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War, Terrorism, Martyrdom

Always Born a Crime
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May 31st, 2006 at 03:33pm
How long has the war been going on now? Has it been around 4 years or so?
Shotgun Sinner
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May 31st, 2006 at 03:33pm
The Iraqis don't even want to fight us!
But they do anyway. If they didn't want to fight us, they wouldn't. But that's just my opinion.
Cute without the E
Salute You in Your Grave
Cute without the E
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May 31st, 2006 at 05:13pm
We've all seen the damage war as done to the world. Its killed hundreds of thousends, many people didn't want to or deserve to die. Yes it is bad. But think, if England (or whoever called it) had not called war against Hitler in the second world war, your life would be way different, most likely worse. Or, even more likely, you wouldn't exsist.
So yeah, its bad, but in some ways, it has to be done.
Feel What You Feel.
Bleeding on the Floor
Feel What You Feel.
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May 31st, 2006 at 07:19pm
Some wars are realistic wars. World War II was realistic because if they hadn't stopped Hitler, things would have turned out worse than they already did. The war in Iraq right now....I personally don't see a point in it.
Disarm; Nicole
Salute You in Your Grave
Disarm; Nicole
Age: 31
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Posts: 2793
June 1st, 2006 at 08:17pm
Why'd my title get changed? The discussion hasn't changed. *confusion*
Hubert Cumberdale
Always Born a Crime
Hubert Cumberdale
Age: 29
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June 1st, 2006 at 08:34pm
The President of The United States is a Moron.
That's just put in the best way possible.
Belive me, I could bash Bush for ever.
I mean, first off, we are at war with the wrong country.
The only reason we're not at war with the counrtry we should be at war with (3 guess' which it is) is because he is friends with the family of the lead terriorist who lives there.
He is the reason that the oil prices are so high.
He is the reason that hundreds of thousands of people, whether it be innocent civilians or soldiers, die all the time.
Think of why President Nixon was empeached (sp?). 'Cause he lied. Well, would you lookie here, is that the president lying?
"I had no idea Katrina would be this bad, I will send help ASAP."
"I didn't have a clue that anything would happen on 9/11."
"I don't spend all my time in Camp Davide."
Now of course, those quotes aren't actual quotes but he has said similar things. The only reason he was elected a second term was because the country is afraid to change Commander In Cheif in the middle of a war. It always has been that way, it probably always will be.
I mean, what if Al Gore would have been elected? Of course we would have had conflicts being that terrorists would still be out there, but would innocent people be dieing every day?
What I want to know, is what this wars perpose is. Because right now it doesn't seem like there is one.
On the news (one of the few news stations that the governement doesn't filter) a few days ago they had these Iraqi (maybe it was Iran, I don't exactly remember) people protesting. The war. They were saying how it's only a few people who really want this, and those are the people who started it. The terrorists. Take them out and the mess is over. Mr.Bush keeps saying "Yeah, we're winning the war." What is it that makes us win? We are killing more people than they are. Wow, what an accomplishment. You deserve a prize. I mean really, the people in the very country that supposodly want this war are saying that it's wrong. Then they were shot at. By soldiers from their country and mine, they were shot at for trying to save themselves and their country.
It makes me sick.
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 41
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Posts: 9205
June 3rd, 2006 at 01:36pm
Alas, Babylon:
The Iraqis don't even want to fight us!
But they do anyway. If they didn't want to fight us, they wouldn't. But that's just my opinion.

If half a million soldiers with weapons, tanks and helicopters came into your home and started killing your family, wouldn't you fight back?
The iraqis have no choice.

Americans had no right to go there in the first place. It wasn't their business. Sadly, America always feels a need to be the dad of the world. They have to butt in everywhere.

So what if Saddam killed people in Iraq. It's not Americas problem. It's Iraq's choice if they want to put him on trial. WTF does America have to do with it?

Ok, so they capture him and bring him to America. Why in hell would they need to send half a million soldiers to Iraq now? What's the point? WHY?

America has always pissed me off, and continues to do so.
Shotgun Sinner
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June 3rd, 2006 at 01:56pm
Oh, shizz. I just got owned by Yara.
You're right. You know so much more about this than I do. I'm just some ignorant teenager, and those were my views. =)
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 41
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Posts: 9205
June 3rd, 2006 at 02:03pm
It just saddens me soooo much. Saddam is captured, but there's still so many american soldiers left in Iraq.

Just the other day, a pregnant woman and her mom, on their way to the hospital, got shot and killed by american soldiers for "being on illegal territory". A family of 11, young children and all, were lined up infront of a wall and executed by american soldiers. A bus full of iraqi civilians were killed because they were driving too close to an american camp.

Every single day, americans use too much force and violence. Every single day, tons and tons of Iraqi civials are killed. According to these american soldiers, it's to "pay for the americans killed".

Is that fair?
Shotgun Sinner
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June 3rd, 2006 at 02:06pm
No, it isn't right at all. It's actually very disgusting.
Like I said, I know nothing about it, and my ignorance is actually very glaring. You are more than correct, Yara.
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 9205
June 3rd, 2006 at 02:06pm
My dad said this: Saddam might have been terrible. But everything was so much better then, than it is now that USA is there.

My dad was born in Iraq. He fought in the Iraq/Iran war. He lived in Iraq until he was 30.
Bulletproof Heart
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June 3rd, 2006 at 05:12pm
I agree with Yara. If they have Saddam, why are there still American soldiers there, killing inocent civilians everyday?
That is just terrible. And it makes me somewhat ashamed to be an American.
Jazz Hands
Age: 32
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Posts: 320
June 3rd, 2006 at 05:22pm
Being a pacifist, I don't agree with war.

Sure, you have the 'But Saddam was a bad man. Look at the damage he was doing' argument. But, as my physics teacher said "A lot of other bad men did a lot of other bad things and we didn't do anything". The western world turns its back when it suits them. Yugoslavia, anyone?.

See, thats why I believe invading iraq, specifically, was wrong. In removing Saddam, one man, how many innocent Iraqis have died in the process? how many are still dying?. So we (the west) just barge in on their country, against the will of the UN council, and go blowing the hell out of them, then citing 'WMDs' as the cause. WMDs my arse.
What did Iraq solve?. The people there are still dying, still opressed, still living in fear, just like they were under Saddam. In removing Saddam, one evil, we've replaced him with another, with the invasion of troops.

War is wrong. Killing is wrong, war even more so because of the innocent civillians who get caught up in it all.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 98
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June 3rd, 2006 at 05:49pm
This is involving terrorism.

Excperts and the government are saying that Canada is next for a terrorist attack.

Hopefully, the whole upset will help police/RCMP/etc. be more aware of terrorists here, and help keep them from harming anyone/anything.

Terrorists/terrorism is one of my worst fears.
Disarm; Nicole
Salute You in Your Grave
Disarm; Nicole
Age: 31
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Posts: 2793
June 8th, 2006 at 02:44pm
My science teacher says that if it wasn't for the United States, Canada wouldn't exist as it does and be such a great, safe country. I have no idea how Canada came to be and I don't want to scare you any more so I won't say anything else Smile.

We had a good discussion today in science class because recently an Al-Qaeda member was killed. The subject of Iran's nuclear programs came up. What do you all think about that? I think we are being selfish, hypocritical, and patronizing toward Iran. They have a stable government and although they could use their nuclear weapons for war purposes, who said they're going to? It might sound ridiculous, but the same goes for us, so why should they not be allowed nuclear weapons if we are? Any second now we could nuke whoever we wanted to, why can't the same go for Iran? I think it really gets down to stereotypes, people see the United States as less likely to use their nuclear weapons, but stereotypes should not prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons. Just my opinion.
Jazz Hands
Age: 35
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Posts: 330
July 13th, 2006 at 08:17pm
Canada was another country started by England and influenced by France! Your science teacher appears to be the typical "America is the best country ever"! (You know what I mean)

I am not hating you though because it was smart of you to stop where you stopped.
Really Not Okay
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July 15th, 2006 at 02:15pm
The US has been here before. They put Saddam in charge. They were very pally, even though Saddam did terrible things, until quite recently.

Also, does anyone remember a few weeks before war was officially declared, Bush said that if Saddam fled Iraq, the war would be called off? But they had armed forces on all the borders instructed to shoot to kill. I was always against this war, but at that point I really realised that Bush (and Blair - although I don't think he's really got the balls to go against Bush) was hell-bent on war.

Its horribly reminiscent of Vietnam; huge numbers of fatalities and casualties in a seemingly endless war. I mean, really how can either side get out of the war in Iraq? It isn't a winnable war. And lets not forget, either, that Vietnam were the victors of the Vietnam war - if you can call it a "victory" for either, as both countries are still living with the effects.
Disarm; Nicole
Salute You in Your Grave
Disarm; Nicole
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2793
July 15th, 2006 at 03:49pm
Canada was another country started by England and influenced by France! Your science teacher appears to be the typical "America is the best country ever"! (You know what I mean)

I am not hating you though because it was smart of you to stop where you stopped.

Thanks a lot. I know how vicious I can be with these matters sometimes, so I try to play it down a little.

As for Canada, I think he meant more like today. He said the U.S. military helps Canada out a lot.
Aishwarya in town
Awake and Unafraid
Aishwarya in town
Age: 30
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Posts: 14049
July 21st, 2006 at 10:12am
Amor Vincit Rosalie.:
I was amazed at how much the media is biased to only showing the cons of the things going on in Iraq. During the documentary, they showed how an astounding amount of Iraqi homes now have electricity and running water. It showed soldiers giving candy to Iraqi children and getting shot and killed by insurgents in the process.
The media never reports on the positive things going on over there, only the negative things.
I'm not saying that the war is good or necessary, but the media is incredibly biased.
In the 2000 election, Al Gore was criticized for lying about creating the internet. Gore did create the internet.
Our boy from Texas, however, lied about snorting cocaine. Does anyone on Fox News talk about that?
It's kinda funny how Gore's lies are actually true and people flame him about that. So, I really do disagree with you there. The media is not biased.
There's alot more bad to the war than good, which is probably why you see more negative things on TV. That documentary is designed to show the positive.
Jazz Hands
Age: 32
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Posts: 276
July 24th, 2006 at 04:11pm
Why must we all live in a world that has killing, fighting, crimes,And deaths. Deaths of Fathers that have 5 children or less..or more...If we hurt ourselves we hurt mother nature..We kill her everyday..By polluting.and cutting her trees down to make weapons..We should stop the war from becoming our deaths...We kill for money..and land..But when may I ask will we have a real reason to fight...I know 9/11 was bad..My parents were coming from New York that day and thankfullly they came home early in the morning...Well anyways I know 9/11 was bad but we need more reason to fight for..How Long Have our country been fighting for? We should stop fighting and make peace with the other country. Before something much worse than 9/11 will happen.