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Christmas Thread.

my chemical romance.
my chemical romance.
Age: 30
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Posts: 18584
November 28th, 2007 at 05:25pm
This was approved by a mod.
Since we seem to keep having Christmas threads pop up, it seems like it'd be easier to just have one.

It's really a general thread to discuss Christmas, or post pictures of your trees, or other Christmas setups.
What are your family traditions?
What do you want this year? What are some good gifts you're giving out?
What are some of the best gifts you've received over the years?
Do you have any favourite carols?

Sorry for abusing the word Christmas. :3
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
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November 28th, 2007 at 05:48pm
Yay Christmas. It's the first of December on Saturday Wow Advent calendar time Tehe
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 31
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November 28th, 2007 at 05:53pm
Ooh awesome thread :]

We have a tradition, if it's the right word? Haha
We watch all the Harry Potter movies every Christmas eve, during the day, then in the evening we go round to someones house (usually Gran + Grandad's) and watch TV with mulled wine and cookies. So fun. My Gran gets drunk real easy, then rings her son she hasnt spoken to in forever and asks him for the £600 he never paid her back. Lawlz. anyway...
On Christmas day I ring all my friends and we talk about what we got.
We have a full english for breakfast then go back to my Gran + Grandads for lunch, stay all day then have Christmas dinner in the evening.

We basically watch Christmas movies all day and eat a shit loada food.
I love Christmas, so much.

I love all the Christmas songs, like, all the originals. In Love They make me feel like it really is Christmas.

Edit; woah. I abused the word, too! Haha
alaska 5000
Tragic With a Capital T
alaska 5000
Age: 28
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November 28th, 2007 at 06:01pm
We already have 3 decorations up xD
A tree, a mini tree and a bunch of sticks that light up.

We has a Christmas Lunch at our house, and later in the day we goes to Grandpa's for dinner & presents. XD
my chemical romance.
my chemical romance.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 18584
November 28th, 2007 at 07:51pm
My parents put some lights and stuff out last week.
We don't normally do a lot outside except for lights.

I always play a lot of video games on Christmas Eve. :V I'm fly.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 36
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Posts: 14696
November 28th, 2007 at 07:57pm
We decorate the ENTIRE house. Every room gets something special and we always have a real Christmas tree.

On Christmas Eve, we drive around together and look at Christmas lights and my dad falls asleep watching "It's A Wonderful Life".
We wake up on Christmas and open presents then spend the day laying around the house, trying to figure out all the new things we got. Smile

Crash Queen
Age: 31
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November 28th, 2007 at 08:00pm
I think there's 26 days left. :3

I have a tree in my room put up, and we decorate our house.
Pretty much everywhere.
It's amazing.
Thnks fr th vnm
Demolition Lover
Thnks fr th vnm
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November 28th, 2007 at 10:05pm
One of our traditions is some Danish tradition or something...we haven't done it properly since I was a little kid, though. On the 23 of December we're supposed to eat a goose dinner, on the 24 we fast, on the 25 we open our gifts, eat 'smorgusboard' (sp?), chill, then eat a turkey dinner. I'm not actually sure if that's right, because I haven't done since I was about four.

Chirstnas for me is different every few years because I'm constantly being moved around and such.
I'm moving out next week with my boyfriend and two friends. We won't have a tree and it's likely we won't be able to afford turkey XD. If I can convince my boyfriend to do so I'll be taking him to my grandmother's house on Christmas day and then to my aunt's on boxing day.

The greatest gift I've ever recieved was my acoustic guitar from my sister.
One of my favourite memories would be from about grade nine. On Christmas Eve i walked to my friend's house to give her her gift and her grandmother was there and they were all eating a big dinner. her grandmother looked at me and said "Would you like to come in and eat with us?" and I was just like "Nope, that's okay. My mom just ordered pizza and it's on its way."

This holiday was just never a really big thing after my parents got divorced. It was alright before then. We'd decorate the whole house. We'd decorate our artificial tree. My mom would fall asleep on the coach watching Christmas specials and the cat would fall asleep on her. The other cat would get in under the tree and the whole thing would fall onto my sleeping mother and she'd yell. Christmas morning my sistar and I would be up at the crack of dawn, get everyone up and open our gifts. Around four we'd go next door to my grandmother's and open our gifts from her, watch television (usually Terminator or Robocop or some 'daddy movie'), wait for dinner to cook then eat it. After dinner we'd all do the dishes then the ladies would play cards in the kitchen and the men would sit in the front room and smoke/talk/watch television.
My sister and I would get into the cadies, chocolates, and nuts laid out in the living room, fall asleep, then we'd all go home.

Last year I wasn't really feeling it at all. My dad had to wake me up at 1:30 in the afternoon to open my gifts :\
Scream To Be Heard.
In The Murder Scene
Scream To Be Heard.
Age: 31
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Posts: 21681
November 29th, 2007 at 11:41pm
We all go out and buy a tree about 3 weeks before Christmas. Then we decorate about a week later. At the same time, we put up all of the other decorations [lights for outside, little tree in my room, wall decorations...]. A week before xmas, we bake cookies. Then, on Christmas, we all wake up at around 8:00am and go open presents. The rest of the day, we just sit around trying to figure out our gifts XD

-I really want a digital camera [Sony Cybershot W90]
-My friend Jeffrey is mailing me his new ATL cd, and because im going to see them 2 days after xmas, im going to get it signed for him, and then mail it back :]

I love all xmas music. :]
[i play it all year 'round XD]
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
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Posts: 2440
November 29th, 2007 at 11:51pm
we used to always have a real christmas tree. but now we have a fake one. its not as cool =[ and theres not the wonderful smell!
we usually decorate just the lounge with stuff and have lights on the outside windows. a couple of nights before christmas we usually go to this road that is famous for its christmas lights and decorations, and sometimes we go to the laser light show. thats fun, though its the same every year Very Happy
its usually on christmas eve that we go to church, but we used to go in the morning...
we mostly have it at my house, but sometimes we drive to Tauranga where our cousins and uncle live on Christmas morning, spend the day/night there and drive back on Boxing Day. We open presents first thing, well, after everyone is awake >.<
then we have christmas lunch, usually its cold, turkey, chicken, pork, salads, dessert. yeah. and then we'll just spend the day relaxing, sometimes we go to the beach...
and christmas carols are the best thing ever. In Love

my favourite present that i've ever recieved was my ipod last year. i love it. and i love wrapping presents. i'll wrap everyone's in my family for fun =] christmas is the best time of the year, imo.
sweet children
Really Not Okay
sweet children
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November 29th, 2007 at 11:54pm
Green Faerie
Salute You in Your Grave
Green Faerie
Age: 37
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Posts: 2903
November 30th, 2007 at 12:10am
What are your family traditions?
Christmas Eve- I sit by the fire, drink cocoa, and always try and read a Christmas story, while my mum sits on the couch giving me funny looks and telling me that I am not in a Christmas film, and absolutely refusing to join in. *Sulk* She's such a scrooge. Smile

Christmas Day- I wake up far too early (About 6 hours earlier than normal, hehe) without setting an alarm. I run downstairs, whilst my mum grumbles about being woke up. She has to see me open them though, because she bought them all. I open my presents really slowly so it takes a good couple of hours... My mum goes back to bed after starting the dinner. About an hour later she wakes up, after I've stared at my presents, organised them, and played with them. Smile I go get ready. We eat dinner, with whoever we've adopted that year, Neighbours, Partners etc.
Then my mum may go back to bed, whilst I try to find something to do. (It's pretty much the only day off she gets, Lol) Then my friends come over, we sit and drink and open presents, then I go to theirs and we watch movies and chat randomly until the early hours.

What do you want this year?
Supernatural series two, CD's, DVD's. Not much, I already got my laptop fixed and a new mobile for early presents.

What are some good gifts you're giving out?
Oh god I don't know! My best friend in the whole world always helps me, I would be lost without her.

What are some of the best gifts you've received over the years?
Hmmm? All of them? I don't know. My prize possessions were Bday presents.

Do you have any favourite carols?
Not particularly they are all sweet. But MCR's 'All I Want for Christmas' Is going to rule my December. SmileSmile

Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2086
November 30th, 2007 at 12:16am
i love Christmas.

we always have real trees. One in the hall, one in the lounge. the hall one's the pretty decorative one and the lounge one is the traditional one that all the presents are put under.
we put garlands on the stairs and pretty Christmas decorations everywhere. we don't usually decorate upstairs but i think I'm gonna decorate my room this year :]

my Nana stays over at our house on Christmas eve and Christmas day till boxing day and me and my sister get up really early and open our stockings, then we usually fall asleep while looking at those presents and wake up a bit later to go downstairs and open the ones in the lounge. My dad lights the fire downstairs before so it's all warm smells nice.
then we have dinner at about 3pm and just generally have a lazy day looking at all our new stuff

i can't wait to give my sister her Xmas present this year. i have a feeling she's gonna love it :]

haha sorry thats so long :/
idk. my bff jill?
Demolition Lover
idk. my bff jill?
Age: 29
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Posts: 18372
November 30th, 2007 at 12:22am
Christmas Eve: We (Me,Mom,Dad,Uncle,Great-Aunt,Aunt's Fiance,and Great-Grandmaw) to my my Grandmaw's house around 6pm (I go around 3 or 4) and we eat,which takes usually 1 1/2 hours. Then we go in the living room and my Great-Aunt and her Fiance open their presents from us and I usually open 1 of mine,then we leave.

Christmas Day:
I usually wake up around 7 or 8 am,and go wake my mom. Then we go into the living room,and my presents from "Santa" are on the couch,and I freak out over them first. Then we get the stuff from our stockings,and then we move on presents under the tree. My dad first,then my mom,and me last. Then around noon,we (Me,Mom,Dad,Uncle,and Great Grandmaw) go back to my Grandmaw's house and eat lunch and then go get the stuff from our stockings my Grandmaw made for us and then we open alla our presents she has down there.

So it's like double fucking presents.

james dean.
Awake and Unafraid
james dean.
Age: 31
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Posts: 14574
November 30th, 2007 at 12:32am
I try not to put up decorations or anything before December 1st. Lulz, I hate doing things out of season, so that's my rule. I shall be doing some decorating this weekend, I believe. :]

My family has a few traditions. We always have a real tree, and hang our old family heirloom ornaments on it. They're really pretty and made of glass. Normally we don't put up the tree until a few days before Christmas, and then we leave it up until New Years. We have presents under the tree to one and another, but we still hang stockings my mum sewed for us years ago and "Santa" fills them. xD

Man, and my parents bake. Both of them, like crazy. There's so much good, home-made stuff to eat around Christmas time at my house, it's to fucking die for. During Christmas vacation I average about two cups of hot chocolate per day and numerous different cookies, cakes and other delicious things. x]

Probably my favourite Christmas tradition is to gather around my dad's big, old radio with my family and listen to "The Shepherd" on CBC radio, though. It's so classic, we've been doing it for as long as I can remember.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 31
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Posts: 13337
November 30th, 2007 at 12:58am
Uhm, for the past few years Christmas has been kind of low-key.
We don't have any traditions, really. And we don't get all these fancy decorations. We just find what we can and then we cover the tree's bare spots with a kazillion paper snowflakes.

But I think that one of the best gifts I've gotten was this computer I have and to see my mom really happy when she was proposed to by my step-dad that morning last year.

Star Crossed Lover
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November 30th, 2007 at 01:07am
I like Christmas because it is Jesus birthday.
Jack White
Awake and Unafraid
Jack White
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November 30th, 2007 at 02:12am
My house has been decorated for over a week!
We have a fake tree (because Nathan is way allergic to pine) and we don't put lights on it, in order to conserve energy. It has a total mishmash of ornaments on it, with no theme whatsoever, and is topped with this cool angel I got at a crafts fair--it's made from white crochet that has been treated with something to keep it stiff, and has been dusted with silver glitter and has a pink ribbon and string of seed pearls tied around its waist.

We also have red and green garland tied around the columns that separate our dining area and living room; our stockings hanging from hooks (they're our original stockings from when we were kids); a lighted Christmas village set up in the center of our kitchen table (I just started collecting pieces last year, so it's a very small village: Victorian bed and breakfast, cathedral, town Christmas tree, and a Wal-Mart because my husband thought it was hilarious that you could even buy such a thing).

Oh, and we have a Christmas tableau on top of our entertainment center, made up of a few Christmas figurines, cinnamon candles, and the two Christmas cards we have received so far.
Bulletproof Heart
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November 30th, 2007 at 02:20am
we decorated our tree and house before thanksgiving and we are STILL finding boxes of stuff to put up.
we haven't finished our tree yet because the star is still sitting on the table. don't ask me why. i haven't the slightest clue why it's not up yet. "/
i have snoopy and woodstock lights in my room. and they are going to stay there until way after the xmas season. :]]
we have a mini tree in our basement that has red and white lights on it because our basement is Red Wings. (it's a hockey thing.)
and, yeah. that's about it.

and there's candy everywhere. Very Happy
that's the best part.
In The Murder Scene
Age: 29
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Posts: 23274
December 6th, 2007 at 10:32am