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goodbye blue sky

goodbye blue sky
Georgia, I presume
Greetings from space

Member since January 31st, 2008



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxМне все равно, где вы находитесь, если ваше сердце возле меня.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxИ до тех пор, как мы единомышленники мы никогда не будем друг от друга.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMy unintended. Number odin.


  • Fantasma

    Oh my, when I logged onto INO I was thinking about YOU.
    And now I see you have written to me... after all this time!
    How that draws a smile to warm my tiny heart...
    I am pretty ok, I suppose. I mean, well, life is just... well, life.
    But I am still hanging on, so that means I must be doing something right.
    But what about you - one of the most interesting persons I truly know, and I am wondering how you are.

    Glad to know that ur holding on, too. Respiring, both of us.

    Fantasma, January 26th, 2010 at 01:53:06pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    Why is what??
    I haven't been on in time so i cant remember what we were talking about. lol

    Nova Cara Do Mal, August 30th, 2009 at 01:10:53pm

  • eileen vulgaris

    no, i haven't been to any concerts in the last time ><
    but i'm going to see billy talent in november.
    have you been to any gigs lately?
    xo, eileen.

    eileen vulgaris, July 27th, 2009 at 02:54:37pm

  • eileen vulgaris

    hey georgia,
    how are you?
    we haven't talked in ages Oo
    xo, eileen.

    eileen vulgaris, July 16th, 2009 at 04:45:18pm

  • PlayRadioPlay!

    I miss the sun.

    PlayRadioPlay!, August 5th, 2008 at 02:28:12am

  • Colorado Sunrise.

    you're cool because i said so. whats up?

    Colorado Sunrise., July 29th, 2008 at 09:40:18pm

  • revolver.

    Oon kyllä ehkä joku hitain näiden profiilikommenttien kanssa, ei ikinä tule oikein kunnolla katottua. Nytkin kaks viikkoa viivästystä, oh yeah. Mut joo, voit toki paeta samalle vuorelle. :D Pitäis nyt vaan löytää tarpeeksi korkea ja monihaarainen vuori jonne ei ihan helposti kiivetäkään. Onkohan Himalajalla paljon asutusta jo? Ehkä joku Veikka Gustavssoni tai mikälie keittämässä aina aamupuurot. XD Sais siellä kyllä nettiyhteydet varmaan olla silti....

    revolver., April 24th, 2008 at 04:04:04pm

  • Fantasma

    Breathing, yes. Respiring until there are no other sounds in the room...
    How are you?

    Fantasma, March 20th, 2008 at 12:35:44pm

  • chelsea smile

    Laitoin sen jäätelöauton siihen :'D

    chelsea smile, February 27th, 2008 at 01:08:30pm

  • riceroll.

    she's an american eskimo. lmao.
    I'm alrighttttt.

    riceroll., February 11th, 2008 at 08:33:13pm

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