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War, Terrorism, Martyrdom

Disarm; Nicole
Salute You in Your Grave
Disarm; Nicole
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2793
July 24th, 2006 at 05:59pm
Why must we all live in a world that has killing, fighting, crimes,And deaths. Deaths of Fathers that have 5 children or less..or more...If we hurt ourselves we hurt mother nature..We kill her everyday..By polluting.and cutting her trees down to make weapons..We should stop the war from becoming our deaths...We kill for money..and land..But when may I ask will we have a real reason to fight...I know 9/11 was bad..My parents were coming from New York that day and thankfullly they came home early in the morning...Well anyways I know 9/11 was bad but we need more reason to fight for..How Long Have our country been fighting for? We should stop fighting and make peace with the other country. Before something much worse than 9/11 will happen.

Sadly there aren't enough people like you in this world. Some things have to be fought over, but I don't think we should've jumped into war so soon. Diplomacy and negotiation should always come first, even if it's with terrorists. Sending poor soldiers over seas to kill makes us just like them.
Jazz Hands
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 276
July 24th, 2006 at 09:14pm
Why must we all live in a world that has killing, fighting, crimes,And deaths. Deaths of Fathers that have 5 children or less..or more...If we hurt ourselves we hurt mother nature..We kill her everyday..By polluting.and cutting her trees down to make weapons..We should stop the war from becoming our deaths...We kill for money..and land..But when may I ask will we have a real reason to fight...I know 9/11 was bad..My parents were coming from New York that day and thankfullly they came home early in the morning...Well anyways I know 9/11 was bad but we need more reason to fight for..How Long Have our country been fighting for? We should stop fighting and make peace with the other country. Before something much worse than 9/11 will happen.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 164
November 25th, 2006 at 02:45am
I think this war is pointless and stupid. I swear, if Bush turns this into some sort of World War III between America and Iraq and every other freakin country across the ocean, I am SO moving to Canada. I'd still probably be involved in the war, but at least I wouldn't be under the rule of a president that can't even win an election without spurring the next World War.
Now that that rant is out of my system.... I feel really bad for Iraq, I mean sure some of them decided to be idiots and crash into our buildings, but their opinion wasn't the opinion of every other Iraqi, and it's not means to start a war over. But it's like Bush just threw a temper tantrum over it and exaggerated it, and pressed some big button that said "Let's Go to War".
I'm all for defending our country, but when did the definition of defense become "They knocked over my buildings so I'm going to shoot them all in the fucking face."?
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 10418
December 4th, 2006 at 11:48am
I have been doing as report on the Vietnam War and it really annoyed me! The fact that it was a pointless war and the fact that so many innocent victims were killed.

The Vietnam War started when Vietnam was split into two parts- North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The North was communist and America was worried that the communism would spread so the decide to help the South in a War.
The war was brutal. The USA would use bombs, tanks and guns to fight the Vietcong (the soilders in the North). The Vietcong would use swords and daggers.
There was horrrible mass killings where the USA would burn peasents house's, shoot them and even rape them. The USA would use herbicides to kill forestation adn spray chemicals such as Agent Orange and Napalm which cause horrible disfiguring to all people.

Agent Orang Victim 1
Agent Orange Vicim 2
Children after a Napalm explosion
Victims of the Mai Lai Massacre
Another Innocent Person

Sorry, I had to post those pictures. They really made me angry to think that people went through all that suffering. What do yoo think?
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 150
December 31st, 2006 at 07:05pm
What word do Muslims use for AMEN??[/quote]

its ameen but you can spell it amin
Muted Scream
Fabulous Killjoy
Muted Scream
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Posts: 108
March 9th, 2007 at 07:17pm
*takes a deep breath and lights up a cig* okay guys...i'll tell you what i can from the soldiers point of view. I was in the army for 4 years, went to iraq and stationed in basra back in 03. I was a combat medic...saw alot of my buddies die..saw alot of iraqis die. i'm not taking sides here, but it's honestly kill or be killed. I had the crap job of knowing that if i shot someone..i had to clean up my own mess as well as other soldiers. i hated my job. Nothng sucks more than handing that folded flag to your best friends mother, and knowing that it was your fault that you couldn't stop the bleeding in time. This is all like when Britain tried to take America during the war of Independence or the war of 1812. this is like the French rebeling against the german invasion, this is like the afghans fighting off the russians. Yes, war is brutal..but dont' just look at the USA being brutal. Soldiers shooting wounded Iraqis who fired upon them, that is "Mercy" compared to what they do to us americans. I've come across shallow graves...with american soldiers with their pants pulled down to their ankles so they can't even die w/ dignity, the woman raped brutally. i've seen decapitated, dismembered, burned, beaten soldiers bodies strewn about. when they capture us..they mutilate us...burn our corpses...beat them with sticks...and then parade them around their towns. that is wrong. but in Iraq's defense...abu ghraib was sickening. i was ashamed to be an american soldier the day i heard of that scandal. being an american soldier is an honor, it really is. but you have to do things you dont' always wanna do, or see, or hear. i dont' really know where i stand on this topic...because i feel that if we were to pull our forces out now...all those who fought and died for this...died for absolutely nothing. but i also feel that if we stay...we are only painting the canvas in blood for a new chapter in our childrens history books that will surpass the casualties of the cival war and make the vietnam war look tame. When this war does end..i have a feeling it will be another "forgotten war" just like the Korean conflict. all of you have great opinions...and jsut dont' forget's because of america and us being americans that we can even voice our opinions wether good or bad about stuff. Don't support the war, by all means. But please still support the troops.
feel the romance
Jazz Hands
feel the romance
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 328
March 16th, 2007 at 06:50pm
President Bush is sending 20,000 more troops to Iraq.
This war is ridiculous. ( in my opinion).
im just sickened by the fact that all of these poor troops are fighting, and many are dieing., and it doesnt seem like we're getting anywhere.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 135
March 16th, 2007 at 07:21pm
Ok well,

Bush sending 20,000 more people to die out there in Iraq. Its just liek vietnam an unwinnable war. The guerilla attacks from the terrorists are just not predictable and i dont think they can win that war, even if they send 2 milion soldiers.

Second of all, Its sure is all about the Oil. He is trying to bring democracy to Iraq. Like he even cares what happens down there aslong as he can drive his SUV. Why didnt they concentrate on Afganistan, remember bush saying on 11th of September: ''We will get them, who ever did this." But no he'd rather bring democracy to Iraq and prevent Sadam from making nuclear weapons. So when they discoverd he didnt have nuclear weapons why didnt the just go back, or fight in Afganistan where the real terrorist were. One simple reason, Not much Oil in Afganistan.

In the end we will remember this war as the one in Vietnam, im sure it will go in the history books like that. Another black chapter in the American history.

I think that the Iraqi people were better of with Sadam, i realy think so. And the biggest laugh ever was when USA claimed they gave sadam to be judged by the Iraqi. The USA had so much influence on his hanging.

Sure thing i support the troops over there, but they should just stop doing their task, not joining the army stop from dieng in Iraq for Nothing , so many souls lost for nothing , died without any honour. Killed by some suicide terrorist. And bush is sending 20,000 more. He should be hanging, and not Sadam.
feel the romance
Jazz Hands
feel the romance
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 328
March 16th, 2007 at 07:50pm
i agree with some of what you are saying..
the other stuff, i dont even know what to think of it. this war just seems like nonsense to me.
but what you said:
"But no he'd rather bring democracy to Iraq and prevent Sadam from making nuclear weapons. So when they discoverd he didnt have nuclear weapons why didnt the just go back, or fight in Afganistan where the real terrorist were."
i TOTALLY agree. i used to be so confused about why we didnt leave while we had the chance, and im still a bit confused.. but its all about oil. stupid oil. if our government would only tell car manufactuars to create cars that can run on something other than oil, cars that can actually be bought by everyone, then maybe this oil problem wouldnt be happening. of course, its all about money.
(serriously why dont we just ride horses or something like they did in the olden days. not even joking. although, that might be considering animal cruelty to use an animal for transportation...grrr i dont know)
but my point is, we dont belong there. we never did. and now we're forced to stay there.
and its all about money.
the whole thing has 'chaos' written all over it.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 135
March 16th, 2007 at 07:52pm
The only solution is just to head back home as fast as possible. i guess. And stop driving hummers Disgust
feel the romance
Jazz Hands
feel the romance
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 328
March 17th, 2007 at 02:30pm
yes indeed, hummers are bad for the environment..
even though i think they're pretty cool looking.
it's not worth it to use up all that oil.
everyone says if we leave Iraq now, it will come crashing down.
i really dont know my opinion on it.
its just , ridiculous anymore.
Muted Scream
Fabulous Killjoy
Muted Scream
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Posts: 108
March 20th, 2007 at 12:19am
You also have to look at it in the light of the facts that if we left Iraq in it's present state, Iran(who is the major power in the middle east right now) will simply move in and invade Iraq, and rape it of the oil and land, and fuel itself to make more enriched uranium for REAL weapons of mass distruction. That would be an even greater disaster. This is just one big shit sandwich that we're all gonna have to take a bite out of.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 102
Gender: Female
Posts: 3267
April 10th, 2007 at 04:00pm
The war is a terrible thing. World war 1/2 against germany and england..
The iraq war.. and others.. HORRIBLE
I lost my daddy for 6 months when he went to iraq and it was hard because everyday i would switch on the TV and there wud be stuff bout English soilders being blown up in iraq and it made me sick to think that could happen to my daddy. Sad I wish there was a way we could prevent the war. Sad
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 102
Gender: Female
Posts: 3267
April 10th, 2007 at 04:04pm
You never know, 2morro you could wake up and see army tanks rolling through your town, because over night whilst you were asleep, 2 countries Declared war, Just think, most or your dads going to fight, maybe none of them coming back. Its hard to think that, because the iraqi war has gone on long enough, you never know there could be a world war 3 againt america, england and iraq.. its sad and upsetting to think how many people are killed in these terrible hell holes
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
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Posts: 46925
July 1st, 2007 at 07:13am
Did anyone hear of the recent bomb scares in Britain? The Picadilly circus one, and the Glasgow airport one? It's looming towards the anniversary of 7/7, and frankly, I'm quite scared.

Fox News (USA)

Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 3529
July 17th, 2007 at 04:10am
well, i'm pretty concerned that the US is going to wage war upon Iran. i am iranian and have loads of family over there.
i'm freaked out that
a) my family will get killed
b) bush will turn iran into another iraq situation
c) i will get killed in some gruesome hate crime

-do you think there's a chance of war between iran and the US?
-just to spark a new side of this discussion, how war affects the people from the OTHER country, who are seen as "enemies"
Oxycontin Genocide.
Oxycontin Genocide.
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Posts: 2955
July 17th, 2007 at 04:14am
^Yes. They probably will. They already sent secret water vessels there already, without telling the American people. =/
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 3529
July 17th, 2007 at 04:17am
oh great. *sarcasm*

war often goes hand in hand with the government keeping secrets from its people.

hang on, if they didn't tell us, how do YOU know??
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2286
July 17th, 2007 at 08:49pm
^^Sometimes things that don't get reported in America get reported in the UK or Germany.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2765
July 21st, 2007 at 06:57am
As much as that did make me laugh, I agree.

There is no reason we should be in Iraq
Would you rather have the war here?
there should be no fucking war ANYWHERE.