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Assisted Suicide/Human Euthanasia

p a n d a_xx
Salute You in Your Grave
p a n d a_xx
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2123
August 7th, 2008 at 10:56pm
I think personally if someone was dying from a termonal illness and they had no hope of recovering that assisted suicide would be acceptable in a case so extream like that.

In a way I think about it as if a person still has the choice of living and making his/her family suffer finantially and emotionally then that person would want to put less of a burden on there family in the end but if they were perfectly healthy but didn't want to live anymore then thats where I would say no it's not acceptable and I would be against it.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 104
August 12th, 2008 at 09:27am
I think that if you feel like you have lived your life and have about a (painful) year left anyway, you should have the right to just fall asleep.. That's how I would like it anyway..
the desperate ranks.
Always Born a Crime
the desperate ranks.
Age: 30
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Posts: 6712
August 13th, 2008 at 04:58pm
I think that if you feel like you have lived your life and have about a (painful) year left anyway, you should have the right to just fall asleep.. That's how I would like it anyway..

I agree. I personally have this subject in my life; my grandmother was dying, and she was content with doing so. She just wanted to let it go, but certain people in my family (and a nosy asshole of a doctor) convinced her to go on dialysis, and it's the only thing keeping her alive. It's basically running her kidneys for her. But what's left of her life is going to be spent in pain. I absolutely think that she has the right to die if she wants to. It's not like she hasn't lived her life - she's 85 years old. It upsets me that this happened.

I don't think anyone should be kept alive when what life they have left is painful and really not worth living. If someone has a loved one that is just in pain, yes, it will be sad when they go, but it isn't worth putting them through misery.
G Way
Jazz Hands
G Way
Age: 30
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Posts: 335
August 13th, 2008 at 09:12pm
I think it is cruel and unjust to let a terminally ill person suffer until they can't even feed themselves or even control their own body! It is basically torture! I can't imagine how degrading it must be to not be able to use the bathroom so you have to shit all over yourself, or not be able to eat so you have painful tubes and crap stuck all inside you! You should be able to make the choice on how you want to die. There was an episode of House M.D. once where House said "You live with dignity, you don't die with it!" You shouldn't have to die with NO DIGNITY! You're already gonna die so might as well make yourself as comfortable as you can. Sorry if I sound really weird or anything, but I feel really strongly about this.
John St. John
Shotgun Sinner
John St. John
Age: 31
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Posts: 7145
January 31st, 2009 at 05:40pm
There was a recent drama on tv that focused on an old woman choosing the option of euthanasia, i think it was the one with julie walters in it btw.

And as much as i support euthanasia , and i believe a human should be able to have the choice to die, for some reason a random thought popped into my head.

What about the doctors that have to perform the procedure? When i thought about it i wouldn't be too happy if the government told me that part of my job had changed and i now had to help kill a person i dont think i could do it, it'd be unfair on the doctors if you understand me.

I think my point is that id never thought of it that way, we automatically think about the person choosing to die, but its more complicated than that. Theres many more dimensions that need to be explored before one can pass judgement. Maybe thats part of the reason the government are so hesitant in making it legal.
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January 31st, 2009 at 05:57pm
This discussion can be continued in this thread.