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Nacho Cheese and Anarchy

Joining The Black Parade
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Posts: 238
March 3rd, 2006 at 12:40am
Now that I've got your attention. I stumbled across this interveiw by total coincidence and thought maybe some of you hadn't seen or read this before, because I know I haven't.
I read this and, at first, thought it wasn't real, but then I read through this guys site and some of his other interveiws with bands and it seems 'on the level'
So enjoy:
^^^^^That's the link to the actual interveiw
^^^^^That's this guys whole site with links to interveiws from there.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section or has been posted before.
BTW: What the crap is Wolfen?
Motor Baby
Age: -
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Posts: 877
March 3rd, 2006 at 09:16am
ha. that was funny.
fuck if i know what Wolfen is.
for some reason, i see Mikey chugging Pepto...
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 2548
March 3rd, 2006 at 09:35am
that was a weird interview, funny but strange

i wanna know more about wolfen now
Motor Baby
Age: -
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Posts: 877
March 3rd, 2006 at 10:33am
i'm wondering if Wolfen was seriously like the band's alter ago. an etire band having split personalities sounds pretty cool, actually...
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 2548
March 3rd, 2006 at 10:38am
yeah that's kind of what D12 are all about that's why they're called 12 when there's actually only 6 of them

split personalities
Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 20910
March 3rd, 2006 at 11:10am
That was a good interview, funny too! I love reading old interviews with bands before they really make it big. It's interesting because they have no idea what's going to happen and shit, it's awesome Very Happy
Emily Haines.
Salute You in Your Grave
Emily Haines.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 2519
March 11th, 2006 at 07:42pm
"No, you sound too much like Thursday." I laughed so hard pepsi came out my nose.
Ceiling Gerard
Awake and Unafraid
Ceiling Gerard
Age: 36
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Posts: 14232
March 11th, 2006 at 08:01pm
Haha That amused me...

You know its funny, i always wanted to go up to Gerard and ask him what if vampires really tried to hurt me.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: -
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Posts: 1639
March 12th, 2006 at 12:09am
Now that I've got your attention.

Lol! I was thinking, "Nachos and Anarchy...???"

Cool beans. Thanks for posting that.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 468
March 12th, 2006 at 01:02am
i thought this thread was
gonna be about nachos and anarchy........
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 3180
March 12th, 2006 at 01:16am
^^You and me both. I thought it was going to be something hilarious. Not to say that the interview wasn't ok.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 2548
March 12th, 2006 at 03:10pm
maybe someone should make a nachos and anarchy thread then we can all go nuts Yes
Age: -
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Posts: 47
March 12th, 2006 at 08:18pm
you don’t get a refund on the CD haha

LMFAO! That was so damn funny! Loved when he just couldn't stop asking "what if vampires really do hurt me?"

thanks for posting that!
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1156
March 14th, 2006 at 09:24pm
^ Haha, I know. That is totally something I would do. But I'd end up embarrassing myself. I would have asked that question waaay too much though, Imjust dont know when to let things go.

Yeah, I was hoping that the thread would be something about nachos and anarchy too. I Loooove nachos.