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Internet Predators

Logic Is For Losers!
Joining The Black Parade
Logic Is For Losers!
Age: 35
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Posts: 235
June 25th, 2006 at 04:41am
Bah, my mom and dad worry about the things I do on the net all the time; from "Are you downloading something? Did you make sure it doesn't have a virus?!" too "How do you know the person on the other end is really who they say they are?".
Simple answer for the last one: I just do. I don't like talking to people who use chat speak excessively, and incase you didn't notice, most pedophiles use it. Besides, you can't fake a live webcam. So I think there is NOTHING wrong with myspace, it's the people. Besides, who's dumb enough to go meet with someone they've never talked to, and never seen? That's stupid. When a conversation I'm having with someone I've just met starts to get 'sexually charged', I begin to insult them, and block them.
My parents know I have a myspace, they know I talk to loads of different people I've never met in real life. Besides, if you wanna give someone your number, get a cell phone, they can't find your exact location with that number.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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Posts: 583
June 25th, 2006 at 09:54am
*Leaving my stars behind*:

It's not just myspace.

What about nexopia?

Now that site, is really really dangerous. Especially where I live.

whats nexopia? maybe im just ignaorant, but ive never heard of it before...
Always Born a Crime
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June 25th, 2006 at 10:03am
I'm sorry, but yeah I know it's devistating and all that jazz when a girl either is raped or killed by an online predator, but think about it, girls need to be more careful. I know damn right well I would never meet someone I didn't know and met online. I read in Seventeen magazine about this girl that used to talk to random people in chat rooms. One day she was talking to this guy that lived near her so when her parents weren't home she gave him her address and he came over. They had sex and then he left. She invited him over again because she thought he really liked her. So, of course, they had sex again, but she was appauled when he asked what would she do if he had sex with her younger sister, who by the way was only like 10 or something. She stopped talking to him and later found out she was pregnant and her mother made her have the baby. So that, I feel, shows real stupidity. Girls need to be smarter and more cautious with who they meet and talk to. Also, I think parents need to talk to their kids because maybe that's why they are going to meet random people because they don't know any better.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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Posts: 583
June 25th, 2006 at 10:09am
my mum and dad are completely paranoid about internet predators, but i take special precautions before doing anything. if i add people on msn from anywhere, i insist for a picture or to go on webcam. if i am at all uncomfortable with them, they are blocked and deleted immediatley. if they insult me, the same thing happens. i dont meet up with anyone from the internet, EVER. it really is horrible what happens to people on myspace or websites like that, but you never hear about the good things on the internet. I think that's why people are so paranoid. If the child is ignorant, then it's really their own fault. If you act safe, you stay safe. [end rant here/]
Not so amazing Emily
Fabulous Killjoy
Not so amazing Emily
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June 25th, 2006 at 04:20pm
My parents freak about people on the internet.
But they know that I'm sensible enough to be weary.
Yeah there's a chance that some random person will try to get more infomation off me.
It doesn't happen to everyone, and I'm not saying that it wouldn't happen to me, but the chances are quite slim. I must say I do have internet friends that I've never met before, but to be honest I don't plan on meeting them.
Now I'm rambling a bit much. I say it's only a problem if you have no care in the world about these things, it's there so what's stopping it from happening.
crap at guitar
crap at guitar
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June 27th, 2006 at 12:49am
It's overblown. The government just wants to look good. They don't really care about the people, only votes.
Cross Sorrows
Salute You in Your Grave
Cross Sorrows
Age: 35
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Posts: 2188
July 1st, 2006 at 04:10am
My parents are completely technologically retarded so whenever I'm on the internet, they assume that I'm in a chat room even though I never go to any. They don't understand the concept of MSN or Myspace or INO, so they just tell me not to tell anyone anything... but I do anyway.

I have told people my name and my postal address and my cell phone number, but only after I trust these people and truely believe that they are who they say they are.

I do believe that there are a lot of internet preditors out there, but once a person reaches a certain age it's just rediculous for a parent to try to monitor all their child's internet use. If they're that paranoid they should be able to block problem sites. The fact remains that there are sexual preditors in any society, and the internet has just become another part of society, so it's kind of expected. People on the most part are pretty cautious about people they meet on the internet anyway I think.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
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Posts: 4975
July 2nd, 2006 at 10:16am
There's a biiiiiiig thing happening about Bebo in the UK at the minute, because some igits are uploading sexual pictures and blah.
And somebody in my class made a fake profile, taking the mickey of another person in my class, and loads of crap happened about it. The PSHE teacher went on everyone's Bebos, and asked us all if we knew our pictures were up, she was fine with everyone else doing it, but when it came to me she shouted "How many times have we had this conversation?!" due to the time I did a project on Ed Gein and got in trouble over it. [Asked me where I found out about him, I said messageboard, she said all this stuff like whoever said it was a predator, and trying to change my views, completely overdoing it all].

And then my nan got really pissy about it, and when I still lived with her she was always reading over my shoulder, standing behind me and watching my every move, reading every IM I sent, which made me really uncomfortable [which is why I haven't been on INO for a while].

My mum and dad are pretty cool about it. They wouldn't let me meet up with anyone or anything [and I don't think I would with many people], and just tell me to be careful what I say and where I say it.

People are fully aware of the potential consequences of meeting up with somebody on the net, but they still choose to do so.
So they should accept the consequences of their actions.
Antichrist Superstar
Bleeding on the Floor
Antichrist Superstar
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July 11th, 2006 at 02:18am
what do you think about the recent charges brought against myspace?
madame angst
Salute You in Your Grave
madame angst
Age: 32
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Posts: 4551
July 15th, 2006 at 03:31am
My mom is really paranoid.
She freaked when she saw a picture of me on my myspace. If only she would have seen other girls' pics.
Rolling Eyes
I agree with all of you here.
The internet can be enjoyable if used correctly.
I hate those stupid ten year old who ruin MySpace for the rest of us.
Everytime my mom sees something on the news, I tell her that it's the victim's fault.
They probably gave out too much info.
I think my mom is very annoyed at the fact that the internet is my pastime. She wonders who I talk to, and what I talk about, and who is who.
She thinks I'm one of those ignorant people.

As for the MySpace charges, I think they shouldn't charge MySpace. I think they should investigate further. As in, find out what the victim/said/did during their time on MySpace.
I hope I said that alright, I'm tired enough.
when jess was young.
Shotgun Sinner
when jess was young.
Age: 33
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Posts: 8265
July 15th, 2006 at 03:42am
It freaks me out.
I dont really have to worry about it tho.
I only have 8 MySpace friends.
And they're all from INO
and only 2 bebo friends
Lauren and Pete Wentz.
But I doubt its really him.
Jazz Hands
Age: 36
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Posts: 261
October 20th, 2006 at 09:38pm
People just need to realise that just because someone seems like a nice person it doesn't mean they aren't out to hurt you, just like in life outside the internet. Parents trying to stop you from usng these services such as myspace etc are not necessarily out to ruin your social life but more likely wanting to make sure their child doesn't end up being hurt.

people who are predators and do use the internet as their weapon of choice have probably become quite good at it, so you should generally think twice about everything, giving personal info and invitations to meet. don't be naive and think it could never happen to you because chances are it could and someone you are currently talking to on the net could be a predator.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
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Posts: 2765
October 20th, 2006 at 11:05pm
I think Myspace and all of that is fine if you're smart and safe. And example of NOT being smart and safe is meeting up with someone you don't know. You're just asking for trouble if you do that. I talk to ONE girl on IM sometimes that I don't know, but I dont have any intentions of meeting her. I can tell that she's not a petophile, she's not dangerous. But that doesn't mean I'm going to meet her in person.

If someone says something rude or scary to me on IM, I block them. Simple as that. The only friends I have on myspace are people I know (my friends), bands, people from INO and other MCR fans.

I just think that the people that get sexually assaulted because they met up with someone from the internet are either ignorant or just plain stupid.
My Chemical Asshole
Bleeding on the Floor
My Chemical Asshole
Age: 32
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Posts: 1378
October 25th, 2006 at 06:08pm
It's an obvious fact that its not safe to meet people of fthe net, but still, people do it
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 17
October 25th, 2006 at 06:44pm
My Mom is always like you cant trust anyone and I am was like yes I can. I trust every on this website for some reason....very strange. I dont trust every one on myspace though its just scary how many people like get rapped becuase of that.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 53
October 29th, 2006 at 10:16pm
i must admit, that i am not the most careful person alive,
but if someone i didnt know asked me to meet them,
i would lose contact with them at once

and i agree with whoever said it,
that its not just the internet,
although it can be a main source.

i had an old teacher arrested for having child pornography.

you can never tell where something like that will happen
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 11
October 29th, 2006 at 11:13pm
I hate how everyone only blames Myspace for having pedophiles. Most of the victims are the girls taking photos of themselves half-naked and making kissy-faces. It's disgusting. Pedophiles can be EVERYWHERE. Hell, we could even have one on INO.

exaclty the girls put themselves out there to be stalked... and why would they agree to meet a complete stranger somewhere? they had it coming... its their own fault and I have no sympathy
Age: 35
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Posts: 8293
October 29th, 2006 at 11:35pm
The problem with the internet - the fatal flaw that allows it to be the medium of predators, perverts, criminals etc, is that it is totally impersonal. Anyone can say anything, and no one can dispute it.

But when was the last time a hairy forty year old man managed to pass for a thirteen year old girl in real life?

Taking the human element out of anything is extremely dangerous, it makes things a whole new ball game. As long as there is an internet, there will be internet predators. People need to accept it and take precautions, and not think that the internet is a dandy, friendly world of fairies and pixie dust and kids talking to only kids.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2931
October 29th, 2006 at 11:52pm
Sometimes I get the feeling I give out too much info about myself on INO. We act like it`s so safe, like we`re all just young people who share common interests, and that there`s nothing to worry about. We can`t act like that, guys. Like Nikki said, I don`t doubt that there are pedophiles on INO. Maybe even someone you wouldn`t expect.
justin pierre.
Awake and Unafraid
justin pierre.
Age: 29
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October 30th, 2006 at 09:31pm
Queen of Apology:
My mom thinks everyone on the internet is out to get me.

Same here. But it's different with some people because you can really tell that they are real.

No offence, But my mom just said 'Thats a classic preditor line'.
And Erika, ditto.
Everything I say-Thats how predetors start!

ME: I told someone my name is Ryann.
MOM: Thats how predetors start!
ME: I said I like butter.
MOM: Thats how predetors start!