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New Fucking York

Member since February 11th, 2006


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Hi I'm Frances, but you can call me Frannie, Frankie, Fran what ever I never really cared.

I'm usually a highly opiniated person, and I'm a walking oxymoron.

In 2004 while googling My Chemical Romance I stumbled apon INO. I thought it was interesting, I found the story board and I began to read Which Way To Go, after that I read hundreds of other stories. I even began to write my own. And over the years my writing improved. The story board helped me find myself, new friends, and an idea of what I wanted to do with my life.
So when the story board was deleted it was like deleting part of my life. And now that the poetry board will also be deleted I find there is nothing left for me on this site. I'll still go on for those friends I've made and the amazing readers I've gained.
But I'm forced to use Mibba for expressing my ideas. Although I disagree with it's strict regulations. I believe that writing is about expression one's personality, and it's wrong to limit that because not everyone is a professional author. But I play along with the game cause some people enjoy my shit. I've had fun these past few years.

If you wanna read the endings to my stories they're still being worked on just go to

Mibba Link


I have succhhh a horrible memory so I've forgotten about things over the years.

One thing I will remember is I've always loved my INO family, which is mainly my INO daughters.

Violet, Tanya, and Ramone.

If I forget things forgive me, but I'll constantly be listening because no matter what I love you

Hollie Is my second cousin twice removed from my Dad's side! ....o.0

"Don't let the worlds many imperfections bring you down because there are a few flowers growing in the cracks of society to brighten your day"

"She tells me I need to bring God more into this life, so while she’s telling me this I'm nodding my head and coking a gun"

"Don't step outside I know where you live. I can hunt you down and steal your pants"

"It's like a fat guy walking then just stopping to listen to a song playing on a boom box outside a market."

While in gym class I said to my sock "Hmmm when did you get holy?"

"When people annoy you....confuse them"

"It took me 17 years to realize I actually have a life"

and those are only a few...

I'm a WEMO
For those who are confused WEMO is not wanna be Emo, it's my little fuck you to the people who use emo as an insult
WEMO simply means-
White ....Emo.....Midget.....Owl

I love this man


Listen to Robin cause he's awesome ^

The WAY your meat is made

My hero ^ I want to be able to play like him one day

^ One of the best videos ever in my opinion


  • Photo #12133

    R.I.P Kitty<3

  • Photo #12132


  • Photo #7636

    Caffeine Addict


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