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tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
September 29th, 2008 at 04:57pm
we must give out meriwether's myspace URL to every big band we like. xD There's a .99% chance that someone will take them on tour. xD

ya know, if Meriwether made a video, I'm pretty sure MTV would play it 24/7, because they just played Like Waves on parental control. Let's see... that makes it the third time meriwether's music has been played on mtv ever since I starting paying attention? probably more..

the dude in the hat is blake. he's rad. He was wearing that hat at my show. XD

they added a new picture album on myspace, september 2008 touring
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
September 30th, 2008 at 09:22am
Yeah right. xD If the big bands would read comments...

Beard. D: The hat rules. xD

I know. They also added studio version of Castro Castrata. I was all : DDDD while listening to it. <3
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
September 30th, 2008 at 07:08pm

what? they added castro castrata?! I really need to pay attention to these things. I have a feeling that they will release all the songs from Sons of our fathers before it's even released. xD

oh, I ripped some of their myspace songs. Father, I Sleep Alone, The re-recorded verison of Girl In Mexico, the live verison of hold on. If you want them, just tell me. I'm pretty sure meriwether won't mind [seeing as how they said they'd start giving the album out for free if the label didn't release it soon...]

random: I showed a kid the picture of lazor/Josh and me, they thought he was my dad. sorry, found that funny...

p.s. because you're rad, and make awesome avatars... could you make me one, pleaseeeee...? (: sorry if it's a bother... yay I just totally suck at avatars..
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 1st, 2008 at 02:23pm
I know. xD But i only listened it once without basses couse the sound on my computer got totally fucked up so i can't hear anything. xD

I wanna Father and I Sleep Alone much! I like the old version of Girl In Mexico better. >.>

That is funny. xD

Oh sure. (: But i such at textures. D:
Your ava is pretty ass kicking right now. xD

tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 1st, 2008 at 06:07pm

your avatars are awesome though. I love the ava you have right now, and how the hair stands out.
Thanks for the avatar. (:

let's see... which songs do they have already up?
1 Make Believe (Yep.)
2 Aye Julian (Yep.)
3 Can't Get Over You
4 Girl In Mexico (yep)
5 Wish You Well
6 Father (yep.)
7 Hold On
8 I Sleep Alone (yup)
9 Like Waves (yup)
10 Castro Castrata (yup.)
11 Just Me

They haven't released studio verisons for four songs. xD I don't think they've even played 'Just Me' live. Curious to hear it...

les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 2nd, 2008 at 01:52pm
One single button does it all. xD

I don't even remember hearing all these songs. xD

Thank you so much. : D
But i think mods are checking some threads and ya know. Illegal downloading is kinda illegal. xD It would be safer if you could take these out now. (:
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 2nd, 2008 at 05:40pm
haha. I was kinda afraid to post the songs, because I lurk in the used's thread and a mod had already told someone about it soo.. yeah. I just did that hoping i didn't get banned. xD sorry, mods, if you read this! Smile

oh!!! the videos turned out cool! man, i seem like such a nerd when you can hear me. The video quality is pretty good. The pictures I have look nice! The one of me and drew is very good.

meriwether aren't going on anymore national tours until 2009. I know it doesn't bother you. xD but it is the only 'news' i have.
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 3rd, 2008 at 09:55am
Next time just pm me. xD


They won't come to Latvia anytime near. So i don't care where they tour. xD
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 5th, 2008 at 10:38pm
good idea, I should actually think once in a while. XD

kay, i'll definetely upload the videos once I get the sound working. Sadly, girl in mexico and the video where drew says 'we like long drunken walks on the beach..' did not turn out so well. Sad

ohmigod. Skip found something me and a friend made of him. DDDDD: -dies!-
" someone made me a sim character"
D: sorta funny, sorta not...
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 6th, 2008 at 10:31am
I don't mind bad sound. So if you dunno how to make it right just show me these. (:

Aww, it's cute! : D
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 9th, 2008 at 07:43pm
I'll post my videos when my computer actually lets me. D: It sucks, it took like an hour to just get my photos onto the computer.. Speaking of photos, I had taken a crappy picture of Blake, Drew [from the side, he was signing something] and Josh's back. I'd post those, but they have a stalker vibe going on. XD It's not my fault Josh sat right in front of me!
hehehe. i just realized I had a video of Sam air-drumming. haha. That was so funny. I dunno if I like Sam or Brett more now. Sam was so down-to-earth.

"10/30 Lafayette, LA - SHAKERS LIVE 18+ Halloween Eve Show! Wear costumes for discounted entry!)"
....someone NEEDS to film that show. I'm guessing Meriwether would dress up. if they do... blake would probably film it. -shrugs-
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 10th, 2008 at 11:43am
Why it took you a whole hour? D:
But i'm excited to see all of them. : D

I hope they do. (:
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 10th, 2008 at 11:56pm
hahaa. I think Meriwether are stalking me. XD not really, but yeaaah they seem to read my mind.
They posted a blog asking what they should go as for the show.
...idea. UNICORNS!

here are some of the stalker-ish pictures I took...
haha. I have NO clue what he's signing.
=P It's kinda creepy, but it's Josh's back. not my fault he sat like right near me, taunting me with his presence. lol.
Yeah, I have one of Blake, but it's really blurry.

yay! I'm going to upload I sleep alone. Ya know, the sound was so messed up it didn't even play on youtube. but now I have sound. So it's all good. (: I'll edit the page when it's uploaded fully, right now it's at 63%.
I'm gonna upload the video of Sam air-drumming. :] It has no sound though, but I love it. Sam rockin' out by the merch table.

crappy quality version of I Sleep Alone.
in case you didn't really hear the beginning, because I messed up a bit...
"Everyone boo Skip because he's a wiener."
that first boo... the sorta squeaky one is mine. Then Drew precedes to boo along with the crowd. haha.
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 11th, 2008 at 03:37am
Ahaha, i should write something hilarious. "Like that dude from Baywatch!" xD

Why you didn't came up to him while sitting there?

"The action that you were trying to perform has failed." on the airdrumming video. : (

Oh god, the sound. xD Well, at least I have seen it. (:
Man, i wish i could see them live someday.
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 11th, 2008 at 09:33pm
you shhhouulldd. they'd probably love that. xD There's only two replies on their blog, one from me.

I was soo nervous, that's why. He's really nice... but I thought he would think I'm a bad fan or something. I know, that's stupid.. but. D: When I met them, everything I wanted to say went away. All I could think of was "wow. wow. I hope they like me." I was star-struck, and nervous.

really? probably because my album is private. D: does it work now?

the sound sucks, yeah. I had to film the video with my camera after I got it onto the computer, because the sound didn't play on youtube. x]

<3 I hope you get to see them live oneday too.

oh. girl in mexico turned out sorta well! :] I'll upload it when I get the sound. Guess what! you can hear the "long drunken walks" speak. yeaaah! hehe.
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 12th, 2008 at 06:13am
I did. Tehe

Ohh, i know what you mean. xD It was the same for me when i met Keith from WAS.

Nope, it still doesn't. : (

Another video, yaay. : D
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 12th, 2008 at 09:08pm
haha. you rock. Very Happy one of the best suggestions on the blog so far.

yeah. and then they turn out to be nice, and you have no need to worry. D: (speaking of WAS, I went to a movie 'nick and norah's infinite playlist' and they were included in the soundtrack and opening title thing. :])

damn photobucket! I'll upload it on tinypic or youtube or some website. I don't wanna put it on youtube 'cause it sucks and the video is so random.

oh, and Blake uploaded a video. it's acoustic! :] haha. drew's wearing the same outfit from my show, or at least a similar one.

"this is called end of the road from boyz 2 men!" love his sense of humor..
damn... I want to see them live acoustic. I love how Skip is still rockin' out.
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 13th, 2008 at 09:49am
Yeah right. xD

I know. : D I'm always afraid that the band is such a pricks...
Really? Which song? Probably After Hours. xD

You can upload it in mediafire and send me the link. (:

Oh man, that was so beautiful. <3 I think i like the acoustic version of Aye Julian even more than the original.
tattooed lovers.
Motor Baby
tattooed lovers.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 863
October 13th, 2008 at 07:09pm
your suggestion was grreeeat! (: Still One of the best suggestions so far. [and perhaps the most affordable. =P] but I really like the suggestion of: "dude im thinkin drew is an outlet...and super skip is the plug (no offence)" hahahaha.

yeah, it was. (: which is not surprising because the film takes place 'after hours.' hahaha. sorry a little stupid pun. XD

good idea. mediafire is a better source than photobucket. [photobucket hates meeee.] I'll upload it later.

They should play acoustic more often. (and blake should have filmed the whole show..)

hey, i found out a way to get the sound a bit better. err... well. not that good. D: The guitar still screeches. buttt.... I got father uploaded. sound still sucks.

hopefully better quality than the other video. :]
you totally can't tell Steve has stage fright. He's like... amazing. <3
les sucettes.
In The Murder Scene
les sucettes.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21132
October 15th, 2008 at 01:22pm
They won't do that, mean, mine idea, anyway. xD

I'm patinent. :]

I know, their acoustic rocks more socks.

Ugh, when it got to the heavy part my ears couldn't take it. D: