- Name:
- -+Kayla the Vampire+-
- Age:
- 31
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Cemetery Drive
- PM:
- Send a private message
- Friends:
- Add to friends
- MSN:
- Ummm... What were we talking about?
- AIM:
- Last time I tried to use it my computer broke down
- YIM:
- I hate Yahoo (No offense)
- ICQ:
- WTF???
- MySpace:
- Over rated bullshit
_____THERE Was A Complication With Your Heart
Look at it... yep, it's my name... memorize it... MEMORIZE IT!!! Ok, you may now go on.
_+Welcome to the place deeper than Hell+
[Thanks to all the awsome avatar makers; Amber, Aaron, Alice, Gayrardsaurus, Shona, Whitney, Sarah, Kelsey, India, Stephanie, Brandi, Faye, Aliiiiiiiiiiiii, Alex, Ambriece, Lauren, Anna and Lucy]
Life is a dream for the living dead...
~*Child of Sin*~= Gerard holds my soul <333
1.Thou Shall Accept Death As It Corners 2.Thou Shall Sing And March Without A Question 3.Thou Shall Face Fear And Regret 4.Thou Shall Let Go Of Thy Dreams 5.Thou Shall Give Blood 6.Thou Shall Not Fear Thy Sins 7.Thou Shall Protect Thy Brothers In Arms 8.Thou Shall Darken Thy Clothes 9.Thou Shall Not Walk This World Alone 10.Thou Shall Carry On
1.Thou Shall Not Put A Gun To Thy Lover's Head 2.Thou Shall Be Willing To Die For Love 3.Thou Shall Seek Revenge On Those Who Wrong You 4.Thou Shall Be A Demolition Lover 5.Thou Shall Unleash The Bats 6.Thou Shall protect Thy Lover From Everything (Even Vampires) 7.Thou Shall Respect The Lord, Gerard 8.Thou Shall Sing The Holy Hymns Of The Chemical Romance 9.Thou Shall See Beauty In Bloody Love 10.Thou Shall Rock Hard ***11.Thou Shall Join The Black Parade
G. Gifted
E. Enchanted
R. Respectable
A. Artistic
R. Revengeful
D. Dangerous
Gracias para el veneno Merce por le venin
Unleash the Fucking Bats
About Me...
Name: Kayla (You should know that by now!)
Birthdate: Sep. 28, 1993 (Yes, I was born on Bam Margera's birthday!)
Birthplace: Oregon
Current Location: Cemetery Drive (That's also my favorite song!)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'10
Weight: Why do you want to know?
Zodiac sign: A Libra, which I is one of them (Or, a Rooster in China)
Age: 13 years old dead
Orientation: Straight
Culture: German and Norwegian
Skin: Extremley pale
Status: In a relationship (With someone else) ;]
<----- I find this very amusing and funny!
Click it... I dare you-----> IF YOU DARE
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your
(*)_(*) homepage and help him on his
“Just to know that its okay to be messed up, ‘cause there’s five dudes that are just as messed as you are.”
My awsome, kickass wifey, Frankie [vampire_worshiper]!!! Love ya!!!
To start off, I'm me and that's all I can be. I'm a child of Satan and Sin. Most people don't know I'm Deppressed. I like to cry myself to sleep. Yeah, I've got few friends because I haven't learned to trust much. I have been hurt in my past alot and have low self esteem. I can admit I have an "issue". (If you are not a total idiot, you'll guess correct.) I am not sure of my religion. I'm not even sure if I want to be in a religion.. I have beliefs and if you have a problem with it, go fuck yourself with a loaf of bread. I have Insomnia and O.C.D.. I am also very quiet and shy and don't talk to people I don't feel comfortable around. Also, I stand up for people like me and what I belive in whenever someone says shit about them and/or it. I don't really care what people say about me, and I hate being judged, but I don't let it get to me. In other words, "FUCK ALL THE SHALLOW, SHITTY, THINK THEY KNOW IT ALL, BITCHY, ASSHOLE, MOTHER FUCKERS OUT THERE." I HATE my parents and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm a Proud Gay marriage supporter and I'm Bi-polar. Home is where you hang yourself. Proud Member of the Skeleton Parade, Fro Parade and the MCRmy.
I'm gonna suffer for all my Sins. I'm going to Hell... But maybe it's worth it.
Marilyn Manson...
Marilyn Manson (Like MCR) is very important to me. Personally, I love all of his music and (Like Gerard) he is SEXY! Manson is an awsome indivisual and I look up to him as my Antichrist idol!!! He is also a kickass artist. Although, he did not save my life I am a huge fan and I am REALLY upset I didn't have a chance to see them perform with John 5(R.I.P.) and Twiggy. I respect him for what he's been through, and the reason he turned his back on Chistianity. My favorite songs by Mr. Marilyn Manson is, Tainted Love and This is the New Shit. But, hey, like I said, I love all of his music. I love him and I think his makeup style is kickass also. From my point of view, I do not think he is responsible for shootings, murderous teenagers and a general moral collapse in society and all that shit. He is just a rock'n roll king... and that's that!
Favorite Marilyn Manson Quotes:
- Music is the strongest form of magic.
- Part of me is afraid to get close to people because I'm afraid that they're going to leave.
- The word 'Antichrist', to me, is the collective disbelief in god.
- When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.
- I view my job as being someone who is supposed to piss people off. I don't want to be just one-of-the-guys. I don't want to be just a smiling face you see on television presenting some vapid kind of easily- digestible garbage. This is rock and roll. I want to be a rock and roll star! Rock and roll is about shaking things up, making people act and react. That's what I do.
- There are people accusing me that I'm sick, that I'm a danger to morals, western civilization and basically everything under the sun. And they've got these wild stories about me, completely off the wall, completely untrue. They thought them up and it makes you wonder what goes on in their brain, but of course, they don't consider themselves sick. They think they're normal because they don't dress like I do.
- I fear being like everyone I hate, I fear failure, I fear losing control. I love balancing between chaos and control with everything I do. I always have a fear of going one way or another, getting lost in something, or losing everything to get lost in. And I fear being a completely acceptable sheep in society.
____________*Don't Be AFRAID*
Gerard Way...
You'll never know how much he means to me. I love this guy to pieces. He's my fucking idol and he saved my life. I owe him everything, he means a world & a half to me. I wouldn't really be here without him. He's got me through so much, and I guess my dream is to meet him. Just so I can tell him that he's my hero and he's the most beautiful person in the world in my eyes. It's okay to love him cos he understands everything, even if he doesn't know it. Though I think he does. He's smart, he's humble, he's kind, he's funny, he's just the closest thing to perfect I've ever witnissed. I may tend to bang on about him & the band alot but it's cos I'm obsessed devoted. And I always will be. I'll worship this guy as long as I have to. Gerard Way is my savior, my life, my everything. Along with being one of the SEXIEST men alive, he has to be one of the best artists on this world and his voice could cure death itself. No one on the face of the Earth understands how I feel. I owe everything I have to him. I feel that he is my guardian angel, sent to me from God to watch over me. Saying he's my hero only puts it on a very slim level. I cannot describe what he is to me. I don't think I ever will.
In Memory Of Elena Lee Rush.
To Gerard:
I know it's short notice;
and I know we could die tomorrow...
But I just want you to know-
if you ever need me like I need you...
You know I'll wait forever.
My Chemical Romance...
I might not be the biggest MCR fan out there but, I'm working on it and I can bet you I am one of the top 10 fans. My Chemical Romance is very important to me. There are no words to express how I feel about them. They worked so hard to get where they are, and each guy is very special to me in different ways. They saved my life, so I owe it to them to be a fan forever. Thats' really my one true dream, to actually meet them and hear them sing at a concert. These men deserve the world and everything. The amout of lives, saved a day is amazing due to them and they will never know how much they mean to me, and so many lost and lonley lives out there. I saw my saviors on the 22nd of April. THANK GOD!!!
I Am A True
Before I tell about the concert, you must hear of what I wore:
- Black "Boy Beaters" shirt (It says, The Devil Has Got A Place For You And Me, under a picture drawn by Gerard.)
- Jeans that have 1 hole in the knee (Left) and 2 small holes (Right)
- Black and gray stripped scarf
- Black and gray checkered Vans
- 2 black wrist bands (Right; plain black one with a rubberband)(Left; black with 3 metal skulls on it)
- 3 necklaces (1. My dad's dogtags)(2. My ZikZok neclace)(3. My neclace my boyfriend gave me; a key which says "To My Heart" and a small ruby)
- Hair was up in a clip
- Eyeliner
- No earings or rings
- Purple nail polish
- Stud belt
And now to the concert...
On April 22nd, my life was changed once again. That night I, laughed, I cryed, I screamed and... I just gave it all to them. They played the whole Black Parade cd and then some songs off Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, including:
Thank You For The Venom
Cemetry Drive
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
At the start of Disenchanted Gerard said, "We are the Black Parade and we have two songs left, and then My Chemical Romance will come out. If you ask me, which I know you are, but if you ask me, their language is atricious and their clothing is horrible." They finished the set and then surprised us by playing Blood. About 15 min. later they came out in jeans, leather jackets and t-shirts; total Revenge themed clothing, with their circle of guns around the word "Revenge" as the backround instead of the, Welcome To The Black Parade music video themed poster/flag/backround. I cried when they played, I Don't Love You and Cancer and the very beginning and end. Before they played Cancer, Gerard gave alittle speech about cancer. And, also when Gerard talked to the crowd how we can always go to them when/if they feel left out, like we don't belong. Or when people treat us different. We also found out Gerard broke a rib, so, he couldn't dance as well. (I'm still not sure if he was serious or not...) But, he still did his signature move. =] There was, sparks, fire and at the end of Welcome To The Black Parade, there was confetti!!! Although, it was a bit upsetting because Mikey wasn't playing. Mikey is now on his honeymoon with Alicia and wont be back on the tour untill his new life is situated. The bassist was good, but not nearly as good as Mikey. =[ They also played Heaven Help Us. He came out on the gurney and started off with the song, The End. They ended with Helena. Gerard looked at us at least 5 times and waved at us twice. Me and my friend Taylor, saw them leave in their limo. Gerard danced with his black and white feather boa during Mama. Everyone in the crowd was amazing and sang every word. I will always remember that night and I know it doesn't sound like much reading this but, they changed my life once again last night. I can't put it into words...
MCR was the best thing that could ever happen to me. They were amazing live and Muse was pretty good also. Some of my favorite songs that Muse played were:
Time Is Running Out
Knights Of Cydonia
The light show during Muse was amazing. But, you could tell, the crowd was just waiting and saving it all for MCR.
[It's a little to late cause
I'm bringin sexy back
and my chain does hang low
so smack that,
oh, would you like some ice for that burn???]
\m/<(^ ^)>\m/
Rock on
I lIkE/lOvE:
- AiMaLs
- VaMpIrEs =F
- AnImE
- CaTs
- DaRk (NiGhT)
- My FrIeNdS
- DrAwInG
- WrItInG (PoEtRy)
- StItCh ^^
- My CoMpUtEr AnD iPoD
- PlAyInG mY sAxApHoNe (YeAh, YeAh. I kNoW i'M a "BaNd GeEk", So WhAt?)
- LiP rInGs (SEXY)
- Dr. PePpEr
- BlAcK, gReEn, PuRpLe
- HoT tOpIc
- ThUnDeRsToRmS aNd RaIn
- 666
- ThE nUmBeR 73 (dOn'T aSk)
- BlAcK eYeLiNeR
- WaTeR (sWiMmInG bY mYsElF)
- ThE nIgHtMaRe BeFoRe ChRiStMaS
- SoUtH pArK
- I lIkE cHeEsE.....
- EdWaRd ScIsSoR hAnDs
- InVaDeR zIm
- SkItTlE fIgHtInG nInJa PeNgUiNs
- EmIlY tHe StRaNgE
- QuEeN oF tHe DaMnEd
- BlAcK nAiL pOlIsH
- FoAmY tHe SqUiRrEl (IlL wIlL pReSs; NeUrOtIcAlLy YoUrS)
- SwEeTy PuSs
- LeNoRe
- NaPoLeAn DyNaMiTe
- EdGaR aLlAn PoE
- BOB (oNcE aGaIn, DoN't AsK)
- ThIs SmIlIe RuLeS tHe WoRlD
- SkItTlEs
- McRmY
- LaBrYiNtH (mOvIe)
- PiRaTeS oF tHe CaRrIbEaN (1 aNd 2)
- BaTs
- I gAvE yOu My BuLlEtS, yOu GaVe Me YoUr LoVe
- ThReE cHeErS fOr SwEeT rEvEnGe
- ThE bLaCk PaRaDe (ThE sPeCiAl AdDiTiOn AnD rEgUlAr)
- LiFe On ThE mUrDeR sCeNe
- ThE hEaRtAgRaM, aNaRcHy, AnD pEnTaGrAm SiGn
- CeMeTeRiEs
- ThE ~*vOiCeS iN mY hEaD*~ (bY tHe WaY, tHeY aRe TeLlInG mE tHeY dOn'T lIkE yOu.)
- My RoOm
- CoNcErTs
- NeW jErSeY
- SaRcAsM (i'M vErY sArCaStIc)
- HaPpY bUnNy =P
- CoFfEe (StArBuCkS)
- RaZoR bLaDeS
- TiM bUrToN
- MoSh PiTs
- SkElAnImAlS
- ReD bUlL
*- AlL oF mY fRiEnDs AnD fAmIlY oN INO. i LoVe YoU gUyS!!!<3
- ThE sKeLeToN cReW (s//c)
FeelTheRomance.Com (It's a sweet MCR fan site)
I hAtE:
- PrEpPs, JOcKs
- PeOpLe WhO jUdGe AnD lAbLe Me
- SoMeTiMeS lIfE
- RaP
- My PaReNtS lOoKiNg In PeRsOnAl InFo, PoEtRy, AnD dRaWiNgS
- PiNk (EWWW)
- PaRiS hiLtOn
- My AnGeR...
- NeEdLeS *sHiVeRs*
- MCR hAtErS
- ReAdInG
- MySpAcE (iT's OvEr RatTeD)
- TeEnIeS
- SwEeTs
- SpOrTs
- SpIdErS
- ThE tErM, yO mOm (FuCk ThAt ShIt!)
- TrEnDs
- WhEn PeOpLe QuOtE tHe "EmO sOnG" bEhInD mY bAcK lIkE i CaNt HeAr ThEm...
- PeOpLe WhO pReTeNd To Be YoUr FrIeNd
My Favorite Bands:
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE:: Green Day:: From First to Last:: Flyleaf:: The Used:: Slipknot:: Korn:: Panic! At The Disco:: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus:: Marliyn Manson (Is a kickass, motherfucker and should be respected for so many reasons<3):: Hinder:: HIM:: Bullet For My Valentine:: Evanescence:: Gorillaz:: Misfits:: Ozzy Osbourne:: Avenged Sevenfold:: Good Charlotte:: Iron Maiden:: Pencey Prep:: The Smashing Pumpkins:: Weezer:: 30 Seconds To Mars:: Linkin Park:: Godsmack:: Switchfoot:: Lamb Of God:: Muse:: Insane Clown Posse:: Nine Inch Nails:: Mastodon:: The Medic Droid:: Papa Roach:: Plain White T's:: Silverstein:: Kill Hannah:: Snow Patrol:: Staind:: Avril Lavigne:: Escape The Fate:: I Am Ghost:: Jet Lag Gemini:: Killswitch Engage:: Madina Lake:: Deathstars and any other "Punk", "Emo", "Goth", or Metal bands you can think of.
Let's Get Fucked Up and Die. I'm Speaking Figuratively of course like the last time that I Committed Suicide.
(My friends rock, you're jelous... end of story)
*Jess R.
*Lola (Dalores)
*Tyler (Mini-me)
*Taylor B. ClickMe!!!
*Cameron (Syio)
*Taylor P.
_____This May Help You Remember...
Just to let everyone know, I don't care if your "different" in any ways I'm a great friend to people who need it.
here's my PhotoBucket album. I've got some REALLY cool stuff, so check it out!!!
So Long and Goodnight.
~The End~
P.S. Live Every Day As If It Were Your Last....
Okay, so you stereotype me.
By the way I dress, the type
of music I like, how I do my hair.
And you automatically assume
I'm that "typical emo girl"
I never gave myself a label, yet
you criticize me of being something
I'm not??? You are the one who
gave me this stamp across my forehead.
How can you judge what you
don't even know??? Once you are
in my shoes, see the pain and scars
I hide from everyone... That's the day
I dare you to look me in the eye
and fucking tell me who I am.
92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this is your profile if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically instead.
Frankie: *Closes eyes and smiles* You hear that Gerard? Can you hear it? It's so calming!
Gee: Heee, it sounds like... rainbows!
Frankie: ...Gee, you okay?
Gee: ... =D...
How many of you are sick of being called a "freak" or "cutter" just because you are gothic/Emo!?! Well I am, and i know we don't deserve it! For one thing, we dont worship satan or drink blood or even cast spells with our evil cults! We are just people...some more heartbroken than others. Another thing, the whole "Oh she's gothic/Emo so she spends her whole day slitting open her wrists" thing...stop. Not all goths cut! And for those who do, we have a damn good reason! And ya want to know a secret.....WE CAN SMILE! We can laugh, think, love, everything! We are normal people, and we do not deserve the abuse that we get. We are called names and get bad reputations...making our pain even worse! We don't need your sympathy...but we do need your moral. Just stop with the emo jokes and the whole deal with thinking that we can't have fun and spend our whole days crying and slicing open our wrists! If you have been abused, or feel remorse for those who have...please repost and spread the word. We don't deserve this...please help it change.
..._...|..____________________, ,
.:....../ `---___________----_____|]
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
.//____//______**Bang, Bang! Guns go BANG!**
..._...|..____________________, ,
.:....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = = = D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
I am the victim of too many sorrows,
I am the one they all call crazy.
One too many injections, and one too many things to fear.
My paranoia buzzes around me like a swarm of bees.
I'm lying in my death bed, but I'm not dying any time soon.
When I die, my soul will remain trapped in the earth I'm buried in,
Under a small headstone that reads my name..."Revenge."
-o----GERARD WAY ---o
92% of teens move on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day, put this in your profile:
R= Retards
A= Attempting
P= Poetry
Gerard Way stole my heart and burned it.......
.............Then turned it into a new one.............
Gave up on love when i started seeing about it in gossip rags,
Gave up on god when i realized one day my father was gonna die,
Gave up on myself too many times to count,
You could trade mistakes for sheep and count me away forever at night.
|__MCR FAN BUS_|_| __\
|_________________ |_| ____|
--------------------- Send some love to all the lonely
------ Don't forget we're all one family
---------------- Thanks to the music in our lives for helping us to survive
------------ Lost in one lonely dream, born to run and live free
*Got a Problem...Solve it*
*Think I'm Triping...Tie My Shoe*
*Can't Stand Me...Sit Down*
*Can't Face Me...Turn Around*
*Think I'm a Bitch...Try me*
*Love Me?..Good*
*Think I'm Ugly...Don't Look at Me*
*Don't Like My Style...Don't like Yours*
*Think You Know....You have no idea!!!*
Be Yourself <3
♥To every girl who gets her heart broken because he chose that whore instead ♥
___***____***____***__ *** _____
Life is a punishment from God.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
All who doubted me
can't take who i am.
they are digusted by my presence
and show me great disdain
All those who rejected me
and couldn't take my pain
They share the same hatered as many others
None of them unique
None of them with an original thought
in their homely little heads
But little do they know:
I am the ghost in the night
that haunts you in your sleep
the one you see on judement day
Before you arrive at your final resting place
I am the tortured artist
The one who is forced to lead a life
of pain and aguish, thanks to my sensitivity
of light, sight, sound, air, love, kindness
And beauty
But, to those who are afraid of me
To those who are ahamed of me
To those who are embarrassed by me
You have to remember
that without people like me
There wouldn' t be people like you
Because who then would you have
to turn your nose upon?
s o m e t i m e s y o u j u s t h a v e t o r u n a w a y ,
s o y o u c a n s e e w h o w i l l c o m e a f t e r y o u .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o t a l k q u i e t e r ,
j u s t t o s e e w h o i s l i s t e n i n g .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o s t a n d u p i n a f i g h t ,
b u t o n l y t o s e e w h o i s s t a n d i n g b y y o u r s i d e .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o m a k e a w r o n g d e c i s i o n ,
o n l y t o s e e w h o i s t h e r e t o h e l p y o u f i x i t .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o l e t g o o f t h e o n e y o u
l o v e ,
j u s t t o s e e i f t h e y w i l l c o m e b a c k . . .
This is dedicated
To Every MCR Fan,
Who Is A Demolition Lover,
Who Was Welcomed Into The Black Parade.
This Is To
Every Helena,
And Harmless Vampire,
To Every Single Fan Who May Never See Them Play,
Team Blonde Gerard. Rest In Peace My Friends.
Everyone Who Cracked That Back In Black Joke,
Those Who Mourned Mikey's Glasses,
Those Who Live Life On The Murder Scene,
Those Who Cried To The Ghost Of You,
Those Who Cried To Famous Last Words,
Those Who Worried About Bob And His Burn,
You Who helped Gerard stay Sober,
Those With An Obsession With Rays Hair,
Those Who Love Frank Iero...(You Know Who You Are)
Everyone Who Is Not Afraid To Keep On Living.
Lets Crash The Cemetery Gates
We Will Have The Band And Each Other Forever.
The Emo Bible
Everything started with the one God, Gerard.
One day he had a spark of creativity, so he picked this random ball of rock and started to put stuff on it.
The first day he created a really hot emo guy named Mikey.
The second day he created music.
The third day he created drugs, sex, and razors.
The fourth day he created an insecure emo girl, Alicia.
The fifth day he created black clothes, belts, and makeup.
The sixth day he created all of the swear words.
The seventh and final day he created the food of the gods, Skittles™.
One day, the first emos (Mikey and Alicia, who were wearing clothes) were greeted by the Skittle™ faerie. She told them, “Eat these sour Skittles ™.”
But Gerard said, “No, eat the regular Skittles™.”
So they ate the sour Skittles because they tasted better.
But then they felt bad.
And they got stoned a lot.
And they started cutting to make themselves feel better.
But then they had sore arms, so they got drunk to make them feel better. Because of this, Alicia accidentally got pregnant and gave birth to the beautiful Jepha, who lived off of Skittles.
A whole bunch of emos were spawned after that.
-1000 years later-
A hot 13-year-old boy named Frankie was walking home from the gas station where he had just purchased some Skittles. On the way he encountered an angel with a huge fro named Ray.
Ray said, “Gerard wants you right now.”
Frank: “What?”
Ray: “He wants to rape you.”
Frank: “But I’m 13. That’s illegal.”
Ray: “Whatever.”
Frankie was poofed up to heaven. The clouds were black.
Ray brought Frankie to Gerard.
Gerard said, “Now you will be pregnant with my son!”
Frankie: “No effing way! I’m a guy!”
Gerard raped him anyways.
Frankie was angry because now that he was pregnant, he was all fat. So he went anorexic but his friends forced him to eat because they knew about the baby.
-Nine months later-
Davey, the son of Gerard, was born!! ZOMG!
-16 years later-
Davey was the EMO JESUS but everyone hated him because he was gay.
Miracles: He did people’s hair and he turned water into beer.
He had a bunch of followers that loved him because he was hot.
Some angry people (the ancestors of jocks and preps) killed Davey because they were homophobic.
1000 years later someone made a really shitty movie about it called, “The Passion of the Davey”
-2000 years later-
Davey Havok is the reincarnation of the EMO JESUS. He becomes the messiah and people worship him and his beautiful voice. He eventually saves the world from the total hellhole it is.
The End
In this world, you are categorized by what you wear, how you act, and what you look like. This drives me insane. Stereotyping, racisms, and gossip. Those are the three main things teenagers experience at school. You would think the three main subjects would be more like math, science, and social studies. Maybe something like that. But the real world has nothing to do with these subjects (well, for teenagers, anyway.) When you go to school everyday, you are faced with challenges that adults find “silly” or “submissive.” These challenges are really harder than they seem. You can’t wear Etnie’s and a Hollister shirt together without being called a poser. You can’t paint your nails black without being called emo or goth. You can’t wear anything pink without being considered a prep. There are so many stereotypes to this world. Also, you think you are friends with someone one day, and the next you find out they’ve been talking about you behind your back for weeks. This world shouldn’t be like that. That’s just not right. Also, it is assumed that all black people are supposed to wear baggy clothes, listen to rap, and live in the ghetto. It is assumed that all white people aren’t cool, that they listen to rock and roll, and that they are goody-goodies. All skaters are potheads. All blondes are ditsy. All black people are cool. All smart kids are nerds.
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-----*---*------------------------------ *---*
----*-*--------------------------------- ---*-*
Gerard: Go for it.
Frank: Shoot.
Mikey: SKITTLES!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES SKITTLES!!!!
Gerard: Wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.
Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.
Ray: Dude no way M&M's are way better
Frank: But they all taste the same!!!! Put some variety in your life man!!!!
Bob: Gummy bears
Gerard: Dumbass that wasn't one of the choices
Bob: ...Oh well it is now.
Frank: Are there any alternate answers?
Gerard: I'd rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow.
Mikey: He hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting.
Gerard: Cows smell like shit.
Frank: How about neither
Ray: C'mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two
Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick-
Mikey: EEEEWWWW!!!!!KEEP IT PG-13!!!PG-13!!!!!
Ray: Don't even get me started the list could go on for hours.
Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone.
Frank: We've all had our days.
Gerard: You guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it.
Gerard: When I was little I would say samich and it just kind of stuck.
Bob: Tell Them what we did to the sandwich!!!
Mikey: Oh God NOOO!!!!!
Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was a Mikey's cum and tuna samich. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I'll get you back for that.
Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped my in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn't go up to that creepy floor with you guys.
Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless.
Ray: Those guys were so cool!
Frank: There was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in latin. Or I think it was latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something.
Gerard: Well we've had a few incidents with a Ouijia board and we're all very superstitious.
Frank: Don't go walking under ladders.
Mikey: (Laughing so hard he fell off the chair)
Gerard: FUCK YEAH!!!
Ray: Boxers for me thanks...
Bob: No comment
Mikey: AHHH he's commando aren't you?
Bob: Like I said no comment.
Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.
Mikey: Ewwwww!
Ray: Oh Mikey you've thought about that before
Mikey: Eeeeewwwww, NO!
Gerard: Don't deny it!
Mikey: Shut up back to the question.
Gerard: That is part of the question.
Frank: You guys are fucked up.
Ray: Hey Mikey, don't you take toasters in the bath?
Gerard: YES he does!
Mikey: Well not anymore, every once in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!
Frank: Your are such a dumbass!
Frank: Yes actually. But it was nothing too dirty or anything. I just,-there was this one pair of pants Gerard had that really showed off his ass and uh...package.
Gerard: Yeah everyone knows I'm sexy.
Gerard: Okay, I haven't fucked him haven't sucked him or vice-versa. Well I nearly did, but I have seen him naked.
Frank: I think Bob and Ray left us.
Mikey: Wussies can't handle the sex talk.
Gerard: You're one to be talking.
Mikey: FUCK YOU!
Frank: And on behalf of all the rest of MCR and myself, WE'LL SEE YA AT THE SHOW!!!
Gerard: GO FUCK A WHALE!!!
I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman. I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights. We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time. I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room. I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me. I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear. We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men. I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me. I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male. I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men. I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that. I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual. I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me. I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind. I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love. I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them. I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson" ---IF YOU BELIEVE THAT HOMOPHOBIA IS WRONG... REPOST THIS
I am a poet writing of my pain.
I am a person living a life of shame.
I am your daughter hiding my depression.
I am your sister making a good impression.
I am your friend acting like I'm fine.
I am a wisher wishing this life weren't mine.
I am a girl who thinks of suicide.
I am a teenager pushing her tears aside.
I am a student who doesn't have a clue.
I am the girl sitting next to you.
I am the one asking you to care.
I am your bestfriend hoping you'll be there.
I am the girl who dresses in all black and never got to finish middle school because I was called emo everyday. I am the friend afraid to tell you that I'm bisexual, because you'de leave me for it. I am the girl who loves to read and is pushed into the corner and beat up because of what I love to do. I am no one. Just the kid that was pushed to far at school for being emo and cut a little too deep. I'm the teenager who was kicked out of her house because I was caught hugging my girlfriend. I am the woman who commited suicide just before I graduated highschool. Since I'm a CheerLeader, no one suspected it was coming. I am the best friend who just found out she has AIDS, and is afraid to tell her parents because she'll be considered gay. My parents would never accept me if I was. I am the athlete evryone expects to be perfect, when in reality I'm sneaking heroin between games. I am the girl who is called a slut everyday because I can't afford to buy new clothes every year. My skirt doesn't cover what I want it to. I am the sibling forced to clean their sister's blood off of the carpet. Why didn't I see it coming? I am the boy who wakes up crying because the bruises my parents gave me hurt so much, but aren't even noticed because I'm always wearing the baggy clothes the kids in gangs wear. I am the girl who got raped at twelve and am considered a whore because of it.I am the gullible parent who let my child hurt themselves. No one can know this. We have to keep this secret. We have to be
If you believe stereotyping is wrong, PUT THIS IN YOUR PROFILE!!!
_____THERE Was A Complication With Your Heart
Look at it... yep, it's my name... memorize it... MEMORIZE IT!!! Ok, you may now go on.
_+Welcome to the place deeper than Hell+
[Thanks to all the awsome avatar makers; Amber, Aaron, Alice, Gayrardsaurus, Shona, Whitney, Sarah, Kelsey, India, Stephanie, Brandi, Faye, Aliiiiiiiiiiiii, Alex, Ambriece, Lauren, Anna and Lucy]
Life is a dream for the living dead...
~*Child of Sin*~= Gerard holds my soul <333
1.Thou Shall Accept Death As It Corners 2.Thou Shall Sing And March Without A Question 3.Thou Shall Face Fear And Regret 4.Thou Shall Let Go Of Thy Dreams 5.Thou Shall Give Blood 6.Thou Shall Not Fear Thy Sins 7.Thou Shall Protect Thy Brothers In Arms 8.Thou Shall Darken Thy Clothes 9.Thou Shall Not Walk This World Alone 10.Thou Shall Carry On
1.Thou Shall Not Put A Gun To Thy Lover's Head 2.Thou Shall Be Willing To Die For Love 3.Thou Shall Seek Revenge On Those Who Wrong You 4.Thou Shall Be A Demolition Lover 5.Thou Shall Unleash The Bats 6.Thou Shall protect Thy Lover From Everything (Even Vampires) 7.Thou Shall Respect The Lord, Gerard 8.Thou Shall Sing The Holy Hymns Of The Chemical Romance 9.Thou Shall See Beauty In Bloody Love 10.Thou Shall Rock Hard ***11.Thou Shall Join The Black Parade
G. Gifted
E. Enchanted
R. Respectable
A. Artistic
R. Revengeful
D. Dangerous
Gracias para el veneno Merce por le venin
Unleash the Fucking Bats
About Me...
Name: Kayla (You should know that by now!)
Birthdate: Sep. 28, 1993 (Yes, I was born on Bam Margera's birthday!)
Birthplace: Oregon
Current Location: Cemetery Drive (That's also my favorite song!)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'10
Weight: Why do you want to know?
Zodiac sign: A Libra, which I is one of them (Or, a Rooster in China)
Age: 13 years old dead
Orientation: Straight
Culture: German and Norwegian
Skin: Extremley pale
Status: In a relationship (With someone else) ;]
<----- I find this very amusing and funny!
Click it... I dare you-----> IF YOU DARE
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your
(*)_(*) homepage and help him on his
“Just to know that its okay to be messed up, ‘cause there’s five dudes that are just as messed as you are.”
My awsome, kickass wifey, Frankie [vampire_worshiper]!!! Love ya!!!
To start off, I'm me and that's all I can be. I'm a child of Satan and Sin. Most people don't know I'm Deppressed. I like to cry myself to sleep. Yeah, I've got few friends because I haven't learned to trust much. I have been hurt in my past alot and have low self esteem. I can admit I have an "issue". (If you are not a total idiot, you'll guess correct.) I am not sure of my religion. I'm not even sure if I want to be in a religion.. I have beliefs and if you have a problem with it, go fuck yourself with a loaf of bread. I have Insomnia and O.C.D.. I am also very quiet and shy and don't talk to people I don't feel comfortable around. Also, I stand up for people like me and what I belive in whenever someone says shit about them and/or it. I don't really care what people say about me, and I hate being judged, but I don't let it get to me. In other words, "FUCK ALL THE SHALLOW, SHITTY, THINK THEY KNOW IT ALL, BITCHY, ASSHOLE, MOTHER FUCKERS OUT THERE." I HATE my parents and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm a Proud Gay marriage supporter and I'm Bi-polar. Home is where you hang yourself. Proud Member of the Skeleton Parade, Fro Parade and the MCRmy.
I'm gonna suffer for all my Sins. I'm going to Hell... But maybe it's worth it.
Marilyn Manson...
Marilyn Manson (Like MCR) is very important to me. Personally, I love all of his music and (Like Gerard) he is SEXY! Manson is an awsome indivisual and I look up to him as my Antichrist idol!!! He is also a kickass artist. Although, he did not save my life I am a huge fan and I am REALLY upset I didn't have a chance to see them perform with John 5(R.I.P.) and Twiggy. I respect him for what he's been through, and the reason he turned his back on Chistianity. My favorite songs by Mr. Marilyn Manson is, Tainted Love and This is the New Shit. But, hey, like I said, I love all of his music. I love him and I think his makeup style is kickass also. From my point of view, I do not think he is responsible for shootings, murderous teenagers and a general moral collapse in society and all that shit. He is just a rock'n roll king... and that's that!
Favorite Marilyn Manson Quotes:
- Music is the strongest form of magic.
- Part of me is afraid to get close to people because I'm afraid that they're going to leave.
- The word 'Antichrist', to me, is the collective disbelief in god.
- When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.
- I view my job as being someone who is supposed to piss people off. I don't want to be just one-of-the-guys. I don't want to be just a smiling face you see on television presenting some vapid kind of easily- digestible garbage. This is rock and roll. I want to be a rock and roll star! Rock and roll is about shaking things up, making people act and react. That's what I do.
- There are people accusing me that I'm sick, that I'm a danger to morals, western civilization and basically everything under the sun. And they've got these wild stories about me, completely off the wall, completely untrue. They thought them up and it makes you wonder what goes on in their brain, but of course, they don't consider themselves sick. They think they're normal because they don't dress like I do.
- I fear being like everyone I hate, I fear failure, I fear losing control. I love balancing between chaos and control with everything I do. I always have a fear of going one way or another, getting lost in something, or losing everything to get lost in. And I fear being a completely acceptable sheep in society.
____________*Don't Be AFRAID*
Gerard Way...
You'll never know how much he means to me. I love this guy to pieces. He's my fucking idol and he saved my life. I owe him everything, he means a world & a half to me. I wouldn't really be here without him. He's got me through so much, and I guess my dream is to meet him. Just so I can tell him that he's my hero and he's the most beautiful person in the world in my eyes. It's okay to love him cos he understands everything, even if he doesn't know it. Though I think he does. He's smart, he's humble, he's kind, he's funny, he's just the closest thing to perfect I've ever witnissed. I may tend to bang on about him & the band alot but it's cos I'm obsessed devoted. And I always will be. I'll worship this guy as long as I have to. Gerard Way is my savior, my life, my everything. Along with being one of the SEXIEST men alive, he has to be one of the best artists on this world and his voice could cure death itself. No one on the face of the Earth understands how I feel. I owe everything I have to him. I feel that he is my guardian angel, sent to me from God to watch over me. Saying he's my hero only puts it on a very slim level. I cannot describe what he is to me. I don't think I ever will.
In Memory Of Elena Lee Rush.
To Gerard:
I know it's short notice;
and I know we could die tomorrow...
But I just want you to know-
if you ever need me like I need you...
You know I'll wait forever.
My Chemical Romance...
I might not be the biggest MCR fan out there but, I'm working on it and I can bet you I am one of the top 10 fans. My Chemical Romance is very important to me. There are no words to express how I feel about them. They worked so hard to get where they are, and each guy is very special to me in different ways. They saved my life, so I owe it to them to be a fan forever. Thats' really my one true dream, to actually meet them and hear them sing at a concert. These men deserve the world and everything. The amout of lives, saved a day is amazing due to them and they will never know how much they mean to me, and so many lost and lonley lives out there. I saw my saviors on the 22nd of April. THANK GOD!!!
I Am A True
Before I tell about the concert, you must hear of what I wore:
- Black "Boy Beaters" shirt (It says, The Devil Has Got A Place For You And Me, under a picture drawn by Gerard.)
- Jeans that have 1 hole in the knee (Left) and 2 small holes (Right)
- Black and gray stripped scarf
- Black and gray checkered Vans
- 2 black wrist bands (Right; plain black one with a rubberband)(Left; black with 3 metal skulls on it)
- 3 necklaces (1. My dad's dogtags)(2. My ZikZok neclace)(3. My neclace my boyfriend gave me; a key which says "To My Heart" and a small ruby)
- Hair was up in a clip
- Eyeliner
- No earings or rings
- Purple nail polish
- Stud belt
And now to the concert...
On April 22nd, my life was changed once again. That night I, laughed, I cryed, I screamed and... I just gave it all to them. They played the whole Black Parade cd and then some songs off Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, including:
Thank You For The Venom
Cemetry Drive
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
At the start of Disenchanted Gerard said, "We are the Black Parade and we have two songs left, and then My Chemical Romance will come out. If you ask me, which I know you are, but if you ask me, their language is atricious and their clothing is horrible." They finished the set and then surprised us by playing Blood. About 15 min. later they came out in jeans, leather jackets and t-shirts; total Revenge themed clothing, with their circle of guns around the word "Revenge" as the backround instead of the, Welcome To The Black Parade music video themed poster/flag/backround. I cried when they played, I Don't Love You and Cancer and the very beginning and end. Before they played Cancer, Gerard gave alittle speech about cancer. And, also when Gerard talked to the crowd how we can always go to them when/if they feel left out, like we don't belong. Or when people treat us different. We also found out Gerard broke a rib, so, he couldn't dance as well. (I'm still not sure if he was serious or not...) But, he still did his signature move. =] There was, sparks, fire and at the end of Welcome To The Black Parade, there was confetti!!! Although, it was a bit upsetting because Mikey wasn't playing. Mikey is now on his honeymoon with Alicia and wont be back on the tour untill his new life is situated. The bassist was good, but not nearly as good as Mikey. =[ They also played Heaven Help Us. He came out on the gurney and started off with the song, The End. They ended with Helena. Gerard looked at us at least 5 times and waved at us twice. Me and my friend Taylor, saw them leave in their limo. Gerard danced with his black and white feather boa during Mama. Everyone in the crowd was amazing and sang every word. I will always remember that night and I know it doesn't sound like much reading this but, they changed my life once again last night. I can't put it into words...
MCR was the best thing that could ever happen to me. They were amazing live and Muse was pretty good also. Some of my favorite songs that Muse played were:
Time Is Running Out
Knights Of Cydonia
The light show during Muse was amazing. But, you could tell, the crowd was just waiting and saving it all for MCR.
[It's a little to late cause
I'm bringin sexy back
and my chain does hang low
so smack that,
oh, would you like some ice for that burn???]
\m/<(^ ^)>\m/
Rock on
I lIkE/lOvE:
- AiMaLs
- VaMpIrEs =F
- AnImE
- CaTs
- DaRk (NiGhT)
- My FrIeNdS
- DrAwInG
- WrItInG (PoEtRy)
- StItCh ^^
- My CoMpUtEr AnD iPoD
- PlAyInG mY sAxApHoNe (YeAh, YeAh. I kNoW i'M a "BaNd GeEk", So WhAt?)
- LiP rInGs (SEXY)
- Dr. PePpEr
- BlAcK, gReEn, PuRpLe
- HoT tOpIc
- ThUnDeRsToRmS aNd RaIn
- 666
- ThE nUmBeR 73 (dOn'T aSk)
- BlAcK eYeLiNeR
- WaTeR (sWiMmInG bY mYsElF)
- ThE nIgHtMaRe BeFoRe ChRiStMaS
- SoUtH pArK
- I lIkE cHeEsE.....
- EdWaRd ScIsSoR hAnDs
- InVaDeR zIm
- SkItTlE fIgHtInG nInJa PeNgUiNs
- EmIlY tHe StRaNgE
- QuEeN oF tHe DaMnEd
- BlAcK nAiL pOlIsH
- FoAmY tHe SqUiRrEl (IlL wIlL pReSs; NeUrOtIcAlLy YoUrS)
- SwEeTy PuSs
- LeNoRe
- NaPoLeAn DyNaMiTe
- EdGaR aLlAn PoE
- BOB (oNcE aGaIn, DoN't AsK)
- ThIs SmIlIe RuLeS tHe WoRlD
- SkItTlEs
- McRmY
- LaBrYiNtH (mOvIe)
- PiRaTeS oF tHe CaRrIbEaN (1 aNd 2)
- BaTs
- I gAvE yOu My BuLlEtS, yOu GaVe Me YoUr LoVe
- ThReE cHeErS fOr SwEeT rEvEnGe
- ThE bLaCk PaRaDe (ThE sPeCiAl AdDiTiOn AnD rEgUlAr)
- LiFe On ThE mUrDeR sCeNe
- ThE hEaRtAgRaM, aNaRcHy, AnD pEnTaGrAm SiGn
- CeMeTeRiEs
- ThE ~*vOiCeS iN mY hEaD*~ (bY tHe WaY, tHeY aRe TeLlInG mE tHeY dOn'T lIkE yOu.)
- My RoOm
- CoNcErTs
- NeW jErSeY
- SaRcAsM (i'M vErY sArCaStIc)
- HaPpY bUnNy =P
- CoFfEe (StArBuCkS)
- RaZoR bLaDeS
- TiM bUrToN
- MoSh PiTs
- SkElAnImAlS
- ReD bUlL
*- AlL oF mY fRiEnDs AnD fAmIlY oN INO. i LoVe YoU gUyS!!!<3
- ThE sKeLeToN cReW (s//c)
FeelTheRomance.Com (It's a sweet MCR fan site)
I hAtE:
- PrEpPs, JOcKs
- PeOpLe WhO jUdGe AnD lAbLe Me
- SoMeTiMeS lIfE
- RaP
- My PaReNtS lOoKiNg In PeRsOnAl InFo, PoEtRy, AnD dRaWiNgS
- PiNk (EWWW)
- PaRiS hiLtOn
- My AnGeR...
- NeEdLeS *sHiVeRs*
- MCR hAtErS
- ReAdInG
- MySpAcE (iT's OvEr RatTeD)
- TeEnIeS
- SwEeTs
- SpOrTs
- SpIdErS
- ThE tErM, yO mOm (FuCk ThAt ShIt!)
- TrEnDs
- WhEn PeOpLe QuOtE tHe "EmO sOnG" bEhInD mY bAcK lIkE i CaNt HeAr ThEm...
- PeOpLe WhO pReTeNd To Be YoUr FrIeNd
My Favorite Bands:
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE:: Green Day:: From First to Last:: Flyleaf:: The Used:: Slipknot:: Korn:: Panic! At The Disco:: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus:: Marliyn Manson (Is a kickass, motherfucker and should be respected for so many reasons<3):: Hinder:: HIM:: Bullet For My Valentine:: Evanescence:: Gorillaz:: Misfits:: Ozzy Osbourne:: Avenged Sevenfold:: Good Charlotte:: Iron Maiden:: Pencey Prep:: The Smashing Pumpkins:: Weezer:: 30 Seconds To Mars:: Linkin Park:: Godsmack:: Switchfoot:: Lamb Of God:: Muse:: Insane Clown Posse:: Nine Inch Nails:: Mastodon:: The Medic Droid:: Papa Roach:: Plain White T's:: Silverstein:: Kill Hannah:: Snow Patrol:: Staind:: Avril Lavigne:: Escape The Fate:: I Am Ghost:: Jet Lag Gemini:: Killswitch Engage:: Madina Lake:: Deathstars and any other "Punk", "Emo", "Goth", or Metal bands you can think of.
Let's Get Fucked Up and Die. I'm Speaking Figuratively of course like the last time that I Committed Suicide.
(My friends rock, you're jelous... end of story)
*Jess R.
*Lola (Dalores)
*Tyler (Mini-me)
*Taylor B. ClickMe!!!
*Cameron (Syio)
*Taylor P.
_____This May Help You Remember...
Just to let everyone know, I don't care if your "different" in any ways I'm a great friend to people who need it.
here's my PhotoBucket album. I've got some REALLY cool stuff, so check it out!!!
So Long and Goodnight.
~The End~
P.S. Live Every Day As If It Were Your Last....
Okay, so you stereotype me.
By the way I dress, the type
of music I like, how I do my hair.
And you automatically assume
I'm that "typical emo girl"
I never gave myself a label, yet
you criticize me of being something
I'm not??? You are the one who
gave me this stamp across my forehead.
How can you judge what you
don't even know??? Once you are
in my shoes, see the pain and scars
I hide from everyone... That's the day
I dare you to look me in the eye
and fucking tell me who I am.
92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this is your profile if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically instead.
Frankie: *Closes eyes and smiles* You hear that Gerard? Can you hear it? It's so calming!
Gee: Heee, it sounds like... rainbows!
Frankie: ...Gee, you okay?
Gee: ... =D...
How many of you are sick of being called a "freak" or "cutter" just because you are gothic/Emo!?! Well I am, and i know we don't deserve it! For one thing, we dont worship satan or drink blood or even cast spells with our evil cults! We are just people...some more heartbroken than others. Another thing, the whole "Oh she's gothic/Emo so she spends her whole day slitting open her wrists" thing...stop. Not all goths cut! And for those who do, we have a damn good reason! And ya want to know a secret.....WE CAN SMILE! We can laugh, think, love, everything! We are normal people, and we do not deserve the abuse that we get. We are called names and get bad reputations...making our pain even worse! We don't need your sympathy...but we do need your moral. Just stop with the emo jokes and the whole deal with thinking that we can't have fun and spend our whole days crying and slicing open our wrists! If you have been abused, or feel remorse for those who have...please repost and spread the word. We don't deserve this...please help it change.
..._...|..____________________, ,
.:....../ `---___________----_____|]
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
.//____//______**Bang, Bang! Guns go BANG!**
..._...|..____________________, ,
.:....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = = = D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
I am the victim of too many sorrows,
I am the one they all call crazy.
One too many injections, and one too many things to fear.
My paranoia buzzes around me like a swarm of bees.
I'm lying in my death bed, but I'm not dying any time soon.
When I die, my soul will remain trapped in the earth I'm buried in,
Under a small headstone that reads my name..."Revenge."
-o----GERARD WAY ---o
92% of teens move on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day, put this in your profile:
R= Retards
A= Attempting
P= Poetry
Gerard Way stole my heart and burned it.......
.............Then turned it into a new one.............
Gave up on love when i started seeing about it in gossip rags,
Gave up on god when i realized one day my father was gonna die,
Gave up on myself too many times to count,
You could trade mistakes for sheep and count me away forever at night.
|__MCR FAN BUS_|_| __\
|_________________ |_| ____|
--------------------- Send some love to all the lonely
------ Don't forget we're all one family
---------------- Thanks to the music in our lives for helping us to survive
------------ Lost in one lonely dream, born to run and live free
*Got a Problem...Solve it*
*Think I'm Triping...Tie My Shoe*
*Can't Stand Me...Sit Down*
*Can't Face Me...Turn Around*
*Think I'm a Bitch...Try me*
*Love Me?..Good*
*Think I'm Ugly...Don't Look at Me*
*Don't Like My Style...Don't like Yours*
*Think You Know....You have no idea!!!*
Be Yourself <3
♥To every girl who gets her heart broken because he chose that whore instead ♥
___***____***____***__ *** _____
Life is a punishment from God.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
All who doubted me
can't take who i am.
they are digusted by my presence
and show me great disdain
All those who rejected me
and couldn't take my pain
They share the same hatered as many others
None of them unique
None of them with an original thought
in their homely little heads
But little do they know:
I am the ghost in the night
that haunts you in your sleep
the one you see on judement day
Before you arrive at your final resting place
I am the tortured artist
The one who is forced to lead a life
of pain and aguish, thanks to my sensitivity
of light, sight, sound, air, love, kindness
And beauty
But, to those who are afraid of me
To those who are ahamed of me
To those who are embarrassed by me
You have to remember
that without people like me
There wouldn' t be people like you
Because who then would you have
to turn your nose upon?
s o m e t i m e s y o u j u s t h a v e t o r u n a w a y ,
s o y o u c a n s e e w h o w i l l c o m e a f t e r y o u .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o t a l k q u i e t e r ,
j u s t t o s e e w h o i s l i s t e n i n g .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o s t a n d u p i n a f i g h t ,
b u t o n l y t o s e e w h o i s s t a n d i n g b y y o u r s i d e .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o m a k e a w r o n g d e c i s i o n ,
o n l y t o s e e w h o i s t h e r e t o h e l p y o u f i x i t .
s o m e t i m e s y o u h a v e t o l e t g o o f t h e o n e y o u
l o v e ,
j u s t t o s e e i f t h e y w i l l c o m e b a c k . . .
This is dedicated
To Every MCR Fan,
Who Is A Demolition Lover,
Who Was Welcomed Into The Black Parade.
This Is To
Every Helena,
And Harmless Vampire,
To Every Single Fan Who May Never See Them Play,
Team Blonde Gerard. Rest In Peace My Friends.
Everyone Who Cracked That Back In Black Joke,
Those Who Mourned Mikey's Glasses,
Those Who Live Life On The Murder Scene,
Those Who Cried To The Ghost Of You,
Those Who Cried To Famous Last Words,
Those Who Worried About Bob And His Burn,
You Who helped Gerard stay Sober,
Those With An Obsession With Rays Hair,
Those Who Love Frank Iero...(You Know Who You Are)
Everyone Who Is Not Afraid To Keep On Living.
Lets Crash The Cemetery Gates
We Will Have The Band And Each Other Forever.
The Emo Bible
Everything started with the one God, Gerard.
One day he had a spark of creativity, so he picked this random ball of rock and started to put stuff on it.
The first day he created a really hot emo guy named Mikey.
The second day he created music.
The third day he created drugs, sex, and razors.
The fourth day he created an insecure emo girl, Alicia.
The fifth day he created black clothes, belts, and makeup.
The sixth day he created all of the swear words.
The seventh and final day he created the food of the gods, Skittles™.
One day, the first emos (Mikey and Alicia, who were wearing clothes) were greeted by the Skittle™ faerie. She told them, “Eat these sour Skittles ™.”
But Gerard said, “No, eat the regular Skittles™.”
So they ate the sour Skittles because they tasted better.
But then they felt bad.
And they got stoned a lot.
And they started cutting to make themselves feel better.
But then they had sore arms, so they got drunk to make them feel better. Because of this, Alicia accidentally got pregnant and gave birth to the beautiful Jepha, who lived off of Skittles.
A whole bunch of emos were spawned after that.
-1000 years later-
A hot 13-year-old boy named Frankie was walking home from the gas station where he had just purchased some Skittles. On the way he encountered an angel with a huge fro named Ray.
Ray said, “Gerard wants you right now.”
Frank: “What?”
Ray: “He wants to rape you.”
Frank: “But I’m 13. That’s illegal.”
Ray: “Whatever.”
Frankie was poofed up to heaven. The clouds were black.
Ray brought Frankie to Gerard.
Gerard said, “Now you will be pregnant with my son!”
Frankie: “No effing way! I’m a guy!”
Gerard raped him anyways.
Frankie was angry because now that he was pregnant, he was all fat. So he went anorexic but his friends forced him to eat because they knew about the baby.
-Nine months later-
Davey, the son of Gerard, was born!! ZOMG!
-16 years later-
Davey was the EMO JESUS but everyone hated him because he was gay.
Miracles: He did people’s hair and he turned water into beer.
He had a bunch of followers that loved him because he was hot.
Some angry people (the ancestors of jocks and preps) killed Davey because they were homophobic.
1000 years later someone made a really shitty movie about it called, “The Passion of the Davey”
-2000 years later-
Davey Havok is the reincarnation of the EMO JESUS. He becomes the messiah and people worship him and his beautiful voice. He eventually saves the world from the total hellhole it is.
The End
In this world, you are categorized by what you wear, how you act, and what you look like. This drives me insane. Stereotyping, racisms, and gossip. Those are the three main things teenagers experience at school. You would think the three main subjects would be more like math, science, and social studies. Maybe something like that. But the real world has nothing to do with these subjects (well, for teenagers, anyway.) When you go to school everyday, you are faced with challenges that adults find “silly” or “submissive.” These challenges are really harder than they seem. You can’t wear Etnie’s and a Hollister shirt together without being called a poser. You can’t paint your nails black without being called emo or goth. You can’t wear anything pink without being considered a prep. There are so many stereotypes to this world. Also, you think you are friends with someone one day, and the next you find out they’ve been talking about you behind your back for weeks. This world shouldn’t be like that. That’s just not right. Also, it is assumed that all black people are supposed to wear baggy clothes, listen to rap, and live in the ghetto. It is assumed that all white people aren’t cool, that they listen to rock and roll, and that they are goody-goodies. All skaters are potheads. All blondes are ditsy. All black people are cool. All smart kids are nerds.
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Gerard: Go for it.
Frank: Shoot.
Mikey: SKITTLES!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES SKITTLES!!!!
Gerard: Wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.
Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.
Ray: Dude no way M&M's are way better
Frank: But they all taste the same!!!! Put some variety in your life man!!!!
Bob: Gummy bears
Gerard: Dumbass that wasn't one of the choices
Bob: ...Oh well it is now.
Frank: Are there any alternate answers?
Gerard: I'd rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow.
Mikey: He hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting.
Gerard: Cows smell like shit.
Frank: How about neither
Ray: C'mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two
Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick-
Mikey: EEEEWWWW!!!!!KEEP IT PG-13!!!PG-13!!!!!
Ray: Don't even get me started the list could go on for hours.
Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone.
Frank: We've all had our days.
Gerard: You guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it.
Gerard: When I was little I would say samich and it just kind of stuck.
Bob: Tell Them what we did to the sandwich!!!
Mikey: Oh God NOOO!!!!!
Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was a Mikey's cum and tuna samich. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I'll get you back for that.
Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped my in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn't go up to that creepy floor with you guys.
Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless.
Ray: Those guys were so cool!
Frank: There was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in latin. Or I think it was latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something.
Gerard: Well we've had a few incidents with a Ouijia board and we're all very superstitious.
Frank: Don't go walking under ladders.
Mikey: (Laughing so hard he fell off the chair)
Gerard: FUCK YEAH!!!
Ray: Boxers for me thanks...
Bob: No comment
Mikey: AHHH he's commando aren't you?
Bob: Like I said no comment.
Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.
Mikey: Ewwwww!
Ray: Oh Mikey you've thought about that before
Mikey: Eeeeewwwww, NO!
Gerard: Don't deny it!
Mikey: Shut up back to the question.
Gerard: That is part of the question.
Frank: You guys are fucked up.
Ray: Hey Mikey, don't you take toasters in the bath?
Gerard: YES he does!
Mikey: Well not anymore, every once in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!
Frank: Your are such a dumbass!
Frank: Yes actually. But it was nothing too dirty or anything. I just,-there was this one pair of pants Gerard had that really showed off his ass and uh...package.
Gerard: Yeah everyone knows I'm sexy.
Gerard: Okay, I haven't fucked him haven't sucked him or vice-versa. Well I nearly did, but I have seen him naked.
Frank: I think Bob and Ray left us.
Mikey: Wussies can't handle the sex talk.
Gerard: You're one to be talking.
Mikey: FUCK YOU!
Frank: And on behalf of all the rest of MCR and myself, WE'LL SEE YA AT THE SHOW!!!
Gerard: GO FUCK A WHALE!!!
I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman. I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights. We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time. I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room. I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me. I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear. We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men. I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me. I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male. I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men. I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that. I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual. I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me. I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind. I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love. I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them. I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson" ---IF YOU BELIEVE THAT HOMOPHOBIA IS WRONG... REPOST THIS
I am a poet writing of my pain.
I am a person living a life of shame.
I am your daughter hiding my depression.
I am your sister making a good impression.
I am your friend acting like I'm fine.
I am a wisher wishing this life weren't mine.
I am a girl who thinks of suicide.
I am a teenager pushing her tears aside.
I am a student who doesn't have a clue.
I am the girl sitting next to you.
I am the one asking you to care.
I am your bestfriend hoping you'll be there.
I am the girl who dresses in all black and never got to finish middle school because I was called emo everyday. I am the friend afraid to tell you that I'm bisexual, because you'de leave me for it. I am the girl who loves to read and is pushed into the corner and beat up because of what I love to do. I am no one. Just the kid that was pushed to far at school for being emo and cut a little too deep. I'm the teenager who was kicked out of her house because I was caught hugging my girlfriend. I am the woman who commited suicide just before I graduated highschool. Since I'm a CheerLeader, no one suspected it was coming. I am the best friend who just found out she has AIDS, and is afraid to tell her parents because she'll be considered gay. My parents would never accept me if I was. I am the athlete evryone expects to be perfect, when in reality I'm sneaking heroin between games. I am the girl who is called a slut everyday because I can't afford to buy new clothes every year. My skirt doesn't cover what I want it to. I am the sibling forced to clean their sister's blood off of the carpet. Why didn't I see it coming? I am the boy who wakes up crying because the bruises my parents gave me hurt so much, but aren't even noticed because I'm always wearing the baggy clothes the kids in gangs wear. I am the girl who got raped at twelve and am considered a whore because of it.I am the gullible parent who let my child hurt themselves. No one can know this. We have to keep this secret. We have to be
If you believe stereotyping is wrong, PUT THIS IN YOUR PROFILE!!!
im new to imnotokay xD
thought i would go on peoples profiles amd i came across yours x]
Love it !
jenzxrawr, October 7th, 2008 at 06:49:20pm
ur profile is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
sWeET_vEnoM, September 3rd, 2008 at 04:02:05pm
Cool profile.
Pretty QUITE long but cool.
hunteri heroici., June 5th, 2008 at 03:23:52pm
play not lay
awake_and_unafraid., June 2nd, 2008 at 05:35:49pm
i read ur little lay thing!! OMG LOLOLOL!! love the end w/ mikey n gerard!! last line- PRICELESS!! omg that is GOLD!
awake_and_unafraid., June 2nd, 2008 at 04:12:33pm
i read ur little lay thing!! OMG LOLOLOL!! love the end w/ mikey n gerard!! last line- PRICELESS!! omg that is GOLD!
awake_and_unafraid., June 2nd, 2008 at 04:12:22pm
OMG!!!!! How the heck do u get vidios on ur fricken profile! I NEED TO KNOW!!! And pic and crap
Angie Dawn, March 21st, 2008 at 02:16:47pm
Thank you. Aye, it's okay. =] Glad you like it. =]
That's good you're good. I'm fine, thanks. =]
I can't wait for tomorrow! Coheed and Cambria's new video comes out!!! Whoooo!!! lol.
The Creature, February 3rd, 2008 at 09:40:07am
want to be friends
heartbroken gee, January 22nd, 2008 at 06:21:19pm
I really love your profile!!
Why.So.Serious?, January 4th, 2008 at 06:49:48pm
Dashing through the snow, on a pair of broken skis.
Over the hills we go, crashing into trees (Ow ow ow)!!!
Now the snow is turning red, I think I'm almost dead!
Now I'm in the hospital, with stitches in my head!
Throw a paddy at your daddy!
Fa la la la la la la la la
Throw salami at your mommy!
Fa la la la la la la la la
Throw your mother at your brother!
Fa la la la la la la la la
Throw a blister at your sister!
Fa la la la la la la la la
Throw a banana at your grandma!
Fa la la la la la la la la
Throw a panda at your grandpa!
Fa la la la la la la la la
Happy holidays, and have a happy new year.
The Creature, December 24th, 2007 at 01:24:16pm
dude your profile is amazing!
Seventeen Forever, November 2nd, 2007 at 10:05:25pm
ur profile... it is the best one i have ever seen!
xXBlackRevengexX, October 23rd, 2007 at 06:57:35am
hi, nice pro-file..
XxKenceyPrepxX, October 9th, 2007 at 12:01:25am
i love your profile
Nightmare Before Christmas!!!
its awesome :D
Love the profile xD
Bleeding Dry, October 6th, 2007 at 07:44:46pm