll be the best Xmas prezzie i get!! ;]
    We shall, we will be the best Vampire team there is. Two undead creatures of the night... awh i can see it now lol

    Aw, I have an awesome hug buddy! :
    Awh yeah, and whenever I feel ill or alone, or in need of a chat, I'll come and snuggle with my huggle buddy Jason =]]

    lots of love sweetie xxxxxxxx
    Lyndz xxxxxxxx

    Bleeding Dry, December 2nd, 2007 at 03:40:54pm

  • SicTransitGloria

    In answer to your question, I am as vampire-y as you can get. My bedroom curtains are PERMANANTLY closed. I'd sow them shut if I could. I have megaly super-sensitive eyes, which is silly, cuz I'm blind when it's sunny. Been like that since I was 2.
    I also have an unhealthy obsession with the taste of blood - somebody gets a papercut and I'm like "I wonder what your blood tastes like, can I try?" They all think I'm a freak =]
    My canines are kinda twisted outwards - if you look at me from the side they just look like triangles... sharp triangles =P

    I have a little theory as to how I became this weird... when I was 2 I had this strange blood disorder, like haemophilia but not. Whenever you touched my skin it bruised, there was just summat seriously up with my bloodstream... I stayed in hospital for a few days.
    I think... I think I was secretly recovering from a vampire bite, but I had enough blood transfusions or something to stay half-human...
    O.o it's quite scary, thinking about it. I've always adored the idea of vampires, anyway, since Halloween as a kid.

    What about you? What's your obsession?


    SicTransitGloria, December 2nd, 2007 at 11:46:23am

  • The Creature


    The Creature, December 2nd, 2007 at 03:45:31am

  • Bleeding Dry

    we can definitley be hug buddies!! no matter what happens, we can always come on INO for a good schnuggle! x]

    no, hug me when you're a vampire, then I can become one and we can roam the night together, we can own the mortals, picking them off as we choose, and we can feed together mwuhahaha

    many hugs and hopes for bites
    Lyndziann xxxxxxxxxxx

    Bleeding Dry, December 2nd, 2007 at 12:40:29am

  • Bleeding Dry

    Awwww, I'm sorry =[
    At least you were singing!! x]

    I'll give you lots and lots of hugs
    *gives millions of huggles back* aww, you too sweetie =]

    Much Love, Lyndziann xxxx

    Bleeding Dry, December 2nd, 2007 at 12:34:52am

  • Bleeding Dry

    Wembley! *jaw drops with jealousy*
    O2! 2 WEEKS AGO! *jaw drops futher with jealousy*
    You lucky thing!! xD

    lol quagmire is funny!! my mate Sam can do an amazing impression of him! giggedy giggedy x]

    aww, bless you :( I have the flu lol
    sends lots and lots and lots of hugzzz and schnuggles

    much love xxxxx Lyndziann xxxxx

    Bleeding Dry, December 2nd, 2007 at 12:23:37am

  • Bleeding Dry

    I saw them in Manchester, at the MEN

    ohh, i love Family Guy! I like Brian, but Stewie cracks me up!!!


    Bleeding Dry, December 1st, 2007 at 08:32:27pm

  • SicTransitGloria

    Baby, you can come sleep under my bed any time you like.
    Honest, the carpet's so soft it's nearly as comfy as the bed itself. It's also a double bed, which means the underside is about a foot or so above the floor. It's my little hidy space (: i fall asleep under there a lot.

    Guitars are the source of all awesomeness!!! I don't know where I'd be without Batman. My fav song to play is probably The Desert Song, or I Don't Love You.

    PM me sometime, I get lonely with just my teddy and guitar :'(
    I'll check out your writing and stuff, I'm intruiged about you now.
    Love the profile, by the way.

    Lots of huggles and almost-but-not-quite-emo love...
    Danni xXxXx

    SicTransitGloria, December 1st, 2007 at 03:52:26pm

  • Bleeding Dry

    Not yet... =/ i should though!!

    I have seen them live! I saw them in March just gone. Have you seen them?

    Lyndz xxxxxxxxxxxx

    P.s lmao, that was funny. to add hilariousnessnessness to mine, i shall say: this is even more intense than the time i forgot how to sit down. fullstop.

    Bleeding Dry, November 30th, 2007 at 11:13:34pm

  • Frank Anthony Iero.

    XD, nah.


    Frank Anthony Iero., November 30th, 2007 at 10:50:53pm

  • Teach me to live


    Teach me to live, November 30th, 2007 at 04:58:51pm

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