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Member since September 12th, 2007



  • Photo #4880

    Wow, I do look like Gerry.

  • Photo #3953


  • electrify


    yes, i'm singing. The song is called "Say goodnight to Lemon Pie one more time".

    It's a good song.

    Wasn't this a random comment...
    Oh well,

    ....goooOoood niiIIght, Lemon Pieeeeeee, OOOOOne mOOOOOOree tiiimeeeeee yeahYeah...

    so good song.


    Sari who's way too tired.

    electrify, October 22nd, 2007 at 09:56:01pm

  • electrify

    Smiley Smiley oh but it is MSI day today! damn it.

    bah, i wish i could also come and watch the band whose music i've never heard. then i at least had something to do. Yes, you got it right, I'm bored.

    Why did i watch Pulp Fiction yesterday?? I could have watched it now, and there would be no i'm-so-bored problem. Maybe i'll watch it again. Or maybe I'll finally do the school stuff I've been supposed to be doing for the whole week.

    Yeah, goodbye Fall Holiday, goodbye staying up late. Welcome 24/7 boredom.

    Perhaps I just **** the thing I told you about in my PM. It should cheer me up or make me cry.

    Hope you had extra super good time at the MSI gig. You remembered to tell Lyn-Z to take veryVery good care of Gerard, right?

    I was about to make a very short comment but I just can't do it. You're so inspiring. Smiley Smiley

    Hahaa, later my love.


    electrify, October 21st, 2007 at 04:24:05pm

  • Viva la Gloria!

    Perfectly alright time of reply, dear. I've been rather busy as well. I just had to write an essay on the Fall of Rome. Simple really. I tend to be a good writer, for someone my age.
    As for my Halloween makeup, I wear it everyday.=) This year I think I'll be Helena and wear adorable little ballet slippers. I'll probably just go party. I constantly thank God for vodka.
    It's very cold here. I hate winter so very much.

    Stay warm, dearest.



    Viva la Gloria!, October 20th, 2007 at 10:48:46pm

  • electrify

    *is getting teary* oh, the good old times... The new times are good too though. But the old times are always THE old times.

    Make-up? Buy some good stuff, not any “f*cking L’oreal”, Gerard doesn’t like that. And I’m very willing to see this shamazing picture = I will see it because YOU will show it to me. End of the story. I win. Again. Watch out, I’m getting used to this. Oh no, I’m almost teasing you!! :O *is very ashamed of herself, goes to the corner and cries* I am so sorry my dearest Mark in the whole world.

    You thought I hadn’t already figured out that you’re damn smart? I’ve had over a month to realize that. You know, water and um... hay aren’t the only things I’ve between my ears. (My bro used to say that I’m a hay head, very flattering). :D :D So I’m pretty sure you’ll make an essay that kicks lots of asses. And the smidget (never heard that word) sounded very smart to me.

    Mindless Self Indulgence tomorrow. So you like them then? Ha, see, I have brains too. How good are they? MSI isn’t that popular in Finland, never seen them in a magazine or on the charts. Which obviously means that I haven’t been listening to their music. Bah, that’s a sentence I have written to almost all of my comments. Damn me. But it’s Finland’s fault.

    And about Finland.. There’s snow up north already! You need to get your shmexy ass over here and ski with me! Yes, and do this one fun thing. No idea what it is in English... Um.. is ´sled` a word? If it is, is it something what you can sit on? If so, that’s the fun thing I’m talking about. Though I don’t live up north, but ‘tis okay, there’ll be snow in here too. Just to make things VERY clear, 15/SheWontStopMe/map.jpg

    there’s a map.. ;) So you find me better.

    Yes, I’m okay, thank you. It’s all because of..... Pulp Fiction! Such a good movie. Thanks for telling me I should watch it. Thank you also for all the music you’ve sent and the videos. It’s all so good. Hahaa, I’m having an oh-I’m-so-thankful-moment. I get them sometimes. But only if there’s an excellent reason, and you my love, are definitely one.

    Hmm... I guess now is the right time to stop writing. Otherwise I might get some other moments, too. I’ll save them for later.

    Love and love again,

    electrify, October 20th, 2007 at 07:49:25pm

  • bjork's assistant.

    I luff your profile =]

    bjork's assistant., October 14th, 2007 at 10:07:28pm

  • Tears May Stain

    we havnt spoken 4 ages ='[

    Tears May Stain, October 11th, 2007 at 03:38:22pm

  • BloodRedScreams

    hey thanks!!!! how are you?

    BloodRedScreams, October 8th, 2007 at 02:04:10pm

  • Viva la Gloria!

    Oh dear...well that's the down side of having fun, I suppose. =)
    I'm dying of embarrassment today too. Last night my mom met my boyfriend...scared the sh*t out of him. "Well what am I supposed to say to her her!?" Haha...that was rich...
    I'm sure you'll find out what you did last night, just ask your friends. =)

    lotsa love



    Viva la Gloria!, October 7th, 2007 at 01:44:55am

  • electrify

    Oh MaaaaaAAAaaark my love.. It's great that you talked about all the stuff to your Mum and sister but it's not so nice if you feel like they're going to laugh at you... sh*t. I just hope you get things sorted out and it will all be better again. I get it that you feel embarrassed but hopefully it'll all turn out to be so that there's no need for that.

    This morning I might have hated your friends a little, but I hope they came to see you and that you feel better AND that you're not drunk anymore. Which basically means that I'm hoping that you have a hungover.. Hmm.. I shouldn't hope that. It was maybe the most great thing to see you smiling despite all of this. Oh and tapping your head, what a great experience. Thanks for the NIN, such a good songs.

    And I'm sorry about the cheer up comment, maybe worst timing ever. Just read my actual comment from yesterday, it doesn't include any bad jokes, I guess.... :o


    electrify, October 6th, 2007 at 03:48:18pm

  • Viva la Gloria!

    I have to say, thank you for improving my writing skill substantially, all these ridiculously long comments I send you really have me getting better at this. Normally I'd just say, "marky r amzing" or somthing along the lines of that. :P

    Partying now are we? Sounds like a blast.

    Viva la Gloria!, October 6th, 2007 at 06:13:58am

  • electrify

    Since so much sh*tty things happened to you today, I decided to cheer you up!! Go me. I searched and I searched, and finally found a joke bad enough:

    Two guys are sharing a hospital room.
    "What are you in for?"

    "I'm getting a circumcision."

    "Damn! I had that done when I was born and I couldn't walk for a year!"

    Hahahahaaaaa, how funny, eh? I'm sure you laughed. ;)


    electrify, October 5th, 2007 at 08:56:43pm

  • electrify

    Your nose ´might` be broken? Might? And why is there this kind of possibility? What have you done to your nose? is it blue? That’s what happened to my toe when i broke it loong time ago. Though toe and nose don’t probably work the same way.. ;D

    DAMN YOU ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, tell him that. But I’m veeeeery happy that you had a good night. Even though you drank (Andrew!!!). What is this amazing place where they play Teenagers?? I might love it. Now you have to take me there on the day I come, it might be today. Though they wouldn’t let me in, but that’s not a problem, I’ll hide under your jacket! No one will ever notice.

    Foam party? Do I have a huge hole, gap or whatever in my civilization when I don’t know what that is? It’s okay, I’ll get over it. The most important thing is that your hair got curly??? *thinks: curly hair+ Mark* Awesomeness. No, I need to get rid of that word, it’s so American. I have to become more like a Brit, so brilliant it is. :)

    Is the NIN stuff as amazing as you thought them to be? Of course they are, it’s NIN. I listened NIN yesterday, though only the same old songs I uploaded while ago. Maybe I’ll go and check if there’s any of their CD’s in the library. Did you go at Uni today? And have fun at your Grand Dad’s birthday lunch, dinner or whatever it is. I’m pretty sure you said it was today.. Did you dye your hair? Is it as gorgeous as always or even better?

    Are you trying to lose weight or just trying to keep it the same? If you’re trying to lose it, is there a kind of ´ideal weight` which you’re trying to achieve? Ideal weight is pretty important since otherwise you’ll just keep going and then you’re too skinny. Ain’t good. It’s not fun that you don’t feel yourself attractive. Damn, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes… =) And thank you for the thank you. Just wait when I keep sharing my “advises” for few years, I’m sure you won’t thank me then. It’s pretty difficult for me to take other peoples appreciation seriously, don’t’ get that too often. Thank you lots my love, it felt nice.

    Ha, there’s a lot of people with a long hair and black clothes in here, even in this small town. So lots of new friends for you. Though some of them look slightly scary to me because they have huge amount of all kinds of metal around their wrists + necks and hanging from their pants. But they’re nice people. And sure, I’ll be expecting you.

    You can borrow my new jeans, because they’re tight. I mean Tight. I’m not so sure if I should wear tight jeans though but no can do. And they’re black so they would definitely look excellent on you. And I checked what Trent Reznor looks like.. Not too bad.

    Finished “In God We Trust” yet? Maybe I should read it, too. Though I kinda believe in God but I’m such a bad Christian: don’t go to church, don’t pray, don’t have cross hanging on my neck, haven’t read the Bible. I just can’t stop believing either. So often I get moments that isn’t it silly to think that there would be a God? Or a Heaven? But in a way I hope that it would all be true. you know Heaven and God. The other thing is that would I ever get to go to Heaven after my faith has been so week for a while now? Oh well, maybe I shouldn’t worry about that so much. I’ll die when I die and I’ll go somewhere after it or then I won’t.

    *Sigh* I probably should go to school now.. Two hours only! Yay. English and Swedish. English is all good but Swedish, I don’t like the teacher at all...

    Laters, dear!

    electrify, October 5th, 2007 at 11:13:01am

  • Viva la Gloria!

    Thats a gorgeous guitar you've got there.=) And I do thank you for saying "lurve." I lurve it when people do that.

    And I lurve your shades, as well. I'd like to wear some, but I have prescription glasses, so I would be comfortable, but completely and utterly blind. I'm quite a geek, really. I just hate to wear my glasses in photos. =)

    Yes, those seminars really lose me...I have the attention span of a gnat, you see. I don't think I'll make it to Uni...I have bigger dreams. It may sound silly, but honestly I want to be a musician more than anything else in the world. Music fascinates me so.=) It's the only thing I really pay attention to. And I'm feeling rather uneducated at the moment, I royally flunked a math quiz parents will have my ass as soon as I tell them...ah, the patronization. =(

    I come from Canada, my dear. =)
    It's rather cold and bland at the moment here...winter will come soon. Snow. Uck. The one thing I do not like about Canada, besides our puppet Prime Minister, of course.

    My, you seem to love Starbucks. I wish I had a place to be like that. Comfort can come in the strangest forms, from a coffee shop to a music store.

    I'm off to the city tomorrow...I think I'll wear my fedora and smear eyeliner down my face. I enjoy that sort of thing, you know,=)

    Now I'm off to get promptly chastised on how I could be doing so much better In blank out and play My Chem in my head.=)

    Have a nice G&T, dearest.


    Viva la Gloria!, October 4th, 2007 at 04:35:10am

  • FAKE!

    You..Not easily make friends!
    Bloody Hell that is hard to believe..
    I'm terribly sorry about your sh*tty lectures these days!..
    Sometimes I wonder if the teachers know half of what they are talking about!

    We have this assignment and its really getting to me..
    Its so hard because I cant seem to get it perfect..
    ah oh well..
    Ha ha at least you had some fun!
    I tend to draw when I get bored in class to ..

    Ha ha I know how you feel darling..
    My school is the same way..
    How was the seminar?

    I haven't ate in like a week..
    So I think im goona go down to the lobby and see if I feel like eating..
    Depression sucks..
    f*ck..My ipod froze up..ha ha..
    Anyway's I hope your having a better day then me!

    FAKE!, October 4th, 2007 at 12:34:36am

  • electrify

    Oh wow, your day didn’t sound too nice to me. I hope you felt better today.. Can’t you give some kind of um.. nameless feedback to the ass lecturer of yours? Ha, what a great idea Sari… Or then just go and tell her that you suck, do something about it. How rude ideas I have today, weird. Maybe that’s because it really pisses me off that there’s such lecturers in University.

    Believe me, I don’t get why everything has to be so difficult in your life either. It is unfair, it seems like the World has something against you which is something that sounds preeeeetty wrong to me. Why, oh why. After I read your latest blog, I realised that there’s a possibility that you might actually get depressed. I don’t know why I got a feeling like that, maybe it was the ´you want to feel nothing` and that you feel sad all the time. I’m sure that you think about these things often but don’t forget the depression. One member of my family has been depressed and it wasn’t fun to anyone, especially not for her. To be honest, it sounds to me that that is exactly where you are going to. You feel sad, you want to feel nothing, you don’t like what you see in the mirror, you don’t want to eat. I think that you should process the death of your Step Dad somehow because it seems that it still has a big effect to the way you feel. Damn, I sound like a little f*cking therapist.. Write about it if there isn’t anyone who you could talk to. Don’t wait that all is going to be good again, because that doesn’t just happen, you need to work for it but don’t work alone. And remember, that after bad times, there’ll be good times.

    I shall change the subject very smoothly to: Emmerdale

    Emmerdale f*cking rocks. Haven’t ever really watched it, but.. well, it’s pretty much only English tv-show we get, besides the ´Brit-Friday` on one channel (they show few English comedies in a row), and yeah, that’s about it. But of course I can watch Bridget Jones movies, they’re goooood. ;)

    The video didn’t work!!!!!! Youtube told me that “The url contained a malformed video id.”. Ha, that’s right, you can’t imagine what I sound like because I sound so stupid that it’s impossible to understand. I speak English pretty much like Americans and that’s only TV’s fault. And if your voice is stupid mine is double stupid. “Unfortunately” there’s no videos where I’d be so, can’t hear me talking. Except if you decide to come for a visit or call me. But don’t call. Few days ago I was in library, again, and there was this guy reading a book. He had long black hair and black clothes. I noticed him, didn’t pay any special kind of attention. But I just had to check…. I’m getting paranoid. Just for you to know, it wasn’t you. ;)

    I went shopping today. I was supposed to buy shoes but like usually, didn’t find any good ones. So I bought new jeans and three shirts instead. I like the jeans a lot (though they were on sale) but my friend bought the very same jeans! Damn her. She also keeps asking things about you. But I ain’t telling her a thing. She doesn’t deserve to know. See, you’re getting pretty popular in here… :P

    Hope you had a better day today, m’dear.


    electrify, October 3rd, 2007 at 07:31:25pm

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