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Jazz Hands
Age: 36
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Posts: 261
September 20th, 2006 at 12:28am
It is wrong for people to make fun of people just because they have a disability. You don't see these people making fun of everyone of us who is not disabled and i bet if they did there would be a hugh outcry about it. Besides nobody is perfect we all have our faults and nobody wants them rubbed in their face every time they step foot in public.

Secondly, Just because you have all your limbs doesn't make you inferior to a person missing a leg, and just because you have the intellectual ability equivalent to your age doesn't make you inferior to someone with a mental ability of someone half there age.

People should be given jobs because they meet the criteria for them, nothing else should matter.

I also hate people that will give disabled people jobs to make there business look good, in my opinion that is even lower than not giving them a job in the first place. we are all humans, who are made to share this earth, so why make it any harder than it should be.
Darkened Angel
Salute You in Your Grave
Darkened Angel
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September 20th, 2006 at 12:55am
I think in some cases it's just wrong, we're learning about mental retardation in school and some of the kids are being really immature about it. My half-brother is autistic, it doesn't make him any less of a person, he just learns slower than others and doesn't talk much, so yeah, he's not "normal".

I could see if a person couldn't read it'd be understandable if the employer gave the job to someone who could, but discrimanation against all disabled people is just wrong.
Jeffree Star
Motor Baby
Jeffree Star
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November 6th, 2006 at 11:47am
My mom is disabled soand she is perfectly fine. People just don't know how it feels to be diffrent. But in many little ways we're all alike!
Age: 32
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Posts: 22
November 6th, 2006 at 09:29pm
I work with handicapped kids at the local hospital, and it makes me want to beat the crap out of the kids at my school when they make "retard" jokes or finish a sentence degrading and insensitive stupid "De-de-de" from Carlos Mancia.
xXDr. KrazyXx
Fabulous Killjoy
xXDr. KrazyXx
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November 24th, 2006 at 03:53pm
I think all humans are equal. No one is lesser than anyone, and any human who thinks other wise is out of place. Thinking you are better than someone is just... pathetic. And just because someone was born with something wrong with them, doesn't mean they are not as good as you are. And if you dislike them because they get more attention, you must be selfish, because they need the extra attention.
xXDr. KrazyXx
Fabulous Killjoy
xXDr. KrazyXx
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November 24th, 2006 at 03:53pm
bright lights x x
Really Not Okay
bright lights x x
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August 8th, 2007 at 02:26am
xXDr. KrazyXx:
I think all humans are equal. No one is lesser than anyone, and any human who thinks other wise is out of place. Thinking you are better than someone is just... pathetic. And just because someone was born with something wrong with them, doesn't mean they are not as good as you are. And if you dislike them because they get more attention, you must be selfish, because they need the extra attention.

i totally agree.
hell i i have a disabled friend whos nicer than anyone i know.
and its really sad cuz my other friends and i are really the only ones that even talk to her.
shes no different at all besides the fact that her speech is a little slurd.
Carrie White
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Carrie White
Age: 31
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August 8th, 2007 at 02:56am
thinking you're better than someone else is bad
but saying you're better than someone with a disabilliy?
thats screwed up, why do people think these things, i know a bunch of people with at least one disability and they're perfectly fine. they live normal lives have normal families.
we're all human, thinking you're superior than someone who has a small problem that they cant control is SICK AND WRONG!
Age: 31
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Posts: 67
April 24th, 2009 at 04:45pm
i think that is bad! i mean no one chooses to have a disability... they are the same as everyone else but they just have a disability. Its not their fault, they cant help it... its unfair
Age: 27
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Posts: 15
May 6th, 2009 at 12:41am
Yara; wtf...:
something or other:
I have tons of disabled friends, and they are PERFECTLY NORMAL!

Well they're obviously not "perfectly normal", since they're disabled.

Well, everybody is "perfectly normal" and everybody is not at all.
Age: -
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August 10th, 2009 at 05:34pm
they aren't inferior! suppose someone gets into a car accident and gets parylzed? of course if someone is genetically disabled, like down syndrome, then the person ireally s inferior becasue it's on a genetic level, and that's what everything's about and made out of.
The Original Bob.
Demolition Lover
The Original Bob.
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August 21st, 2009 at 11:41pm
They're not inferior, but they are different, and it really pisses me off when someone hires or gives preferential treatment to a disabled person just because they're disabled. If it was the other way around, there'd be complaints.

I think everyone should be treated as equally as possible.
questionable content
Always Born a Crime
questionable content
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August 23rd, 2009 at 08:04am
^ It's a bit like the dilemma with affirmative (sp?) action, isn't it?
While a person who is not a white male is as likely to be qualified as someone who is, I don't think a job or anything else should go to that person just because of their race or gender if they are not qualified for it. The same goes for a disabled person. I think there is a law in the US (don't quote me on this, because I'm not completely sure) that states that an employer cannot not hire a disabled person if they can perform their job with reasonable accomadation. But, still, maybe a disabled person cannot do a job that a non-disabled person can do. In that sense, they are inferior, because they cannot do said task, in the same way most people can't outrun an Olympic runner. However, that doesn't make them inferior in other ways, or as a person, because as people, when you look at who we are and what we're made of, we are all equal.
The Original Bob.
Demolition Lover
The Original Bob.
Age: 29
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August 24th, 2009 at 01:14am
Exactly. I just hate it when governments overcompensate for things like this, by making a certain group almost "too equal".

i don't think a disabled person should be hired over an able person just because of the disablity. I don't think that is fair.
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October 27th, 2009 at 01:00pm
I think it's stupid and petty. You can't just think that someone doesn't have the same intelligence in what they do just because they can't use parts in their body
Dana Way
Dana Way
Age: 35
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October 27th, 2009 at 04:34pm
I'm hard-of-hearing and I also have a developmental delay but people never make fun of me because they can't see my disability and I don't consider it a disability because I can think just like everyone else and I am in normal classes instead of special ed classes.
In The Murder Scene
Age: 30
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Posts: 23302
October 28th, 2009 at 05:28am
I'm hard-of-hearing and I also have a developmental delay but people never make fun of me because they can't see my disability and I don't consider it a disability because I can think just like everyone else and I am in normal classes instead of special ed classes.
Please refrain from merely sharing personal stories if you are not going to draw a contributive conclusion from them.
In The Murder Scene
Age: 30
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Posts: 23302
October 28th, 2009 at 05:38am
Personally, I believe this is not as black and white an area as it is being portrayed to be. I know as well as anyone does that being disabled does not make you any less of a person, however, at times, I think it honestly does make a difference because, in certain aspects, of course a disabled person is not able to do EXACTLY what an able-bodied person can. For example, a friend of mine has spina bifida (a problem in which the spine grows at a different rate to the rest of the body) and, due to this, I know he is not able to do the same job I do as it causes him to be stood up for a great number of hours. Even if he believes he is capable, I know, he is not and, therefore, the fact his disability was CONSIDERED upon declining him from the job was actually in his own interest.

Considering and discriminating against a disability are two very different things and where I have problems with discriminating against, considering is, in some way, merely practical in order to help the person who may not realise how hard on this disability it would be.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 32
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Posts: 138
August 7th, 2011 at 03:55pm
Personally, I think who ever is better at the job should have the advantage when it comes to employment, however, if there are two people who are both equally qualified and able etc, but one of them has a disability, then the job should really go to the handicapped person, for the simple reason that there are a lot of jobs that an able-bodied person can do that a handicapped person cannot. One of the people in that situation is going to miss out on a job, and I think it should be the one who has more of a chance of getting another.
I find these days a lot of people are very snobby about what sort of work they will do, and so turn down jobs that they can do, in favour of ones that they want to do. A person with a disability significant enough to warrant this debate will have severely limited job opportunities.
Of course if the person with the disability is less qualified for the job, or their disability will cause them to have difficultly doing the job, then of course, it should go to the able-bodied person.
I lost my sight in an accident when I was 13, and before then I'd worked a fair amount. Since then the only job I've managed to get, other than my work experience, was working for a family friend sorting fruit outside his shop. I'm perfectly able to do most jobs, but people assume that because I can't see I some how can't do things. I function perfectly well within society. I'm studying Law with Physics at university (there are only 3 of us doing that combo at my uni). But still people don't want to employ me. I applied for a job transcribing audio, and they turned me down because they didn't think I was suited to the job. I can type 85+ words a minute (okay, not the best in the world, but it's still 10words/min more than the other applicant they interviewed).
If there are two people who are equally matched for a job, then the job should go to that person who would find it hardest to find an alternative.
John St. John
Shotgun Sinner
John St. John
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August 21st, 2011 at 02:16pm
^^ Well no, I disagree. If people with disabilities want to be treated equally (and rightly so) then thats completely contradictory to equal rights.