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Bestiality/ Zoophillia

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February 4th, 2009 at 10:36pm
Bringing up a dead thread, actually found this link while doing research for a project that deals with this subject. So I signed up to input my $.02

I see no real problem with this to some degree, I will admit that I've had fantasies of the beastial kind myself. When I was much younger I actually enacted on this with a young calf, There was no real penetration of sorts, just as if a calf was feeding from its mother's milke without getting too graphic.. this being said, was over 20 years ago. It was something I was concieved into doing with friends on a farm. I've yet to act in that manner since, but I didn't see any harm or so-called "abuse" in what I did.

I don't feel its abuse unless you're physically harming the animal.. if the animal were completely against it, chances are, something like a bull, dog, etc.. would lash out and bite or attack. I can see some instances where this could be seen as abuse. Putting something into a hole in which it wasn't designed for, to cause internal damage on the animals organs, in this case, yes.. its harm.

The only affects of this so called 'abuse' is that the animal tends to enjoy it, especially male dogs, and they grow to enjoy sex and will take the liberty of mounting a female, or willing male companion. There are statistic reports of animals having sex for pleasure, not just reproduction, Dolphins for instance. I'm sure there are more out there.

I also don't appreciate the use of the term 'homo' in the first post in this thread as its kind of offensive.. specially since im a homosexual male.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
February 5th, 2009 at 01:19am
Okay...ew. This I cannot condone.
Emerald Muerte
Bleeding on the Floor
Emerald Muerte
Age: 31
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Posts: 1134
February 12th, 2009 at 05:50pm
I find it strange that this thread is associating pansexuality and bestiality together.
Honestly, pansexuality means to me that you are able to love another human regardless of age, race, gender etc I see it as not only being open and accepting to all people, but being able to love them for who they are not what they are which is often a very hard thing for many humans to do.

On another note I do not condone bestiality, unless you are Eliza Thornberry.
teen spirit.
Crash Queen
teen spirit.
Age: 30
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Posts: 30661
February 20th, 2009 at 11:25am
in my opinion, it is like a form of rape because the animal cannot understand love or what it's really doing. someone who would want to do that with an animal needs help mentally, anyway. no one can understand what animals are really thinking so it's abusing them to do these horrible things.
and of course, it's illegal.
questionable content
Always Born a Crime
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Age: 28
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February 22nd, 2009 at 01:14pm
^ But wouldn't that be similar to if the animal was mating with its own species? It would be raped and not understand?
teen spirit.
Crash Queen
teen spirit.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 30661
February 23rd, 2009 at 02:35am
^animals mating however is instinctual, and it's so the species carry on. a human having sex with an animal is unnatural and unessential, it is for the human's pleasure alone.

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Always Born a Crime
questionable content
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 5604
February 23rd, 2009 at 03:36pm
^ But in some ways the same could be said for hybrid species (ligers, mules etc.). Many things (zoos for instance) are unnatural and unessential, but that doesn't necessarily make anything unnatural and unessential wrong. And how do you know the animal does not pleasure from it as well?