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INO Babies!

Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
September 14th, 2008 at 10:43pm

i dont like how she's always sticky though, i have very slight ocd so that bothers me a bit

Yeeeeppp, that's kids for you. My daughter ALWAYS has crap in her hair... snot, food, chunks of teething rusk... and yes, they're always a bit sticky because they're always dribbling and eating gross stuff like pureed fruit hahah Very Happy She always eats peanut butter on toast, then mooshes it into the cushions on the couch. Yeah. There are also lip gloss and pumpkin stains in the carpet, her clothes are constantly ruined by food stains, and yeah... it's just filthy.
You get used to it though, I was always grossed out by other people's icky kids but when it's your own you just don't care.
Trust me. OCD tendencies go flying out the window when you have kids. You just can't keep up with it unless you lock them outside like a dog. (Which of course I don't condone at all Razz)

live to party.:
i love the idea of being pregnant, it's just the giving birth part i'm scared of, lols.

Actually, it was the pregnancy bit that sucked for me. The first seven months or so were great, I loved it, but then towards the end you're so tired, and fat, and frustrated you just want it to be over. I was like 'BRING ON THE DRUGS, GET THIS THING OUTTA ME NOW!'
Giving birth hurts, duh, but it's one of those things where you just have no choice but to push (literally) through it and then it's done and you're like, 'hooray!' I seriously felt bulletproof for weeks after I gave birth cuz I was like, 'Yeah, well I just went through THAT. I can take on ANYTHING now!!'
Plus, there are sooo many pain-relief options available to women these days that it's really no biggie. I hate those women who are all, 'Oh I want a natural, drug-free birth, it's bad for the baby'. Those neurotic morons are always the first to start screaming for an epidural when labour hits them, and I had gas and pethidine with my daughter and she wasn't messed up at all from it.

Oh, my advice to any mums-to-be out there: AVOID A C-SECTION AT ALL COSTS.
I'm not joking. If there is absolutely any way you can avoid having a c-section, take those options. People go on about the pain of labour, and how it'd be sooo much easier to just have the doctors cut your stomach open, but let's be realistic here. You go through hours of pain giving birth naturally, squeeze the kid out, then you can get up, have a shower, go outside and get some fresh air, blah blah blah. The pain subsides in a couple of hours and you're absolutely fine.
If you have a c-section, however, you're laid flat on your back for six weeks with stitches in your belly, you have difficulty feeding the baby because you can't sit them on you properly, and coping with a new child is a lot, LOT harder because you're incapable of doing simple chores and you're worrying about your own stitches so you don't focus so much on the baby.
Of course there are circumstances where a c-section is absolutely inevitable, and that's fine. But I really, really can't stand these idiots who go on about how they're 'too posh to push' and can't imagine giving birth naturally.
Don't want to give birth the way nature intended? Don't conceive. Simple.

/rant Very Happy
fire at will.
Damned After All
fire at will.
Age: 35
Gender: -
Posts: 105653
September 14th, 2008 at 11:59pm
I have an almost three year old neice, an almost two year old nephew, a six month old neice and my little sister is pregnant too. So even if I wanted kids, I'd be busy since I have a ton of kids always around me.