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Tammy. Or Taz, Or DC. Whatever
England (in my little bubble)

Member since August 29th, 2007



Hi, I am Tammy, which is short for my proper name that I'm afraid I can't give out. Sorry, but no. I have my lip pierced, bottom, and on the left hand side, plus I put multi-coloured streaks in my hair every day. Obviously, I absolutely love My Chemical Romance, but my family don't. The losers. If I say someones 'duckie' it means I think they're tighter than a ducks butt.

Okay, about me...Well, I'm 5"2 (small for a 16-year-old) and I have long dark brown hair. I have an hourglass body even though I only exercise a bit, and I have green eyes at the moment. When I say at the moment I mean my eyes change colour, every day. Yesterday they were hazel. Like Gerards! Anywho, um, I like to draw. I'm interested in becoming an illustrator or something along those lines. I love to read, whether it's a comic book, a novel, a magazine, you name it, I'll read it. I have three major fears, 3. Needles, 2. Spiders, and my no.1 fear is....Drum roll, please....People!

Believe it or not, I do have a phobia of crowds, which means I have never, ever been to a concert in my life. I'm boring, I know. Oh, and if you're wondering, my username comes from a character I designed. Her name is Daughter Chaos, sort've like Death and Mother War's love child, I suppose.

Hmm, now then. Movies that I'm insane about..Well, I'm insane anyways, but lets not change the subject;

The Nightmare Before Christmas
Edward Scissorhands
The Corpse Bride (Tim Burton is a genius)
Sleepy Hollow (brilliant and not even that scary)
Queen Of The Damned
Interview With The Vampire (Anne Rice is one of my idols)
Nightmare On Elm Street 1-7 (my older sister adores them)
Stigmata (ace, just plain ace)
2Fast 2Furious (my baby sister loves that, now so do I)
The Witches Of Eastwick
Hocus Pocus (two witch films, both as funny as fuck)
The Jackal (my dad got me addicted to that one)
Labyrinth (really weird film, but it's a favourite for sure)
Buster (my mum got me hooked on that one)
Independence Day (the aliens are fungly (funky and ugly))
Freddy Vs Jason (I like it because I like blood. Yum)
All the Batman films except for 'Batman Begins' and whatever decides to come out after it.
The Secret Garden (I dunno, I think my conscience is making them up now)
The 6ixth Sense (I cry at the end. I'm a Harmless Vampire for sure)

And my brain has shut down for that one. Next!

Now, fave colours are the easiest.

1. Black
2. Red
3. Silver

Done. Next!

Oh, fave books? Oh, dearest unicorn bikinis.

Ah, now this is a hard one, because I've already said I'll read anything. Well, I guess I'm quite fond of C.S.Lewis' The Chronicles Of Narnia, and R.L.Stein's Goosebumps. Trying to convince my dad to get me Anne Rice's The Complete Vampire Chronicles. Not working so well. Next!

Hey, my fave music!

Jackpot! Woo, I adore MyChem, of course. But I like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Bowling For Soup,
Good Charlotte, Bon Jovi and the last I can think of is me. Me singing my own songs. That I've written. By myself. Four of them are on Quizilla. Under SynOfLife. My Lyrics. Did I mention I write lyrics?

Well, that's it about me that I can think of. If I find out anything knew about me, I'll type it up. Thank you for reading about boring little me!
Oh, and feel free to message me and talk about whatever you want. I'm a friendly kinda girl, and I have been through a lot of things so if I snap at you, I might not apologise. There. I told you. Remember! Okay, I'm kidding, I'm okay. I don't care how you dress, act, speak, just as long as you're yourself, you can be my friend! Go on, I need the lurve! Ha, I'm so not funny, I know!


  • Legion

    OMG!!!! hi Taz(lol) how are you?
    its been a while since we spoke =)

    Legion, July 1st, 2008 at 08:09:20am

  • kasimir

    it was made out of chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!! easter is coming.

    kasimir, March 7th, 2008 at 03:23:16am

  • DaughterChaos

    Ew! How could you do such a thing?

    DaughterChaos, March 3rd, 2008 at 06:07:40am

  • kasimir

    I ate a bunny today :]

    kasimir, March 1st, 2008 at 06:51:26pm

  • DaughterChaos

    Uhm.....You ain't funny. Well, you are, sort of, But I like BUNNIES!!

    DaughterChaos, January 29th, 2008 at 09:27:01am

  • Legion

    yes,yes you are,lol

    Legion, January 16th, 2008 at 07:58:36am

  • DaughterChaos

    Yay for coincidences!!! Yes I need therapy. But guess what? I'M GETTING IT!!

    DaughterChaos, January 14th, 2008 at 03:59:22am

  • Legion

    why thank you, i am a pure pysyco,lol.
    omg, my names taz as well,YAY!!!!

    Legion, January 10th, 2008 at 08:05:48am

  • DaughterChaos


    DaughterChaos, January 10th, 2008 at 07:47:47am

  • DaughterChaos

    Hi you. Wow, you're the only one who's commented. Am I really that freaky?

    DaughterChaos, December 4th, 2007 at 01:55:27pm

  • kasimir

    hey Tamzie

    kasimir, October 19th, 2007 at 04:06:17am

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