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Da Ville PA

Member since March 29th, 2007



Im a HUDGE My chemical Romance fan....(*arent we all?*)
Im going to a MCR concert MAY 2!!! YAY!!! I TOTALLY CANT WAIT!!!

Im catholic....ya and im semi-emo i guess...idk...I dont like labeling people or myself......heck im in my own catagory!!! *^_^*
im a jesus freak and when i heard of MCR yea they saved my life.... dont they save everyone?.....i get along with everyone...except hello-kitty haters....
Im also an POTC (pirates of the carribean) fan and im actually playing music from the soundtrack in my orchestra class...i play the Violin, Cello, Piano....GUITAR!!!! duh....
i love bright colors and Black...only b/c it pisses off my church peoples..HeHe*
I live in a boring small town of 1,200 people....half of them are hillbillys or wanta be Gangsters...only few of us like Rock/alternative music.....I live out in the country..the only rock band that came to Meadville was Steve Miller band.....THEY ARE COOL BUT OLD AS FUCK!!!!! and nobody liked the music so now rock has left meadville...we are the home of "Waiting for never"
you have to check them out on myspace...really.....they rock (but not as much as MCR of course) they know ALL of there fans.....thats how small our town is.....yea....

i'll add more soon.....


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