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May 31st We March

A peaceful protest will be taking place in London this coming Saturday to highlight that My Chemical Romance is not a ‘suicide cult’ - as they have been recently dubbed in the English media - but in fact a band that ‘wants to save your life.’ So far the press release for the details of the march has been as follows:

There will be a protest held in Hyde Park, on May 31st 2008, from 10am until 10pm. This protest is being held in order to raise awareness on My Chemical Romance’s acutely anti-suicide message and the serious issue of depression, especially in teenagers. A turnout of over 250 people is currently confirmed, predicted to at least double.

This is a peaceful protest in honour of US rock band, My Chemical Romance. Hundreds of fans will gather with one motive, to unite. We hope to show that My Chemical Romance is not a ‘suicide cult’ - as the Daily Mail has called them in a recent article - but simply a rock band that wants to save people’s lives. Depression is a serious thing and careless journalism runs the risk of trivializing it; especially as far as teenage depression is concerned. My Chemical Romance have always tried to ward their fans away from depression and aid them in seeking help, even going as far as to call suicide hotline numbers from the stage. Whereas, badly researched journalism is in danger of promoting irresponsible stereotyping and taking away from depression as a serious medical illness.

Many My Chemical Romance fans can be quoted saying, "MCR saved my life." Through their work and messages sent to the fans to look after themselves and love life, they help much of their fan base to survive depression. The Daily Mail condemns them to the opposite of this, backing their claims up with misquoted, out-of-context lyrics; avoiding lyrics such as, "I am not afraid to keep on living," from the song "Famous Last Words." Nor do they pick up on quotes such as the following, said by Gerard Way multiple times on their recent world tour, "If you find yourself depressed, hurt, like an outcast or feel that the only place you can fit in is at a show like this, that's not the case. We all do belong in this world and we all have a place in this world." On their DVD, released back in the Revenge era and widely adored amongst fans, the following message is spoken only minutes into the two-hour long clip; "We're definitely a band that wants to save your life."

There has also been some recent confusion as to what site is the authentic site for the protest, we can confirm that (two T's, not one) is the official site with key information about the protest. However there is a duplicate site that has formulated which eerily mimics the genuine Please make sure you are on the correct site before adding your name to the list pledging that you will be present at the protest. Moreover this fraudulent site has spawned awful rumours of mass suicide which is of course is false. The protest will be conducted in a peaceful and respectful manner.

May 29th, 2008


  • WhatIF

    In Norway dagbladet (newspaper) just wrote "emos protested against The Daily Mail" That was kinda stupid. "emos" ? How could Dagbladet know that everyone was "emo" `? I don't think everybody was that. Dagladet is stupid =)

    WhatIF, June 4th, 2008 at 04:42:22pm

  • CreepyCorps

    well it was about time some one did some thing! (mcr 4 ever!...)

    CreepyCorps, June 4th, 2008 at 10:03:21am

  • valiumobsequy

    Allright thats horrible MCR is the best and are NOT suicidel!!!

    valiumobsequy, June 4th, 2008 at 08:28:50am

  • kidvicious

    Although it happened and we can’t join this march but I think u guys deserve to have some information about it. By the way, Daily Mail is stupid, f*cking stupid. I swear I never ever read any Daily Mail in my whole life. Daily Mail is destroying the fame of MCR, and also make MCR’s fans hate that newspaper too.

    Finally, thanks a lot to MCR’s fans in VietNam and all over the world, especially in England. U guys are awesome, and make me so proud of ur spirit and yourself. I wish I could be there to join the march with u guys, but I can’t. Anyway, thanks, and hope that ur work will be repayed.

    MCR's Vietnam Fanclub

    kidvicious, June 2nd, 2008 at 09:39:41pm

  • McR-Dead!-Hearse

    gr...good way....we''''''llllllll carry on

    McR-Dead!-Hearse, June 2nd, 2008 at 11:51:43am

  • Lounge Fly

    Agreed. Stereotypes=bad. Being ourselves=good.
    And I hope that everyone who protested didn't get into any fights or anything. My cousin who lives in the UK said to me that he and a couple of his bogan mates were going to go and bash some emo kids. I told him to go f*ck himself.

    Lounge Fly, June 1st, 2008 at 07:08:39pm

  • my chem rox

    thtas the way u gta doo it tooo baad i wasnt part opf it wantd 2 gooooo soo bad
    MCR ROX 4 EVA u guyzz are awsoome ohh yhh

    my chem rox, June 1st, 2008 at 02:23:19pm

  • yourfallenangel

    i am so glad that they did this. and to everyone that went to it, you are so freaking lucky.

    when people say that mcr saved their lives, they really do.

    btw people, emo's a LABEL. and, labels cant tell people who or what they really are. they might be the nicest person you will ever know, maybe even be your best friend, but you wont know until you get to know them.

    yourfallenangel, June 1st, 2008 at 01:47:42pm

  • Cherokee

    Dear Sahdow_666,

    I am the one to opolegize.
    One dear friend of mine told me that I don't owe MyChem my life.
    you are right. You were right at many times. Becasue we do have to think of our selves.
    Becaus this protest was about MCR, and because MCR is a part of ourselves. This is why many teens went to the protest, and many teens wished to attend it.

    It's just great how you spoke up.
    It worked after all. This is what matter after all this disagreement.
    Right, or left? :P
    I felt offended when you said 'no one is listening to me.'

    And please all, pardon my unclear words.. I'm such a bad typer.

    Cherokee, June 1st, 2008 at 05:26:19am

  • Lounge Fly

    I'm here because I love MCR. I don't remember being asked the question "Did MCR save your life?" when I filled the form in.
    If the protest worked, well I'm more than happy to eat a big slice of humble pie because I agree that it's a cause worth fighting for. Hopefully the people who supported the protest will now block that f*cking sh*thole the Daily Mail.
    And if I offended anyone with my comments, I am sorry to all of you because I was simply saying what I believed, and what I still believe regarding MCR saving lives and how you should all credit yourselves more. But I had no intention of offending anyone.

    Lounge Fly, June 1st, 2008 at 04:42:20am

  • Cherokee

    Again, Dear Shadow_666,

    When a regular teen (rock fan) says that MyChem saved him/her, s/he means to say that MCR helped this development to become a normal mature adult and get over depression.

    Cherokee, June 1st, 2008 at 04:11:02am

  • Cherokee

    Dear Shadow_666,

    Now after the protest was over you can see how much attention it brought.
    Teens there showed the world that we are NOT an bunsh of freaks dresseing in black and attempting suicide.
    It showed them how responsible we are. How we could carry a message to the world.
    I agree with the emssage below.
    unfortunatly I wans't able to atend the protest. Many were not able to do so as well. Still, we were there in mind, heart, and spirit.

    Please, I wish to be rude with you. You owe us an apology.
    As you have tried to lower our high eager spirits.

    And yeah, we listened to you. We responded to you.
    I am not sure who you are. But the protest did work. Way better than expected.

    Cherokee, June 1st, 2008 at 04:05:47am

  • ciara.

    to shadow_666

    I heard some members of the public told the protesters that they support the purpose of the protest (after they asked the protesters what their purpose was)... which disproves what you said about... no one's gonna listen to the voice of the protest. And in addition to that, if you haven't noticed, the protest got much media support and attention.

    The voice of the protest was heard. (:

    ciara., June 1st, 2008 at 02:34:58am

  • Cherokee

    Hello everyone!

    Good morning, it's the first of June.

    And guess what?

    Well, check this out.
    Copy the link: ack-parade-marches-against-the-daily-mai l-in-pictures/

    Cherokee, May 31st, 2008 at 10:45:52pm

  • Cherokee


    SAving lives can be emotionally as well.

    Waht the hell ar you doing on the fansite?

    Cherokee, May 31st, 2008 at 10:32:17pm

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