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The Demented Psycho
Neverland, Planet 5210

Member since August 24th, 2007



Truth is, I never was married to Gerard Way, but, I had a child and surprisingly,it's blood was linked to mine and to Gerard's. So, here I am finally attacking the world of INO and most importantly, PLANET EARTH (or HOLLYWOOD). Greetings to you little earthlings and to this sweet fanbase.

If you,whoever you may be as long as you're actually reading this, claim to be Gerard's real wife ( along with 20,000,000,000 other fans ),I wouldn't really mind you and your claim as long as you don't annoy the fuck out of me. Got that? Smile

So some other things about me:

*I am from the same planet as that symbiote from Spider-Man. We're good friends and we both hate Spider-Man to bits. Sadly, Topher Grace is not my friend. The symbiote may have consumed him but it never introduced me to him.

*I have my own funeral parlor! If you need services, just call 0919-- oh, sorry. I FORGOT! Heehee.

*I invented part of the language that gay filipinos speak. It should slowly turn into the 2nd global language besides English. And since it has parts made up of filipino words, Filipino would become the 3rd global language. Rejoice, my filipino friends, REJOICE!!!

*I am aiming to kidnap Bert McCracken, Patrick Stump and Beyonce. Bert: so that I can kill him, Patrick: so that I can forcefully marry him to my sister and lock him in a closet and feed him a french fry once a day and Beyonce: to freeze her body ( with the exception of her head and neck) and use her as an everyday radio OR mock cd player (you know, feeding her cds and making her sing the songs on the cd).

*I believe in Santa the form of Worm. Very Happy

*I like the sight of dudes making out with/touching/holding hands with/sleeping with other dudes. Oh, I'm sorry. Did that come out too scary?

*I have an obsession with scaring people or at least surprising them. Either I use that term or I use this: I have jackinaboxishcreepypopoutofnowherepowers-itis. It's a terrible disease sometimes.

*I am also sick with brain cancer stage 80, hepatitis z, premature diabetes. In other words, I'm dead and they just keep on resurrecting me. I hate alchemy, DAMMIT!

*Donuts,as Homer Simpson might say, are the best things in the world. But I also think coffee,lollipops,popsicles,sushi(take note, i'm not just stealing these from the mcr dudes. I have a lot of things in common with them too.),chewing gum,guitars and other things alike are runners-up. And DVDs. Hell yeah DVDs!

*I love annoying the heck out of the posers around me (please don't even hint that you think I'm one myself Sad ). Back away, evil humans!

*According to some test I took I am a pure evil vampire who's Star Wars counterpart is Darth Vader who's soul is painted orange and (according to those mcr quizzes) knows a lot about mcr.

*If Freddie Mercury never turned gay and died, I would've been his underaged wife. But since he did become gay and died 2 years after I was born, I got Gerard instead. Well, at least my dear Freddie came to Gee in a dream.


  • iownpartofgee'sass

    Thanks for commenting! Keep 'em coming in.

    iownpartofgee'sass, August 25th, 2007 at 09:18:43am

  • P A N D O R A

    Hey I am Sammeh!
    Welcome to INO!
    Feel free to ask me any questions or add me as a friend!

    P A N D O R A, August 24th, 2007 at 10:45:23pm

  • nilrebna.

    "I believe in Santa the form of Worm."
    Your profile is awesome and funny!

    nilrebna., August 24th, 2007 at 06:57:27pm

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