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A basement. :O

Member since September 6th, 2007




About Me:

I am Shae. I'm an eyeliner whore, a music lover, an aspiring drummer, a writer, a hoodie slut, one of those kids who can't go a day without wearing black, a die-hard Hot Topic shopper, a Clocktower Kid, and I get called a lot of names that I was not given at birth.

Music is my passion. Its been keeping me alive, healthy, and happy since the start of middle school. I can't go a day without listening to something on my iPod, and some days my iPod headphones never come out of my ears. The record for 'Most Time Spent Ignoring The World By Not Taking Out iPod Headphones' is three days, set by me. See if you can beat it. I dare you.

I love to talk to people. Send me a PM, comment me, yell at me if you see me... Either way, I'll respond. To be quite honest, I don't have much else to do anyway. :/

I'm pretty much like everyone else, just with ADD. I'm hyper a lot, many people have fallen victim to my flying tackles. My life isn't necessarily any more interesting than yours, but it has its dramatic moments. Ask me about them, they'll make you laugh. Plus then I'll someone to talk to.

I'm pretty normal. Sort of. I have horrible luck though. And I'm klutzy. So the mix is interesting. I don't believe in the words 'sorry' or 'hate,' they're said too often to be true. 'Love' is one of the ones I'm on the fence about, but I'm starting to have renewed faith.

Random facts about me:
- I love the colors red and black.
- I'm taken. And I'm really excited about it. <3
- I have a crap load of pets.
- I can't draw, even though I've been in art for about 5 years.
- I work at the YMCA with little kids. For some reason, they seem to like me.
- My profile looks like a fucking candy cane.
- I cuss lots more than I should.
- I've stopped noticing labels and stereotypes.
- I've dated both guys and girls, so I guess I'm bi-curious.
- I am both a avid reader and an obsessive writer.
- I am a CoS, Frankie owns meh soul.

My taste in music isn't unique, but it works for me. If you don't like it, I don't particularly care. Don't force your music on me, and I won't force you to listen to mine. My favorite bands of the month are The Used and The Spill Canvas.


My Favorite Bands!

Armor for Sleep

Count Me Out
Cure, The

From Autumn to Ashes
Funeral For a Friend
Jack's Mannequin
Kill Hannah
HIM (His Infernal Majesty)
Lower Class Brats

Panic[!] at the Disco

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The
Rise Against
Sane, The
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Scenic Attraction

Three Days Grace
And a bunch of others I can't think of off the top of my head.


Mandatory Profile Add Thingys!

I am the girl who dresses in all black and never got to finish middle school because I was called emo everyday.
I am the friend afraid to tell you that I'm bisexual, because you'd leave me for it.
I am the girl who loves to read and is pushed into the corner and beat up because of what I love to do.
I am no one. Just the kid that was pushed to far at school for being emo and cut a little too deep.
I'm the teenager who was kicked out of her house because I was caught hugging my girlfriend.
I am the woman who committed suicide just before I graduated high school. Since I'm a cheerleader, no one suspected it was coming.
I am the best friend who just found out she has AIDS, and is afraid to tell her parents because she'll be considered gay. My parents would never accept me if I was.
I am the athlete everyone expects to be perfect, when in reality I'm sneaking heroin between games.
I am the girl who is called a slut everyday because I can't afford to buy new clothes every year. My skirt doesn't cover what I want it to.
I am the sibling forced to clean their sister's blood off of the carpet. Why didn't I see it coming?
I am the boy who wakes up crying because the bruises my parents gave me hurt so much, but aren't even noticed because I'm always wearing the baggy clothes the kids in gangs wear.
I am the girl who got raped at twelve and am considered a whore because of it.
I am the gullible parent who let my child hurt themselves.

No one can know this. We have to keep this secret. We have to be

If you believe stereotyping is wrong, PUT THIS IN YOUR PROFILE!!!


~~ My Chem Stuffs ~~

This is for everyone who:
_cries during Famous Last Words.
__still cries during The Ghost of You.
___wants to dance during Dead!
____says MCR saved their life.
_____comes on this site everyday.
______defends MCR on a daily basis.
_______has made friends based on the fact that they like MCR.
________knows that My Chemical Romance will always be there to fall back on.
_________wants Bert and Gerard to stop fighting.
__________hated Eliza Cuts.
___________cried when they saw Gerard drunk on Life On The Murder Scene.
___________has done something with their life because of MCR.
__________writes My Chemical Romance on their shoes.
_________has ever quoted a member of MCR.
________misses Mikey's glasses.
_______thinks Mikey is sexy with or without glasses anyway.
______loves Gerard's hair no matter what color it is.
_____calls Frankie 'super midget.'
____supports Bob Bryar's solo project.
___blasts I'm Not Okay as loud as it can go.
__wants Jamia and Frank to have kids.
_is a proud member of the MCRmy.

______This is for all the kids who doodle MCR lyrics instead of paying attention in class.
____This is for all the kids who listened to 'I'm Not Okay' on repeat because it made them feel ___like they weren't alone.
__This is for all the kids who have seen 'Life On The Murder Scene' twenty bajillion times.
_This is for all the kids who bought 'The Black Parade' the second it came out and clung to it like a security blanket for a month.
_This is for all the kids who love Gerard, no matter what color his hair is.
__This is for all the kids think Mikey is awesome, with or without glasses.
___This is for all the kids who wish they could play guitar like Frank.
____This is for all the kids were worried about Bob when he burnt his leg.
_____This is for all the kids who secretly fantasize about playing with Ray's hair.
____This is for all the kids who know that as long as there is a My Chemical Romance, they will ___never be alone.
__This is for all the kids who love My Chemical Romance with all their hearts.
_This is for all the kids who wear their t-shirts not just to look cool, but to promote them too.
This is for all the kids who saved up their allowance for months, babysat, and mowed lawns to go to their concert and sing every word.
______________________________________...This is for all the kids who were NEVER okay.

_This is dedicated to everyone:
__Who was a demolition lover,
___Who was NEVER okay,
___Who was Welcomed to the Black Parade,
___This is for every Patient, Helena and Harmless vampire,
__This is for every single fan who may never get to see them play,
_Who live Life on the Murder Scene,
__Who cried watching The Ghost Of You,
___Who wanted MCR for christmas,
___This is for every fan who worried about Bobs burn,
___Who are obsessed with Rays hair,
__Who mourned the loss of Mikeys glasses,
_Who worry about Franks health,
__Who search the internet endlessly for new articles on the band,
___And those who help Gerard stay sober,
___This is to EVERYONE whos not afraid to keep on living.


Other Random Stuffs

((INO Family))
Chasetifer(Chase): Husband! <3
Teach me to live(Jess): Sissy!
XxPrincessFrankieXx (Kathy): Wifey #1 !
The Hidden Enemy (Vicky): Wifeh #2 !

Proud Member of:
* Frerard Lover's Club * Muffin Mafia * Uni Union * SMCRA Gang *

Keeper Of:
- Frerard Sex Tape
- Gerard's Converse
- Old Tourbus Mattresses
- One of Bob's Wristbands
- Mikey's Uber Tight Pants
- Gerard's Red Eyeliner

11.11.06 - Panic! at the Disco, Jack's Mannequin
4.28.07 - My Chemical Romance, Muse
4.23.08 - The Used, Straylight Run, Army of Me
8.03.08 - Condtions, Metro Station, The Maine, Boys Like Girls, Good Charlotte


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  • Photo #16291


  • Photo #16289

    So cuuute!

  • Photo #8629

    It's me! Le gasp!


  • MyChemicalBlack

    As for that cheese grater?
    That totally wasn't me. *coughs*

    MyChemicalBlack, May 7th, 2008 at 02:07:57pm

  • MyChemicalBlack

    That sucks. :(
    They wouldn't let us take photos, just go up, say hey, and move on.
    Which is a bummer, but at least I saw what they looked like.
    (Which was hard during the concert b/c of the seizure twins) xD

    Really?, did they not research the bands playing?
    Haha, I can picture their faces looking like that. Priceless. ^_^

    You stood near the bus?
    When did you go? 'Cause my friends and I stood over while Dan was playing baseball with his buddy.
    I almost got Bert to come over...but alas, he was too far away---and I'm not a loud person. x_x

    MyChemicalBlack, May 7th, 2008 at 01:57:30pm

  • Teach me to live

    i know..... i'm sitting next to you

    Teach me to live, May 7th, 2008 at 10:50:57am

  • MyChemicalBlack

    Haha, yeah. Did you stay after to meet the band and get autographs?
    My friend (who's a girl) gave one of them a body crunching hug.
    Lmfao. XD
    Not to mention, they kicked into "stealth mode" and got a picture with the drummer.

    That sucks, kicking them out just b/c they cursed too much. *is bitter*
    Lmfao, I doubt there were any little kiddies running around the pavilion. ^_^

    If you go on the pavilion's site, one of the items it says you can't bring is a cheese grater.
    Which is a shame, I mean, what if one of the bands wants fresh cheese?
    Rotfl. Smiley

    MyChemicalBlack, May 7th, 2008 at 09:00:59am

  • Teach me to live

    well then...
    we're getting ahead of ourselves
    who is olie sykes?

    Teach me to live, May 6th, 2008 at 01:54:44pm

  • Teach me to live

    yeah, i guess it could be
    but,,, idk. it's just different to
    imagine him as gay

    Teach me to live, May 6th, 2008 at 12:45:47pm

  • Blood Stained Eyes

    When Frankie gets in there Damian is laying there cooing to himself.
    Frank"Hi Damian"
    Damian looks at Frank then smiles and reaches for him.Frank picks him up and brings him back in to his room. He sits on the bed with Damian on his lap.Damian looks at Gerard then at Vaida. He pokes Gee's face.
    Gee"What babe?"
    He moans.Frank giggles a little.Gee falls asleep then Damian pokes him again.He opens his eyes this time and Damian starts laughing.

    Blood Stained Eyes, May 6th, 2008 at 06:54:38am

  • Teach me to live

    idk... i don't really see jon as one

    Teach me to live, May 5th, 2008 at 01:17:43pm

  • Teach me to live

    Um...... wow

    Teach me to live, May 5th, 2008 at 12:10:16pm

  • Teach me to live

    O.O... realy?

    Teach me to live, May 4th, 2008 at 01:14:52pm

  • Blood Stained Eyes

    Frank feeds Damian first. Then he picks up Vaida and she continues crying. He trys feeding her but she refuses again.Frank puts her downthen goes back in the room.
    frank"The baby wants u gee"
    Gerard gets up and goes in to the room. Damian is asleep and Vaida holds out her arms to Gerard. He picks her up and she stops crying.He puts her down and she starts crying again.So he brings her in his room and lets her sleep with him.

    Blood Stained Eyes, May 4th, 2008 at 10:44:45am

  • Dreadful dreams

    ok,thanks xD
    But btw,how r u?

    Dreadful dreams, May 4th, 2008 at 06:16:09am

  • MyChemicalBlack

    Lmfao, exactly. xD
    But on the bright side, I managed to squeeze my way to the "third" row.
    So all's good. rotfl.

    They aren't? Why?

    MyChemicalBlack, May 2nd, 2008 at 01:55:00pm

  • Teach me to live

    lawlz.. he's kinda right
    the guys that kick the field goals
    don't have to be big. most are small and skinny
    or tall

    Teach me to live, May 2nd, 2008 at 11:56:56am

  • Helmee Bluth

    We have to be careful to not tell one of his minions of our intentions in our first quest.

    We should have uniforms.

    Helmee Bluth, May 1st, 2008 at 11:23:46pm

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