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Demolition Lovers song meanings

On the surface this song is about loving someone to death, but the background to this track is a story that Gerard has concieved about two characters, he and his partner. They are both killed but he ends up in Purgatory and the only way that he can get to her is if he kills 1000 evil men. This is the story of how they died. Part of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge follows up this song, and also part of the Demolition Lovers epic is the song Drowning Lessons as it touches upon "1000 bodies piled up". But of course, there are imagery ties to Natural Born Killers.

Also it's about how Gerard would die for the one he loves. In the inlay of the album it says "To K: I'm sorry I write all these songs about killing you, i hope the last track makes up for it." The last track is Demolition Lovers.

I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets.

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