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Historie tråd

takezo kenzei.
Awake and Unafraid
takezo kenzei.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 12609
January 24th, 2008 at 01:33am
Et kåseri som jeg skal levere inn idag..
Emne inspirert av Alex ::tehe Ha Ha
Neida. XD
Gayporndelen ihvertfall.



Kvinner med pupper som fotballar. Menn med fem og tjue centimeter nedi buksa si. Kva er det som gjer at menneska likar det?
Man snakkar jo om enten tenåringsgutar, eldre menn med dårleg sexliv, kvinner også for den skuld. Er det verkeleg menn som ser mest på porno?
Det er sikkert besteforeldra som ser på porno også. Men vet du kva? Det er faktisk ikkje eldrebølgen som har dålegast sexliv. Det er middelaldrande menn.
Nok om sex, det er jo porno vi skal snakke om.
Porno ble nok funnet opp samtidig med at kamera ble normale å bruke til daglegdags, og man har jo tross alt hatt sex gjennom heile historia. Kvifor ikkje dele det med dei andre som ikkje får ha sex, eller dei som har et dårleg sexliv? Jo, dette var visst ein genial idé. Den gang.
No leggar kjendisar ut pornovideo etter pornovideo.
Det er jo Jan Thomas frå Max Factor reklamen som kom med sin "Mojave" i 1995, dette var dessutan homoseksuell porno, noe som appellerte til dei som syns at den vanlege pornoen ikkje dugde. I ein kommentar til VG sa han: "Dette er ikkje porno. Dette er ikkje i nærleiken av porno eingong.". Dette kan vel funderas på, sia han tross alt blir tatt bakfrå i sjølve videoen.
I 2006 kom Paris Hilton ut med "A night in Paris" ironisk nok, og dette ble jo et stort ståhei, noko som gav Paris enda meir oppmerksamhet enn ho allereie hadde.
Profesjonelle folk sei at dette er ein måte for B-kjendisar og komme seg opp til statusen A-kjendis, noe som virke som ein god teori.
Paris var sjølvsagt knust av denne hendinga, og merkeleg nok var ho ute og shoppa ein uke seinare.

Så har me Rocco såklart; alle drita russejentars mareritt. Han er faktisk så frykta og avskydd at han er blitt bannlyst frå russemiljøet for godt. Drita jenter som skrivar under på i spille inn sex. Konsekvensane er som borte når alkoholen flyter i blodet.
Men så kjem konsekvensane. Dei grip tak i virkeligheten til dei uskyldige russejentene som no har ei pornofilm på Cv-en sin. Det dummaste ei kan ha når det gjelder framtida deira.
Kva med internett? Kva skulle ein gjort utan internett? Ville det vært porno rundt kvart hjørne utan?
SÃ¥klart ville den ikkje det. Alle dei sidene med porno, porno, porno og meir porno. Homoseksuell porno, lesbisk porno, og vanlig porno. Sado-sex, og til og med ein fyr som har seg med ei hest. Porno har tydeleg utvida sine grenser sia bransjen starta.

Så finnas det også de erotiske novellene man finner i vekebladet "Hjemmet". Forfattars som ikkje nådde langt, som gjekk over tel å tja fast på å skrive korte noveller frå middelalderen om einsam kjærleik og erotiske hendingar.

Det finnas ei pornotype for enhver.

Her Voice Resides.
Demolition Lover
Her Voice Resides.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 17214
January 24th, 2008 at 01:41am
Herregud, så genialt Wow
Du er genial Kjerstin, meget bra skrevet Very Happy
takezo kenzei.
Awake and Unafraid
takezo kenzei.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 12609
January 24th, 2008 at 01:46am
Mwiihi, tusen takk hug
Ghost in the Snow
Age: 54
Gender: -
Posts: 64734
January 24th, 2008 at 06:29am
Genianalt Wow

Og du skrev at han ble tatt bakfra Shocked lmfao
Gud, jeg må få høre hva lærern din har å si om den Tehe
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 36571
January 25th, 2008 at 08:25am
Porno Wow rolling on floor skulle ønske vi fikk like kule oppgaver på skolen Yes Jeg har ikke skrevet historie på skolen siden ungdomsskolen Disgust
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 36571
January 27th, 2008 at 05:28pm
Tonje skriver på Kjerstin sin ide. Noen kommentarer om hva jeg kan skrive bedre, osv?

“What the fuck do you mean he doesn’t pay up?”
My yell made him jump, and I swear he shrunk a whole inch. “Uhmm… He said he was low on cash right now. But he’s gonna pay up.”
“Like hell he is!” I groan and slam my hand against my desk. “That little motherfucker needs to give me my cash right now! Doesn’t he know who he’s dealing with?!”
Not a big surprise, he didn’t reply. No need to reply, and no good would come from replying. Instead he waited for my decision.
“Get him in here.” I say after a few minutes.
He nods, and rushes towards the door.
“Oh, and Mikey?”
He stops. “Yeah?”
I smile. “It’s good to have you back.”
He has his back against me, but I know he smiles. “Thanks.” He whispers, and walks out.
I lean back in my chair and smiles. Having my brother back was the only highlight of this past horrible month. The police were getting on my tale again, and it made it hard to ship in the drugs I needed.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not on drugs. I just sell them, and make a whole lot of money on it.
So, little drugs mean little money. Little money means a pissed Gerard, which makes life miserable for everyone else.
And now I had this poor excuse of a fucking addict who thinks he can get the shit for free…

But let me ask you a question!
Ever heard of the New Jersey-mafia? No? Well, then you are probably hanging with the right crowd. Stay there.
But if you answered yes to my question, you’ve probably heard about Gerard Way.
That’s me. The leader. The top.
I run everything around here. Drug dealing, bars, weapon dealing… Everything including the night life, basically. So you don’t want to go against me. Trust me. Some guys have tried before. And, to quote a famous mafia saying, “They’re sleeping with the fishes”.

And there is where this fucking little asshole will be if he doesn’t give me my cash.
I know this kid. Cute. Looks tough, but I know he’s not. Especially not under pressure. Smart. Really smart, actually. One of the few guys I’ve met around here that I can actually have a serious intelligent conversation with. The rest of the morons around here don’t even know what pi is.
But I didn’t hire them for their IQ. I need their muscles, and I need their brutality. Which they are all famous for, which makes me the most feared guy in Jersey. People know not to mess with me, or mine.

I look up as my door is opened, and I smirk as I see Frank being dragged inside by Bob. I see the skin around his left eye is red and puffy, and it seems it took a great deal of force to get him in here. I smirk again.
Bob pushes him into the chair and stands behind him.
“Thank you, Bob. You may go now.” He nods and walks out, closing the door behind him.

“So, what do you have to say, Iero?”
“I ain’t got shit to say, Way. I was forced in here. What do you have to say?”
I laugh and shake my head. “Drop the attitude, kid. You know what I want.”
“Look, I don’t have the cash. Give me a couple of days, and I swear you get it.”
“And why should I trust you, Iero?” I raise an eyebrow, still smirking amused.
“Because you know me.” He says simply, crossing his arms over his chest. “You know I’ll get you the money. Always do. You don’t have to send your fucking gorillas to get me!”
“Damn straight, I know you, kiddo. Which is why I am concerned.”
“Oh fuck you!” He says, standing up. “I’ve always given you the fucking cash! Always! What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You’re an addict, Iero. And you’re in real fucking deep.”
He sighs, and rubs his nose. Making me smirk again, because I know that its my coke that makes him itch. “Look,” he starts. “I’ll get you the fucking money.”
“I want it now, Frank.”
“I don’t fucking have it!!” He yells desperately.
“Then you shouldn’t have bought the drugs. Wait ‘til you got the money.”
“I couldn’t fucking wait! I need it!”
“Well, then I suggest you find a way to get money fast.” I smirk, and let my eyes roam his body. “You’re a rather attractive young boy… Spread your legs for someone, and I’m sure you’ll get enough. For now.”
“You fucking-“ He starts, but I interrupt him by standing up, and leaning towards him.
“Do you really want to continue that sentence? You do not fucking disrespect me like that, you get me?? One snap of my fingers and you’ll be dead, Iero!”
He settled back in his chair, looking down at his hands.
“That’s right.” I say, walking around my desk, and standing over him. “I control your life now.” I pull a bag with white powder content from my desk, and hold it up in front of him. “You need this. You can’t live without it. And I got it. So you shall respect me, okay?? You do exactly as I say, okay??”
He nods slowly, still looking at his hands. I place my finger under his chin, and tilt his head upwards. “Got it, Frank?”
“Yes.” He whispers, looking at me with lazy eyes.
I smile. He’s high.
“Good. Get me the money within Friday.”
“Thank you.” He smiles, standing up.
“Get out before I change my mind.” I walk around and sit back down in my chair.
He quickly walks out of my office, hopefully to get my money. How I don’t give a fuck. As long as I get the cash he owes. That I owe.

takezo kenzei.
Awake and Unafraid
takezo kenzei.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 12609
January 28th, 2008 at 04:49am
Dette er noe av det best jeg har lest!!!
Du er genial, Tonje. megagenial faktisk Wow
Nå ble jeg i pissgodt humør, bare så du vet det.
Jeg kan ikke vente til neste post Very HappyVery Happy
human bean juice
Shotgun Sinner
human bean juice
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 9141
January 28th, 2008 at 06:22am
HAHA, genialt <3
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 36571
January 28th, 2008 at 07:23am
Takker Very Happy Takk for ideen, Kjerstin! hug Jeg har savnet å skrive
Her Voice Resides.
Demolition Lover
Her Voice Resides.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 17214
January 28th, 2008 at 08:37am
Genialt kosept, først og fremst! Very Happy
Og genialt skrevet, du er kjempe flink Tonje Wow
Jeg kunne vært kjip og hakka på de få skrivefeilene there is, men jeg gidder ikke xD
Genialt, rett og slett Wow
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 36571
January 28th, 2008 at 09:56am
Jooo, hakk på skrivefeil xD
Jeg bare skriver, og misser masse feil inni der
john lenin
Demolition Lover
john lenin
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16409
February 24th, 2008 at 10:39am
Fryden – John Lennon
Kosmos – Paul McCartney
Ringen –Ringo Starr
Herr Finger – George Harrison
Fru Fryden
Fru Kosmos

Og andre mennesker som lever i våre hoder.

En morgen våknet Fryden med triste tanker i sitt hode.
Herr Kosmos var i hans tanker, og det er jo for såvidt totalt vakkert, men Fru Kosmos gjorde hans tanker triste. Fryden ville fortelle Kosmos om hans følelser for ham, men fru Kosmos gjorde dette beklageligvis umulig.
For å holde sin indre sorg på avstand, skrev han sørgelige sanger om kjærleikens veier.

Men denne morgenen skulle han dra til Kosmos, for å skrive sanger, øyeeplet til øyeeplet.
Dette førte til mang en tvilsom tanke i Frydens indre.
Han forlot sitt hus, mens han håpte at fru Kosmos ikke var tilstedet, selv om hans tvilsomme tanker aldri ville bli til virkelighet.

Da han kom frem til det vakre huset, så han en brennende busk.
Busken sa til ham: ” I am the eggman, you are the walrus. No one I think is in my tree,
I mean it must be high or low.
That is you can't you know tune in but it's all right.
That is I think it's not too bad. “
Herr Fryden forsto ikke meningen med disse ordene, men han gjemte dem i sitt hjerte, og grunnet på dem.

Kosmos åpnet døren, men han hadde ikke klær, han hadde bare en kvittering.
Herr Fryden følte en glede vokse inni seg, men han måtte beherske seg, de sinnssyke forfølgerne var jo på andre siden av gjerdet.
”La oss komme til saken.” sa Kosmos.
Hvilken sak tenkte Fryden i sitt indre, men han sa ingenting.

De gikk inn, Fryden like bak Kosmos.
Fru Kosmos var ikke hjemme, for det var ingen som skrek i gangen.
”Når kommer hun hjem?” spurte Fryden.
”Jeg vet ikke, jeg bryr meg ikke. Gjør du?” svarte Kosmos.
Fryden ble glad og svarte, ”Nei, jeg håper hun blir borte lenge, så vi kan få litt alene-tid.”
”Jeg tenkte akkurat det samme.” sa Kosmos og blunket.

Herrene gikk videre, helt til de kom til kjøkkenet.
De satt seg på gulvet.
Kosmos spurte spørrende ”Er det noe du har lyst på?”.
Fryden ble lamslått over hans storslåtte vakkerhet, og sa ”Ja kjære, jeg vil ha DEG!”.
En pinlig pause oppstod. Så kastet Kosmos seg over Fryden.
Fryden ble lykkelig i sitt indre.
Kosmos’ kvittering var ingensteds å se.
Begge ble en smule pinlig berørt, og Kosmos løp for å hente klær.
Han kom tilbake i regnbue farget skjorte som var trygt forvart i hans litt for stramme bukser.
Sokker var unødvendig for hans grasiøse tær.
Fryden tok hans hånd, og de gikk sammen inn på badet.
Der spiste de en hel boks med fluortabletter.



I've got a feeling, a feeling deep inside
Oh yeah, Oh yeah. That's right
I've got a feeling, a feeling I can't hide
Oh no, no. Oh no,
Oh no, yeah I've got a feeling.

Oh please believe me, I'd hate to miss the train
Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
And if you leave me I won't be late again
Oh no, Oh no,
Oh no. Yeah I've got a feeling yeah.

All these years I've been wandering around,
Wondering why how come nobody told me
All that I was looking for was somebody
Who looked like you. Oh!

I've got a feeling, that keeps me on my toes
Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
I've got a feeling, I think that everybody knows
Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah I've got a feeling, yeah

Everybody had a hard year
Everybody had a good time
Everybody had a wet dream,
Everybody saw the sunshine
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
Everybody had a good year,
Everybody let their hair down,
Everybody pulled their socks up,
Everybody put their foot down.
Oh yeah, Oh yeah.



To timer senere:

Ringen og Herr Finger kom inn i Kosmos hus. De hadde så klart en egen nøkkel.
De lette lenge og vel etter Fryden og Kosmos, men alt de fant var en kvittering.
De så rart på hverandre. ”Hva har de bedrevet nå da?” undret de.

Inne på badet våknet Kosmos. Han lå under Fryden.
Han vekket ham. Fryden ble sjokkert, men husket etterhvert hva de hadde gjort.
De gikk ut fra badet.

Ringen og Herr Finger hørte mystiske lyder i gangen.
De løp for å se. Fryden og Kosmos kom ut fra badet, hånd i hånd.
Da de så Ringen og Herr Finger ble de meget pinlig berørt atter en gang.
”Som om ikke det er nok med en gang per dag. ” sa Fryden.
Ringen og Herr Finger stirret sjokkert på dem.

For å bryte stillheten sa Fryden ”Jeg er en hvalross. I am the eggman.You are the eggmen.”
“Kookoo kachoo” sa Kosmos.
Alle Herrene Beatles gikk inn i øvingslokalet.

Da de hadde øvd en stund, gikk Kosmos og Fryden ut på kjøkkenet for å lage mat.
Ringen og Herr Finger sendte hverandre skeptiske blikk.
”Hva er det de bedriver nå?” spurte Ringen.
”De spiller Ludo. Eller Twister.” svarte Herr Finger.
”Hvorfor spurte de ikke om vi hadde lyst til å være med?” undret Ringen med fortvilede øyne.
”De trenger alene-tid. Akkurat som oss.” svarte Herr Finger, og blunket.


PART 69.

Senere den kvelden:

Alle Herrene Beatles satt i stuen, og la planer for deres årlige ski tur.
”Jeg syntes vi kan dra til Spania.” sa Fryden.
”Det hørtes deilig ut.” svarte de andre i kor.
De lo i fellesskap.

De løp ut i hagen, for der var Kosmos’ privat fly.
Ringen hadde fly sertifikat. Så det var greit.
De dro til Spania.

Da de kom til Spania, forstod de at det ikke var snø der.
Men det var like greit, for de hadde jo glemt skiene.
Dette resulterte i at hele ferien ble tilbrakt på hvert sitt hotell rom.
I teorien.
Egentlig førte alle dørene inn til det samme rommet.
Dette var en praktisk løsning. Siden Kosmos var mørkredd.
Dagene gikk, fylt til randen med glede.
Men så ringte Herr Manager og lurte å når de kom hjem.
”Jeg vil ikke hjem.” sa Herr Finger.
”Her er vi så lykkelige i fellesskap.”

For å løse dette problemet klonet de seg selv, og sendte klonene hjem.
Selv dro de til en blomstereng med jordbær på.
Her skrev de mang en vakker sang, som ble sendt til deres kloner i hjemlandet.

Herrene Beatles levde lykkelig på engen, og sannsynligvis fryder de seg der ennå.
Det er blitt gjort for mange tvilsomme saker der til å nevne det, med hensyn til våre yngre lesere.

Men hvis du tenker deg om, er kanskje ikke å spise fluortabletter det du tror.


Skrevet av våre geniale venner, IngridMarie&Tone. Naughty <69
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 36571
February 24th, 2008 at 11:54am
Ha Ha Genialt
human bean juice
Shotgun Sinner
human bean juice
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 9141
February 24th, 2008 at 04:35pm
Ja Wow

jeg syns vi er smarte Yes
john lenin
Demolition Lover
john lenin
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16409
February 24th, 2008 at 04:36pm
Ja Wow

jeg syns vi er smarte Yes
ikke alltid Neutral
human bean juice
Shotgun Sinner
human bean juice
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 9141
February 24th, 2008 at 04:40pm
ikke alltid Neutral

Nei. men iblant Very Happy
john lenin
Demolition Lover
john lenin
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16409
February 24th, 2008 at 04:41pm
Ghost in the Snow
Age: 54
Gender: -
Posts: 64734
May 4th, 2008 at 12:27pm
4AM Forever? - Chapter 1?

Frerardish, though this chapter ain't packed with sex or any of the like x]
Comments and criticism are very, very, very much appreaciated.. Just quote, blow up the text and preview Yes

Gerard’s POV

“Wait, you have everything you need?”

“Gee, I have everything.” Frank sighed, rolling his eyes. “I’m only missing you right now, so please could we go before we come to late?”

“I’m a teacher, so I’m allowed to be late.” I smirked at him, prancing out the door before him and down to my car. I heard him huff as he turned to lock the door behind him.

“You’ve been a teacher for like four months. Get over it already!” He shouted after me.

“But that means you have to listen to me.” I grinned as we both shut the car doors behind us.

“Oh, sure.” He rolled his eyes again as I pulled out of our driveway. “But that only counts in school.”

“Yeah, but if I’m your teacher you have to listen to me.”

“But you can’t ask me to give you a blow job or anything in class anyway, so I really don’t have to.” He giggled, probably imagining me doing just that.

Yeah, I still wasn’t over the fact that I actually got a chance as an art teacher at Frank’s school, even though it had, indeed, been almost three months. The principal, Mr. Gordon, was kind of an old friend of my parents and remembered me going to art school a while back. So he called up my parents and got my number, and you already know how that turned out.

I’d started right after new years and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The principal was obviously very happy with me, cause he wanted me to stay out the year, and he bragged about me all the time, even though I don’t know why. I wasn’t anything special, I just taught some kids how to draw, but he said the students liked having me.

“What do you want for lunch?” I asked as I pulled up where I was dropping Frank off.

“You and a latte, please.” He grinned, pecking my cheek.

“So I’ll just bring you something to eat then.” I stated, making a mental note to get Frank latte from Starbucks and something to eat at lunch. “Aren’t you forgetting anything…?” I asked, holding him back by his jacket sleeve, as he was about to step out.

“I love you.” He smiled, leaning back to place a soft kiss on my lips.

“I love you too.” I breathed against his lips, before making us connect again, longer this time.

“See you at lunch.” He smiled again and stepped out, hurrying across the road to the school as I smiled to myself and started driving towards the teacher’s parking lot.

This was a regular morning routine we had now. Getting up out of bed, showering, often together, you know, to save water and time. Breakfast was a nice time cause we usually had some time left over, you know, from showering together, and spent our time on the couch drinking coffee and talking.

We both went to school, Frank to his classes and I to mine. We usually met up for lunch behind the school, because of the totally obvious reason that teacher-student relationships weren’t really allowed. The principal knew, but he was totally okay with it, which surprised me at first, because he was this old, strict guy, before I learned that his daughter was actually a lesbian.

But Frank and I had talked to him, and we all decided it was best that we were discreet about that matter. We didn’t particularly want to get bashed for it, or have people believing I gave Frank his grades because of our relationship. That was why the principal had decided that the other art teacher in the school would do that.

I thought about how we were, Frank and I, as I walked into the teacher’s lounge, got myself a cup of coffee and sat down to wait for first class to begin.

Since Frank’s 18th birthday we’d only grown closer to each other and I didn’t think I could be more in love with him than I was back then. I’d proven myself wrong, I knew that now.

There was always something new to discover with him, making me love him even more than I already did. Be it only that he slept more often on his right side than his left, it didn’t matter.

The week after Frank’s birthday, and my proposal, we’d only been around each other, not caring about school and work. It was like some kind of pre-honeymoon or something, cause, yes, there were some huge amount of sex involved that week. Not that it weren’t any now, cause, boy, let me tell you, there sure as hell were.

Speaking of our upcoming wedding… We’d decided to wait until after Frank’s graduation, which would be in about three months, to start the actual planning, so that we’d get better time on our hands. But if we were to have the longest engagement in the time of man it didn’t matter to me, as long as we were together and Frank was mine.

I jumped a bit in my seat as the first bell rang, signaling I had five minutes to get to my first class. Today was Friday, meaning I had my day totally booked up with classes. I had Frank’s class for a total of two hours after lunch, before going home.

I reached my art classroom, books in hand, and opened the door. Immediately after taking a step into the room, it fell silent and I could feel the attention turn to me.

“Good morning class.” I smiled to the teenagers looking at me, taking my place on top of my desk. “Today we’re gonna continue where we left off the last time, drawing a piece of nature.” Groans of annoyance and bright smiles of joy rolled at me as I picked up my attendance book and started writing down names of who were there and not.

All of my first four classes were basically the same, seeing as everyone were juniors and I’d given everyone the classes the same task.

“See you next week!” I called to my last class before lunch, ten minutes before class actually ended, and walked quickly out the door.

“See you, Mr. Way!” Someone called after me, making me grin to myself as I hurried out of the school before people started coming out of their classrooms.

I ran across the street and into Starbucks, being met by a wall of coffee-smell as soon as I opened the door.

“Ah, if it isn’t the teacher.” Kelly wrapped me in a hug as soon as I was fully into the shop. I swear she could smell me coming or something. “The usual?”

“Yeah, frappuchino for me and latte for Frank.” I smiled gratefully as she disappeared behind the counter to make it for me. “Oh, and a chocolate chip for Frank too, please. Today is bad food day at the canteen.”

She laughed and put our coffees on a small paper-thing to get the to stay together and put a cookie in a paper bag.

“Here you go.” She smiled, handing me the coffees and the paper bag. “Tell Frank I said hi. I put in an extra cookie for him.” She grinned.

“You are my life-saver, Kelly.” I grinned at her and kissed her cheek. “See you later.”

She opened the door for me and blew me a kiss as I stepped out, making me laugh at her. I was stopped on the sidewalk by three girls I recognized from one of my classes.

“Hi, Mr. Way.” One girl smiled. I nodded at her, about to make my way on to the school. “Is she your girlfriend?” She asked sweetly.

“Uuh… You mean the girl in the shop? No. No, she’s a friend.” I responded, slightly dumbstruck.

“Oh… Do you have a girlfriend?” She continued.

“Uhm… Well, no, I don’t.” I answered. I wasn’t lying…

“Okay… Have a good day, Mr. Way.” She grinned, and they all walked away giggling.

“Weird…” I mumbled to myself, crossing the road back to the school.

I walked around the school and under the bleachers around the sports area. Surely enough, as always, Frank was sitting there. He jumped up and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss. I barely managed to keep the coffees vertical without dropping them.

“Sorry.” Frank giggled as he pulled away, grinning at me. I put down the coffees and the paper bag on a flat space that was keeping the bleacher up and pulled Frank closer again by his hips, swinging him slightly back and forth.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” I smiled, kissing his nose gently. “Kelly sends her best… She sent you a cookie…” I grinned. “Some girls in your class asked if she was my girlfriend… And when I said no, they asked if I had one…”

“They’re in love with you.” He giggled.

“Really?” I asked, almost choking on my coffee.

“Haven’t you heard the rumors?” He laughed.

“No… What rumors? Are there rumors about me?”

“A lot.” He grinned. “And there’s a bunch of girls that thinks you’re hot.” He giggled, looking down. “Some are even trying to hit on you, and I heard someone say that a girl in my class was going to dress slutty or something and hit on you today.”

“What?” I asked, eyes wide.

“Yeah, you know the blonde one…?” I nodded slowly, thinking I got the right one. “Slim one, big boobs, really pretty…?”

“Miss… Umm… Something on H?”

“Anna Hawthorne.” He nodded. “Just thought you should know.” He giggled.

“Well, yeah… She’s pretty, but…” I scrunched my nose and pursed my lips. “Even if I wasn’t gay, she probably wouldn’t be my type. What is she thinking?”

“Every guy in school wants her…”

“Including you…?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Almost every guy.” He said quickly. “I am gay, in love with, and engaged to, the best, most sexy, understanding, incredibly great in bed, loving, amazing guy in the world. I couldn’t care less.”

“You are, aren’t you?” I asked, smirking.

“Yes, I am.” He grinned, kissing me longingly. “You said something about a cookie?”

“Why yes, I did.” I grinned, picking up the paper bag and handing it to him. “Actually there’s two.”

“You’re the best!” He exclaimed, kissing me quickly before pulling away and sitting down, gesturing for me to do the same.

We sat there for the whole break, drinking coffee and talking, Frank munching happily on his cookies and feeding me some occasionally. When it was time for us to go inside for class, I couldn’t help but to sigh.

“So I have to go inside and deal with a bunch of girls that will try to hit on me and one that’s actually been planning it?” I asked, starting to wonder if I should just give them the classes off.

“Yes, you do.” Frank grinned as he walked beside me. “But you’ll have me there…”

“Man, you’re so helping me out in this.” I groaned, opening the doors to let Frank inside.
Her Voice Resides.
Demolition Lover
Her Voice Resides.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 17214
May 4th, 2008 at 12:38pm
Aleeex, du er så flink Wow
Jeg syns det var et kjempe bra førstekapittel YesWow
Ghost in the Snow
Age: 54
Gender: -
Posts: 64734
May 4th, 2008 at 12:39pm
Lost My Fear.:
Aleeex, du er så flink Wow
Jeg syns det var et kjempe bra førstekapittel YesWow
Takk Tehe Det er på over 3 sider Ha Ha XD