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The back end of nowhere

Member since October 7th, 2008


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Hey! I'm Jess. I'm part Italian so I'm very emotive, prone to violent gesturing and even more violent mood swings, dark hair and eyes, outspoken, talkative when I get to know you, passionate about anything I really love, easily made jealous, love arguments and love debating (a less extreme version of arguments which does not involve throwing things).
I'm also part Welsh, which means I have freckles, am really shy if I don't know someone, seriously insecure, pedantic, sarcastic, pretty creative, a total daydreamer and kinda romantic. Very Happy
So, I got into MCR about four years ago, but I count my (building) obsession from when I saw the I'm Not Okay, Helena and Famous Last Words videos back-to-back on a friend's computer, and immediately went out to get all three CDs after listening to them non-stop for five days.
They helped me get through my parent's messy divorce (still ongoing, they can't talk for ten minutes without yelling and throwing things, mum even tried to run dad over once), my grandpa's death by cancer, a serious spat of bullying at my second school, where I was counted as a freak, two years of being ignored at my third school (you know, every time you sit down at a table, everyone else leaves, last to be picked for anything, everyone talks about you behind your back sorta thing), and my dad's depression and suicidal tendencies.
So that's my sob story.
Apart from My Chem, I
The Twilight series (Jake all the way!)
My guitar
Irish/American accents
Singing (very loudly and very badly)
Dancing anytime, anyplace
My iPod
Anyone who makes me laugh
Skeleton Crew
Very Happy
Green Day
Boys Like Girls
Panic at the Disco
Fall Out Boy
Kill Hannah

My best friends:
Ellen, who I've known since we were four and who is seriously one of the most awesome people you will ever meet (and who is also amazing at acting)
Katie, who I've also known since we were four and can be described in two words: crazy and hilarious
Jess, the only good friend I made at my second school, amazing at art, dance and understanding people
Cat, who is just a really good friend who gets everything you're going through and is also amazingly creative

I hate:
Negative people (the ones who enjoy making people miserable)
People with bigger egos than sense
Early mornings
Being bored


  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Yup, lots of snow. I live in south Ohio. =]
    Yes, I've noticed how roller coasters have that addictive quality to I don't know how many times I rode Iron Dragon at Cedar Point. By the way, Cedar Point is an awesome park. 16 roller coasters, most of any amusement park in the world. Including Top Thrill Dragster which is the tallest, fastest coaster in the world and it goes 90 degrees straight up and straight down. I will never go on it I'm sure, but it's really fun to watch.

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 18th, 2008 at 06:39:29pm

  • vampire kitteh :3

    like mcr... lol but yea jasper's awesome and he seems a bit shy its cute ^_^

    vampire kitteh :3, November 17th, 2008 at 11:02:59pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    No, actually the last four or so years it has rained on my birthday. Ha ha, it's snowing right now. =]
    I'm not a huge fan of roller coasters, but I don't mind the kinda smallish ones. I've been on one with a loop and I don't think I'll ever do it again. Ha. Loops suck, literally. They, like, suck your head down into your chest. Ouch!

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 17th, 2008 at 04:52:32pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Ha, that sucks. Mine is in the summer. August 5th. This year I happened to be on vacation that week. I was at Cedar Point on my birthday. The world's "Roller Coast" lol, so corny. I went on a roller coaster so I high I could see Canada. lol

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 16th, 2008 at 10:22:28am

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Me too.
    Seriously? Ha, that sounds like something I would do. lol
    4 days? Really? One of my friends' birthday is 4 days from today (the 15th is today)

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 15th, 2008 at 08:29:24pm

  • vampire kitteh :3

    yeah. and too serious. jake's more fun ^_^

    vampire kitteh :3, November 15th, 2008 at 12:09:23am

  • vampire kitteh :3

    Team Jacob! =]

    vampire kitteh :3, November 6th, 2008 at 11:19:27pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Amazingly adorable and totally rocking!
    Yes! he made that song sound amazing compared to the real version.

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 6th, 2008 at 05:37:14pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    *twitch twitch* She must die
    And only Lindsey, Alicia, Krista, and Jamia are going to have their Chemically Romantic babies. lol that was a weird place to put 'chemically romantic'.
    By the way, MCR's version of All I Want For Christmas is You is on my mp3 player year round and it's my favorite Christmas song EVER!

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 5th, 2008 at 04:44:21pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Ha, wouldn't fantasizing be a bit more satisfying though? I mean, in your head you can create all these twisted little situations that would probably never happen. lol.
    My school is half rock half rap and the rock half is dominated by fans of Aiden, HIM, Cute is What We Aim For, Iron Maiden, and above all My Chem. We're all kinda anti-social though so I haven't really met any fangirls. We do have a lot of Tokio Hotel fangirls though!! Oh my gosh, I had a conversation with one girl who attacked me at lunch because I was wearing a TH shirt and she's like "OMG LYK WHO'S UR FAVORITE BILL OR TOM?" and I looked at her all weird because I knew she was trying to ask me who was hotter and I was like "uh....Bill I guess?" and she said "NU-UH HE'S MIIIIINE!!111!!!!" she was seriously talking like that and it really annoyed me so I walked *cough*ran*cough* away and have been avoiding her ever since. Until Friday when I saw her wearing the same shirt I had been wearing the day we talked. Grrr...

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 4th, 2008 at 04:36:22pm

  • Jesse Lacey;

    thanks ::tehe: you too!

    been so long since I've talked to anyone here! How's it going?

    Jesse Lacey;, November 3rd, 2008 at 06:13:31pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Well, at least you're over it.
    Yeah, I hate girls like that too. They drive me nuts. I mean, if it was some 28-30 year old girl that actually knew Gerard personally in, like, high school or something and she secretly liked him and then found out he was married, that's one thing, but 13-16 year old girls that only love Gerard because he's hot and stuff is quite another. It's totally ridiculous. I hated the rumors about Lyn-Z abusing him and stuff. They're happy so I'm happy. =]

    we_r_4evr_parading06, November 3rd, 2008 at 05:13:00pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    I have finally stopped stalking him (as much) now finally. I find it hard to believe that there are straight guys out their as awesome and *cough*hot*cough* as him, but oh well. I have no interest in dating now anyway so it doesn't bother me that I'm completely crushing on a guy I can't have. It would suck if someone I liked went out with my best friend. That's just too much of a tease.

    we_r_4evr_parading06, October 31st, 2008 at 04:39:31pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Yeah, his name is Jesse. lol, I noticed that. Ha ha.
    How do I cope? Well, it's hard I can tell you that. I pretty much stalk him and he's starting to get onto me so I can't stare at him as much. He's so cute it's a crime. I just remind myself to only think of him as eye-candy. XP

    we_r_4evr_parading06, October 22nd, 2008 at 07:18:06pm

  • we_r_4evr_parading06

    Hi, thanks for the comment. lol. Yes, my friends are amazing. I need to put up a few more weird conversations. The gay guy thing? Well, I still have a huge crush on him and it totally sucks, but the great thing is that HE LOOKS JUST LIKE GERARD! The world should be jealous. =P

    we_r_4evr_parading06, October 21st, 2008 at 07:36:48pm

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