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Okalhoma, USA

Member since September 2nd, 2007


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Hum.. What can be said about me. I was home schooled until second semester of my freshman year. I now go to the a public high school in my home town. In 2005 I started to become more familiar with popular music before I was in to old stuff like the Beatles, bands from that era. I started to like Green Day, obsessively.. to the point where I knew Billie Joes favored breakfast food, and Tre cool's dogs name. I knew about My Chemical Romance vaguely. I saw Green Day live in Omaha in 05 when they where on tour with My Chemical Romance, and I was so angry we where late. I only saw them play 4 songs. But these 4 songs, I didn't know at the time, would be life changing. I watched Green Day from the nose bleed section and I much enjoyed it. However, after the show... I felt empty. As if it shouldn't be over, I was more. Later that year Green Day came to Oklahoma City, 17 miles from my town, and I saw them there. but yet again. I felt empty, and the show was awesome.. but still it was not fulfilling. In 2007 I went to Dallas to see Projekt Revolution, where many great bands played, My Chemical Romance being one of them. But after this show, I felt good about life and everything. By this time I was a very, very, VERY large My Chemical Romance fan. But unlike Green Day, I liked this band for the music, not for the looks or the jokes. I liked them for the music, the lyrics, the sound. In 2008 I again went to Dallas to see My Chemical Romance (every time I’ve seen them they've been openers.) This time, I was on the floor. They came out, not in black cloths, but in football jerseys. I thought this was awesome. They have to change for most city’s, I mean the south is very in to sports.. and this wouldn't be funny in every city, if that makes since. Every song brought up a new emotion. The opening song was I'm Not Okay and it was amazing for lack of a better word. Every song changes me .. Touched me in a way i can not explain. When they played Helena and walked off stage I turned around to see an emptying stadium. As if the next band didn't matter, everyone was satisfied, as i was. I walk out the happiest I'd ever been. I had fallen in love with music again, with this band again. I am happy to be alive in these dark times, because I got to experience the sound of this band. It might sound odd, but nothing makes me more at peace then listing to anyone of there songs, no matter how depressing or sad the song may be.. it makes me happy and at peace. As I walked out of that show.. I looked to the sky not to see the heavens, but the earth for I was already in heaven... such hard thing for an atheist to find.

Thank you for reading.


  • castaway0217

    Just to like.. up date (not that anyone reads this.. ha) I just relized that I have two of these things.... this one.. castaway0217 and then the one I just made sweetrevenge1405. thay basically say the.. same thing.. with different pictures. I'm not sure witch one to keep..

    castaway0217, January 13th, 2009 at 01:17:34am

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