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Letters to Anyone

Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
May 15th, 2013 at 06:22pm
You are one lucky bitch. I swear...dont even let me see your face tomorrow
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
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Posts: 69728
May 18th, 2013 at 08:26pm

Dear mom,

Don't tell me I'm not allowed to cry. Yes it was my choice to drop out of school but I didn't make that decision lightly. My dreams of being a professional artist have just been crushed for good and you telling me that you never believed I could is just salt in the wound. Please just shut up and let me grieve over the fact that my dream is dead. Thanks.

In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
May 20th, 2013 at 09:37am

does your boyfriend not know the exit to the apartment?
if not, i'd be more than glad to show him how to leave.

- mandy


i can't believe you haven't called or visited.
she's really upset with you right now.

- mandy
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
May 22nd, 2013 at 08:18am
Im really scared to tell you how I feel about this, cause I dont wanna bum you out more.
In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
May 22nd, 2013 at 09:27am

the thing that pisses me off the most is that you don't understand the seriousness of what took place last month. i opened up my heart to you and confessed that i had liked you for five years. you can't help that you don't feel the same way about me. but, you are also acting like what i did was nothing. you act as if i should be over it and be your good friend again. well, that's not going to fucking happen. i hope that i made myself clear yesterday. stop sending me text messages telling me that you are thinking about me. it is shit like that which made me believe the feeling was mutual. i know what you're trying to do: you are trying to keep me around just in case, as a back-up plan. the only times lately you've bothered to even contact me is when you've seen via facebook that i've been hanging out with other guys. i'm not stupid. you can't tell me that you don't like me, but then turn around and get jealous when i do something with another guy. make up your fucking mind. or better yet, just leave me the hell alone. i'm done with our friendship, or whatever we were.

- mandy
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
Age: -
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Posts: 69728
May 29th, 2013 at 10:12pm


You give me butterflies. You've been nothing but friendly to me and I still don't have the courage to talk to you. Maybe I should just let it go considering I will most likely never see you again but I'm just finding that so difficult to do.

In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
June 3rd, 2013 at 09:36am

i wish that you wouldn't depend on me so much. i hate to think that way, but i do.
the whole point of you wanting to get the hell out of there was for you to be independent.

- mandy
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
June 4th, 2013 at 11:17am
Why can't you just leave him alone? I don't think its very appropriate that you're asking him to go swimming at your house. You know how I feel about that. I can just see you now, in your skimpy bikini, trying to get him to give you some attention. And he's just laugh at how stupid you are. Stop embarrassing yourself and stop trying to ruin my life. Its ridiculous.
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
Age: -
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Posts: 69728
June 5th, 2013 at 02:34pm

Dear self,

Remember when you said you wouldn't drink?
Remember when you said that you would never touch pot?
Remember when you said people who dropped out of college were losers?
Remember when you wouldn't whore out your beliefs for money?
Remember when you thought you were invincible?

Your life sucks and it's all your fault.

stereo typical.
Tragic With a Capital T
stereo typical.
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 46847
June 5th, 2013 at 05:01pm

Just because you look like a ten year old doesn't mean you have to act like one.
Do everyone (including yourself) a favour and grow up. Because in life, it helps to care for some other people.

- Nicola.
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
June 7th, 2013 at 06:37pm
Im twenty years old, I dont really think you need to tell me what I should and shouldnt be doing with my money. And I really dont think you should be able to tell me im not allowed to have a debit card. Just sayin.
In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
June 8th, 2013 at 01:29pm

you're an asshole that needs to just move out and move to a different state right now.
it's so obvious that you cheated on him.

- mandy
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
June 12th, 2013 at 09:37pm
I really dont want you to go. I dont want anyone to sign you and you go touring and being away from me. That's all.
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
June 14th, 2013 at 07:55pm
Your child isnt the only one in the room, and I refuse to give him any special treatment simply because he's yours. He was in a crib for a reason. If Im trying to rock a baby to sleep, I cant keep getting up constantly to redirect him from throwing toys or from him banging on other cribs and making very loud noises. Or even worse, when he goes in the back behind me and I cant see him. He could pull a container full of toys over on himself and get hurt, or open my diaper/wipe area and drag out allll those other childrens diapers/wipes, and then proceed to slam his finger in the door. He was safer in the crib, and I could keep an eye on him. Its not my fault your kid doesnt behave. I did my job, and if you wanna fire me for it, fuck you.
Bulletproof Heart
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Posts: 25545
June 14th, 2013 at 09:54pm

Why do I still think about you? It's almost two years... but my mind still finds an excuse, day after day, to run back into your clutches. I hear a friend of mine say something, my mind always jumps to what you would say in the same situation. I see someone in the street, I think about how much they look like you. I hear a song and I remember that you used to have it as your ringtone. These memories are deafening and I don't think they're going to stop.

I'm scared. I'm scared that, deep down inside, I still love you. I shouldn't love you. We weren't right for eachother and we proved that over and over again. Of course, I'll always have love for you in some form. But... it shouldn't be love like this. Not love where I grip the past so tightly and wish for it to return, not love where you're always on my mind, and not love where I sometimes think of what could have been.

I guess I shouldn't count my blessings, though. If this was about 4 years ago, I probably wouldn't have survived this long to tell this tale... I'm hanging in now better than I have before, and I'm lucky that I can just about manage myself these days. I'm lucky that I don't need pills anymore, lucky that I can get myself out of bed, and lucky that I can just about hold a conversation with other people.

Still, memories hurt. And I guess they'll be hurting for quite a while.

Anyway, hope you're well [not that you can see this].


Edit: Huh. I forgot I hat that post signature. What an apt [but not entirely fitting] song for the situation.
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
Age: -
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Posts: 69728
June 18th, 2013 at 06:29am

Dear WAYT-

This is a formal apology for last night. I'm sorry to anyone who had to endure my drunken ass. I know I didn't say anything offensive but being drunk on the Internet is a new low for me and I am kinda embarrassed that I can't control myself around alcohol and even worse other people have to deal with me.
I'm sorry

stockholm syndrome.
Awake and Unafraid
stockholm syndrome.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11390
June 18th, 2013 at 06:28pm
Let me live. You expect me to act like an adult but treat me like a kid. Stop judging me from the standards of your time. I grew up and lived in a completely different world.
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
June 18th, 2013 at 10:23pm
Getting your hopes up always leads to disappointment. Why do you even bother?
In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
June 19th, 2013 at 09:53am

stop trying to get sympathy from me and all of your other friends.
you sure as hell aren't going to get any sympathy from me,
because what you did was really fucked up.

- mandy
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
June 22nd, 2013 at 09:37am
Its kinda pathetic that every time I post something on facebook, you go crazy christian and assume im being completely antichrist. You dont even know anything about what im posting, you dont even bother read it, you just assume since there isnt a bible verse attached to it that im worshipping satan. Its annoying