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The Paranormal

dirty love.
In The Murder Scene
dirty love.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 23925
February 3rd, 2009 at 01:02pm
My friends and I tried a ouija board one time a couple of years ago.
I was really skeptical and didn't take it seriously so just kept pushing the glass to freak people out.
Other than that, nothing ~scary happened. I wish it would've though.
Motor Baby
Age: 31
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Posts: 966
February 3rd, 2009 at 04:12pm
I like reading and listening people stories on the paranormal hahaha, my aunt especially. She thinks she's a reincarnate of one of the Roger Sugar family children... I dont' know what to say about that.
Other than that, I used to be part of this other message board for this site for Weird NJ, if anyones familiar with WNJ. They come out with issues talking about the paranormal and just plain weird in New Jersey. It's interesting, and they have a site for Weird US, too.
black magic woman.
Salute You in Your Grave
black magic woman.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 4082
February 4th, 2009 at 06:52am
I don't believe in ghosts even though I've experienced a few "happenings" xD, atleast I only experienced them at my elementary school last year and not here at home or anywhere else @.@ ... And I'm really stupid, I am easily freaked out by "scary" paranormal stuff and yet I still read and read and read about it.

Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 35214
February 5th, 2009 at 01:32pm

I find it all fascinating.
I believe pretty much everything I hear about.
I've had a few ~experiences but nothing too epic.
dirty love.
In The Murder Scene
dirty love.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 23925
February 5th, 2009 at 03:57pm
Ghosts and the paranormal intrigue me, but I think it's all crap.
If people's theories were correct, everyday would be like night of the living dead.
There would obviously be more dead people than there are alive people.
So people who claim to ''see'' ghosts, in theory, would be able to see them all. And they don't.
dark desire.
Salute You in Your Grave
dark desire.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2200
February 5th, 2009 at 10:22pm
i believe in the paranormal.
there's no way to be sure whether the times i've ~seen things are legit or not but my friends psych teacher told her about some weird method of finding ghosties that usually works well with schizophrenics and i have unwittingly done it before and it worked.
some people actually think "schizophrenia" is really just a deeper connection to the supernatural and whatnot.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 21
February 16th, 2009 at 10:16am
I love Paranormal stuff.
Once I was staying at a friends house and it was really REALLY cold and when we went to bed, I felt really sick and I couldnt sleep. So I was sitting up in bed and I just looking around and I saw some shadow move across the room. It really freaked me out, I knew it wasnt my friend cos I could see she was asleep in the other bed.
When I asked her about it, she told me there a few ghosts in her house.
In The Murder Scene
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 21448
February 16th, 2009 at 01:34pm
My friend and her other friend live with two other roommates in this old house a few minutes away from me.
She was sleeping in her friend's room and she said she woke up and saw someone next to her friend.
She touched them and she knew that they were there but she just rolled over and went back to sleep because she felt like everything was alright.
And then the next morning it turns out her friend saw someone kneeling on the floor but she just went back to sleep because she felt like everything was alright too.

Weird. xD
They're determined they have ghosts.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 439
February 19th, 2009 at 06:19pm
I really like watching documentaries of haunted places or places that still have spirits living in there, but i do believe in the paranormal
teen spirit.
Crash Queen
teen spirit.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 30661
February 19th, 2009 at 11:12pm
things like that intrigue me, but i don't believe in it.

i just doesn't make sense to me.

i guess just because i've never experienced anything like that.
Death Defying
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 186346
February 20th, 2009 at 10:53pm
I believe in the paranormal, because I lived in a house that was... haunted/paranormal/ect. Like, at that house, my sister saw a sillowete of a man in a top hat standing at the foot of the bed. her friend saw it too =/ A lot of things happened there, but that's just one of the examples.

Things in my old house moved all the time too. Like the storage space door opened when no one was in there, and something from my mother's purse ended up above the fireplace when she hadn't touched it...

I believe in the paranormal, I think it's very interesting.

--And also: about a month ago, at the house I live in now: it was about 2 AM, and I felt someone touch my back. I thought it was my cat, but he was sleeping on my bed...? I also hear heavy footsteps coming from downstairs late at night when everyone else is asleep.
The Creature
In The Murder Scene
The Creature
Age: -
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Posts: 23462
February 21st, 2009 at 01:08am
In the What's the Worst... thread, I just predicted what question I would answer.
What is th worst band? was my guess....
And I was right.
Haha, w00t.
Day Of The Dead
Salute You in Your Grave
Day Of The Dead
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 4772
February 23rd, 2009 at 03:07pm
I believe in the paranormal. I find it really interesting, but I'm very with ouija boards. I'd like to try one but I've heard about things going wrong, so I'd rather not.

I swear I've seen the ghost cat before. The people I've told thing I'm crazy and don't believe me but I swear I did!!
Death Defying
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 186346
February 25th, 2009 at 09:26am
We took this ghost walk in Beuford, North Carolina, when I was in 5th grade. Our group went to the cemetery there, and we (my mom, sister, and I) were standing at this shrub, and one of the leaves started moving by itself and there was no breeze or anything. My mother and sister but their hands around it and it was freezing cold. We told the people next to us, and they felt it to.

After the tour was over, there were a few people just hanging out at the gates of the cemetery. This one woman took a picture and there was this weird orb in it. It wasn't like when you take a picture and there's dust particles in it, but it was white and circular, and it appeared to be shining. It was interesting.
samantha connolly
In The Murder Scene
samantha connolly
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 24519
February 25th, 2009 at 10:56am
Proud member of the Northwest Tennessee Ghost Hunters' Society.
Recently went on an outing with the group to "The Dollhouse Grave".
Google has a lot more about the grave than me but essentially a father built his daughter a little dollhouse over her grave because she loved dolls.
The older members with equipment got more out of the experience than me...
The only thing I know is I stuck my hands inside the doorway of the house to check how sturdy it was and now, three weeks later, mild rhuematoid arthritis has set into my hands.
Another hunter stuck her foot into the doorway and had a gigantic bruise the next day, and two broken toes.
Pretty weird stuff guys.
Just Steph...
Motor Baby
Just Steph...
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 909
March 22nd, 2009 at 11:15am
Quite a few strange things have happened to me.

When I had a friend staying over, my gutar strings made a noise. Not like they had been strummed, but like when someone pulls them out and lets go. When we were done crapping ourselves, i turned the light on and there was nothing anywhere near my guitar that could have caught on it. When I turned the light off, it happened again. Neither of us slept well that night.

I was down at St Vigeans with a few of my friends once. It's a tiny village, that's only really a church and a few houses, a 5 minute walk out of town. The church is on op of a hill, and the hill is a graveyard. There's always been rumours that it's haunted, but it was peaceful and the people who liked to chase us never went there. There's also a burn (a tiny river, about 5 feet across). And once, i saw a man with his dog standing next to it, which isn't unusual beacuse people walk their dogs there all the time, but i felt like i should know him, so i turned round to ask if anyone knew who he was, but they were mid-conversation and i didn't want to interrupt, so i turned back round to see if i could recognise him, but he was gone. And i suddenly felt like i shouldn't tell my friends what happened. So i didn't.

the princess.:
Ghosts and the paranormal intrigue me, but I think it's all crap.
If people's theories were correct, everyday would be like night of the living dead.
There would obviously be more dead people than there are alive people.
So people who claim to ''see'' ghosts, in theory, would be able to see them all. And they don't.

But if a paranormal world exists, it's one we know nothing about, so would have completely different laws of physics than ours.
There could be any reason why only some ghosts are seen. The most popular and overused theory is of course that they have unfinished buisness.
But maybe ghosts aren't dead people? They could be angels? Something we haven't even invented or discovered yet. They could be anything.
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 5880
March 23rd, 2009 at 06:23am
the paranormal scares the crap out of me, so clearly, i do believe.
i don't know if it's already been mentioned or not, but does anyone believe in the witching hour? 3am?
Just Steph...
Motor Baby
Just Steph...
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 909
March 23rd, 2009 at 12:34pm
I've never heard of it
Death Defying
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 186346
March 23rd, 2009 at 04:44pm
Just Steph...:

But if a paranormal world exists, it's one we know nothing about, so would have completely different laws of physics than ours.
There could be any reason why only some ghosts are seen. The most popular and overused theory is of course that they have unfinished buisness.
But maybe ghosts aren't dead people? They could be angels? Something we haven't even invented or discovered yet. They could be anything.

Ghosts might be angels. A chaplin (sp? a chaplin is like a Priest who works at a hospital) was over at my house and he said that there was security footage caught on tape at a hospital here where I live and on the tape was this angel like figure. You could almost see the hair, and on each side of the figure looked like wings. So ghosts very well could be angels. I also think some might be dead people. Why they are stuck on earth? I have no idea. Maybe they died violently, or they had unfinished business, I'm not sure. Maybe even something no one has thought of yet. I think demons are real to, but that kind of freaks me out so I don't like thinking about it too much.


i don't know if it's already been mentioned or not, but does anyone believe in the witching hour? 3am?

The phrase sounds familiar, I just don't know what it means.
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 5880
March 24th, 2009 at 05:19am
The phrase sounds familiar, I just don't know what it means.

the witching hour, around 3am is supposedly the time when spirits are most active.
i looked it up a couple of days ago out of curiosity.
it also shows this on the exorcism of emily rose, if anyone's ever seen that.

i also believe in demons. :/