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The Death Sentence.

Really Not Okay
Age: 32
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Posts: 657
September 8th, 2007 at 05:38pm
well their are some sick people in the world..

Besides some people would rather be killed then in prison just for being disgraced
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 32
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Posts: 406
September 12th, 2007 at 09:55pm
In GB we don't have the death sentence for things like pedophilia but if they commit treason against our monarchy then we execute them then.
Simple and Clean
Salute You in Your Grave
Simple and Clean
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September 12th, 2007 at 10:20pm
Luna Blackthorne:
In GB we don't have the death sentence for things like pedophilia but if they commit treason against our monarchy then we execute them then.

Do they?
I thought capital punishment is banned through and through here?
Really Not Okay
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 657
September 14th, 2007 at 03:50am
like an example of treason would be?

slagging of the queen? or trying to kill her.

If you commit 'treason' in America you'll probably get executed also.
Age: -
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September 19th, 2007 at 02:07pm
This is just the optimist in me speaking, but I think the person who commited the crime should be able to have a chance to think upon what they have done and decide if they should be killed or spend a lifetime in prison. If this criminal was a sociopath(sp?) he/she would not feel any guilt so this method won't work but if the criminal was under influence from drugs or something then he/she might be guilty enough to say that they deserve a death sentence.

Sorry about the rant
Jazz Hands
Age: 34
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Posts: 327
September 21st, 2007 at 08:29pm
me living in the country with the highest crime (including highest rape, hijack and murder) rates in the world... i'm totally for it.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 34
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Posts: 1067
September 24th, 2007 at 05:48pm
You live in Russia? That's cool. They have the death penalty..along with America (which has the second highest crime rate)

Obviously, it's not working too well.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
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Posts: 1618
September 24th, 2007 at 07:41pm
I can see how people are for and against it. It's one of those things where you have someone who is guilty (as in confessed they are) and will end up sitting in jail the rest of their life. That costs taxpayers money, and who knows how long said person will live. ON one hand I would rather have my tax dollars used for somethign else, like towards the school system. But then way I see it is that SOMEONE has to insert that needle. I wouldn't want to do it, so I cannot make or vote or nominate someone else to do something that I am not comfortable doing myself. Know what I mean?
Death Defying
Age: 29
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September 27th, 2007 at 01:24am
Against... because if your killing someone for killing someone, which i've seen on TV before, it's retarded.
Motor Baby
Age: 34
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Posts: 817
September 27th, 2007 at 04:59am
i can see the logic on both sides of the argument, but my personal opinion is that it should be banned...

by killing somone, it makes you no better than the person you are killing... a life is a life... no matter how pitiful, pathetic, or worthless someone else might think it to be...

after all... who are we to judge???
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 34
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Posts: 215
September 27th, 2007 at 09:45pm
I am one hundred percent against the death penalty.

First of all, states where capital punishment is legal statistically have higher murder rates than states where the death penalty is not legal.

Also, innocent people die. I used to know the percentage of people who were found innocent after they were put to death, but I unfortunately forgot it. It's fairly high, though.

I would also like to know the percentage of wealthy individuals who are sentanced to death. One of my favorite lines from Dead Man Walking is "ain't no money on death row." When a person is wealthy, they can afford to get the best lawyers, when a person is poor, they get state-appointed lawyers... fairly often lawyers who have never worked on a real murder case.

There is also a lot of research coming out now that shows the people being killed undergo unbelievable amounts of pain. The reason people believe they are put to death in a humane manner is because the first injection paralyzes the muscle, so we cannot see suffering on the face.

I also do not believe in pure evil. People are sick and need help, people do not need to be told "you're an evil monster and you do not deserve to breath."

I would love to find out if the parents, friends, and other family members of a victim truely feel justice once another human being is dead. I find it hard to believe that taking away one life would fill that void.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "you can murder a murderer, but you can never murder murder itself.

And why do we kill people who kill people to prove killing people is wrong?
mercy in the sky.
Shotgun Sinner
mercy in the sky.
Age: 33
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September 28th, 2007 at 07:52am
I'm against.
I don't believe in killing, whatever the reason.
I don't believe in "An eye for an eye."
Just put them away forever if they did the murder crime.
That's what I think.
Age: 32
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Posts: 12
September 29th, 2007 at 03:39am
I am against.
The death sentance is usually made for murders or manslaughter.
If killing other people is wrong for an average person... then why does the government get to do it!
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 32
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September 29th, 2007 at 05:48am
here we dont have the deaths sentence and i dont want it. i want the bad people to rott and get bash in prison mwhahaha
Carrie White
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Carrie White
Age: 31
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Posts: 416
September 29th, 2007 at 07:02am
i only believe death sentences should be done if its a mass murderer, we cant put him/her in jail for life, what if they escape or kill someone there? even without a weapon, killing a person is not hard.

but anything other than that, even if its one or two murders, death shouldn't come to them. we had this conversation in history class, most kids said 'well they killed someone, so they get what they deserve, people need to see killing is wrong, and it'll scare them into not killing'; so its smart to kill a person, who killed a person, to show another person that killing isn't right? *insert buzzing noise*WRONG.
Demolition Lover
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September 29th, 2007 at 08:49am
I am for.

But if you are sentanced to death you have probly hurt and killed a LOT of people.
Tese people are sick andnedd to be killed.
But that is jsutmy opinion.
Age: 37
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Posts: 70
September 29th, 2007 at 01:44pm
I think that a lifes sentence is really the death penalty. I mean you live out the remainder of your life surrounded by walls and shame. Theres no worse punishment then a life spent living in regret. Whether it be for the crime they committed or the regret that they got caught it's still the same feeling.

I'm not sure how i feel about the death penalty honestly. An eye for an eye used to appeal to me but then i grew up. I realized that taking a life is still taking a life. Sure it may feel better (for some) to get that feeling of revenge. But it doesn't make it right. It doesn't make it "justice". Losing someone is especially hard in this situation. That person can never be replaced no matter how hard we try. Remembered sure. Missed sure. But replaced? Never. But death for the person who committed the crime changes nothing.

I guess what i'm trying to say is the worst punishment for someone is life in solitary confinement. Little to no human contact, no sun shining in, no comfort. The only thing to occupy their time is their thoughts. And that is the worst punishment. I'm sure most of you can agree when i say the worst judgment given is by ourselves. Whether what we do is small and insignificant or terrible. And a lifetime to sit and think of what you did wrong is unimaginable pain.

Now i'm not saying these people deserve pain. That would be an eye for an eye and i don't agree with that. But they do deserve to live with what they've done. So i might pay more on my taxes, i'm ok with that. Knowing that these people (i hate saying these people. its too...duragatory) have to think of what they've done until the last breath has left their body. I think parole should only be given based on the crime committed. Things like rape, torture, murder, sexual assault, or any other violent crime should be excluded. People who have done terrible things to other people should not be allowed this right. Crimes like petty theft, public drunkeness and other such crimes should be allowed the option of parole. Something where it didn't instill fear in another person. Or worse end anothers life.

But this is just my opinion. Take it as you will. If anyone disagrees that's fine. I'd love to hear your side of everything. Thanks for your time.

Joining The Black Parade
Age: 34
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Posts: 215
September 29th, 2007 at 05:12pm
I Can't Get Enough:
I am for.

But if you are sentanced to death you have probly hurt and killed a LOT of people.
Tese people are sick andnedd to be killed.
But that is jsutmy opinion.

You can get the death penalty for killing one person.
There have been cases of women who were abused, and killed their husbands, but the prosocution convinced the jury that it was overkill or something, and the woman was sentanced to death.

When somebody has an illness they need to be killed?
What happened to helping people?
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 1067
September 30th, 2007 at 09:32pm
It's not like people just randomly kill for no reason. They kill because they are in the wrong state of mind, or a variety of other reasons. Maybe they lived in a home with lots of anger, or had another problem in their past. Self defense or accidents happen too, and you would be surprised how little it takes to recieve the death penalty under some circumstances. I could list reasons why a killer could kill all day, but the bottom line is, they believed, at a moment, that it was right, just like you believe that killing isn't right. These people need help, not "divine justice".
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 30
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Posts: 113
October 11th, 2007 at 09:58pm
Against I say
"Let he who has no sin, cast the first stone!"

If someone kills someone its better to let them live let them rot in jail for the rest of their pathetic lives feeling sorry for themselves. Don't kill them, thats what they want. they want it to be quick and painless. Lifetime jail sentence is way more punishment than death sentence. Not to mention that some people who kill arn't right upstairs. then again there are people who have been given a motive. But that doesn't make murder right or ok. People with mental problems need to be put in a little white room with padded walls and a little white coat. beside that, haven't we all sinned in one way or another?