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Home schooling

snow at christmas.
Crash Queen
snow at christmas.
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June 2nd, 2006 at 09:49pm
what do u guys think of private schools?

I go to private school because the public schools around me aren't very good. I don't see anything wrong with it. The only thing is its a lot smaller.

I have gone to private school all my life. I don't know how it is compared to public school but I'll say something about what happened to me.
My old school was supposed to be all diverse and respectful and everything. This had the result that if you called someone a racial slur you were suspended for two days, but there was a kid who was really nasty to all the 6th graders in soccer, but he still wasn't kicked off the team because he was good, and they didn't punish him in any other way. And they tried so hard to make the curriculum diverse that they sacrificed quality for diversity. And a lot more. And I hated my class, so I read for most of middle school, and then hung out with 6th grade boys when I was in 8th grade.
I really like the people in my new school. They're much more like me because I chose the school. But the workload is really really huge.
It's just great to have real friends though.

Yeah. Sometimes I wish I went to public school because the work would be easier and there are more people, so there are more chances of finding people who like what I like. There are almost no people who like MCR at my school, and I'm the most obsessed out of all of them.

I have no idea if this gets anyone anywhere.
Panda Stalker
Jazz Hands
Panda Stalker
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June 3rd, 2006 at 01:17am
I think it's good for the kids who feel uncomfortable in school, are picked on relentlessly, or maybe the school isn't too good/they are too smart for their grade. I think at least every kid should try out public school/private first, then they should have the option if the parents agree. I don't agree with the parents that have their kids homeschooled their entire school career because they don't want them to hear new ideas.
Not all homeschooled kids are freaks, most of them are pretty cool. But as long as they aren't totally sheltered, they come out perfectly normal.
Hollywood Babylon.
Salute You in Your Grave
Hollywood Babylon.
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June 5th, 2006 at 07:15pm
If a person's parents homeschool their children right, then it's great. I know a family where all of the kids are homeschooled. Doing it right means a) Teaching them correctly and b) Getting together in a homeschool group. The people I know were part of a group of homeschool families, and they had plenty of friends, so they were able to socialize. If they weren't able to do that, then homeschooling would be a bad choice.
black dahlia
Salute You in Your Grave
black dahlia
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June 7th, 2006 at 09:27am
homeschooling is a huge undertaking. it requires a lot of time from you, the student, and from your parents as well. you have to be willing to do a ton of work just to keep up with your peers. if you're able to do this, homeschooling will work. if you're doing it for all the wrong reasons and you don't stick with it, then it won't. and hopefully your parents will have enough good judgement to decide whether they can or cannot do it. and keeping your kid six grade levels behind (don't laugh; it happens!) is not good judgement. neither is doing it to keep your kid blissfully ignorant.
Im Not A Fool! Fool.
Salute You in Your Grave
Im Not A Fool! Fool.
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June 7th, 2006 at 10:28am
im home schooled and i really like it. i have lots of friends and its also boosted my reading and maths levels alot. not to mention my confidence.
Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
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June 7th, 2006 at 11:03am
Me and my sister have never been to school. We've always been home 'educated'.
We don't and never had lessons. We've always done pretty much whatever we want, when we want. People assume that people NEED to go to school to be smart or whatever, and yeah, in a lot of cases that's true...but in others, it's not.

I'll admit, I don't have much of a social life, but I still have friends. All the friends I have, I've known my entire life, before I would've started school anyway.

I've never had an English class in my life. I've never been tutored, and yet I have a story on here and constantly get told I'm a wonderful writer. Make sense to you? It proves you really don't need school unless you want to be a scientist, doctor, historian or whatever...and I can safely say, I want to be none of those things.

I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but I'm a lot smarter than some people I know who have been to school. I don't want to sound arrogant, I'm just trying to prove a point. My sister is having an interview with a college as we speak, and she's never taken ANY exams, GCSEs or whatever...and I'm fairly confident she'll get it.

People always think that home schooled kids are either going to be really smart and nerdy, or really stupid. I'm neither. Nobody has ever guessed I don't go to school.

It just bugs me when people make pressumptions, that's why this message may sound a bit bitchy...but that's not my intention. I'm nice really!! It's just most people presume that things are a certain way, and they're not.
black dahlia
Salute You in Your Grave
black dahlia
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June 7th, 2006 at 12:08pm
^neither of you have taken any exams? not even the ACT or SAT?

while it sounds like you're both smart people who will probably do very well in college, i'm telling you, she'll need an ACT or an SAT score before they even consider accepting her, and you will, too. that's ANY college.

and if the college is really an accreditied college, they'll tell her that.

but i'm confused: if neither of you have ever had a formal education, which is pretty much what you implied, how are you guys getting your high school diplomas, which is also a prerequisite for admission to a college?

if you don't mind me asking?

i'm not meaning to put you down or anything like that, but i'd just like to know.
Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
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Posts: 20910
June 7th, 2006 at 05:33pm
^neither of you have taken any exams? not even the ACT or SAT?

while it sounds like you're both smart people who will probably do very well in college, i'm telling you, she'll need an ACT or an SAT score before they even consider accepting her, and you will, too. that's ANY college.

and if the college is really an accreditied college, they'll tell her that.

but i'm confused: if neither of you have ever had a formal education, which is pretty much what you implied, how are you guys getting your high school diplomas, which is also a prerequisite for admission to a college?

if you don't mind me asking?

i'm not meaning to put you down or anything like that, but i'd just like to know.

We're English, so nope we haven't taken those exams, which are probably the equivelant to GCSEs or A levels.

My sister has already been accepted at college. They accepted her right away, and she has taken NO exams in her life. Not even online ones, hahaha! In most colleges you're right, you DO need to have taken those exams...but this a special course for people who may have failed those exams, or never have taken them, and it gives you sort of like a degree which can help you get jobs in the future. It pretty much teaches you all the stuff you need to know about business and how to run a business, which they don't teach in schools.

I personally have no plans to go to college myself at the moment. But chances are I'll get accepted too if my sister has (my sisters a year younger than me) if I decide to go, which I mum picked up an application form for me today, so I kinda need to work out what I wanna do....

I don't mind you asking at all, as I understand how some people can get confused! Many times I've thought about what I wanna do with my life, and truth is, I don't really have a clue...but I'm 17, and some of my friends OLDER than me still don't ever know...
black dahlia
Salute You in Your Grave
black dahlia
Age: 35
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Posts: 3216
June 7th, 2006 at 10:59pm
ahhh....i see....thanks for clarifying that....
Kiss Me Contagious
Fabulous Killjoy
Kiss Me Contagious
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June 19th, 2006 at 01:53am
I'm homeschooled and so far I don't really like it that much but this year my mom is trying to make it where me and my brother can do our school work on the computer. And some homeschools have socials that the students can go to for 'socializing' skills or whatever. Because my cousin is also homeschooled and its over the internet and she goes to socials and stuff. She even met her current boyfriend at one. So I think that homeschool can be pretty cool. But there are it's downsides too.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 32
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June 19th, 2006 at 02:25am
My friend was homeschooled until he was about 13. Then he went to my middle school for part of the day. He said it was horrible. He was incredibly shy around everyone but me and alot of people teased him.

Home school can be good. You don't have to deal with bullying. I don't really know much about it. It justs seams that you wouldn't have to worry about the things you do in school. The downside is that you wouldn't socialize as much. I would never want to be homeschooled though.
Celine For War
Shotgun Sinner
Celine For War
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June 19th, 2006 at 11:26am
i think there's nothing wrong with homeschooling. parents don't have to pay high fees for their child's education. they can teach their child themselves. but their child won't experience the coolness of socializing.
Volt-Zorg Boy
Awake and Unafraid
Volt-Zorg Boy
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June 19th, 2006 at 02:45pm
my only expierence with homeschooling was the girl who used to live down the block. She was never allowed to be a kid. Her parents always expected her to act mature and not goof off. Something I was doing everyday at school. So when her parents put her in school for 8th grade she didn't fit in. It wasn't because of lack of social skills. It was because she had never been around that many kids her own age who were .. um... immature? Everyone in 8th grade is a little flirty and seems to have no common sense. She didnt' like that the kids were not behaving like she had be raised to do so. Henceforth she exiled herself.
The Rocker
Bleeding on the Floor
The Rocker
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June 19th, 2006 at 08:54pm
It's not a bad idea. I'm quite neutral on it, but I think that some parents do it for the wrong reasons - wanting to shelter their children from radical opinions different from their own, or situations they don't think their children can handle.

If it's done like that, if kids can't get out into the world, then it's bad because it will stunt natural mental growth.

That kinda happened to my friend...
We are still in middle school. There was me, my friend Cheyenne, and my friend Olivia. Olivia's parent's didn't like what was going on in the high-school, so they homeschooled Olivia's older sister. About a month later, they homeschooled Oliva, too. It sucked alot. Me and Cheyenne still miss her. But we talk to her on im.

So I agree with everyone about being unconfortable around other people as a downside of homeschooling. But, you can learn faster.
Logic Is For Losers!
Joining The Black Parade
Logic Is For Losers!
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June 23rd, 2006 at 04:47pm
I was home schooled for fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, nineth grade, tenth grade, eleventh grade, and twelveth grade.
Now home schooling itself does not make a child unable to interact well in a social setting, because you can still go places when your home schooled, they have programs where you can go places with other home schoolers. Although I've never attended one, because I just don't care how many friends I have, I think three friends is enough for me anyway. Now I'd also like to say that I am smarter in a few areas that the majority of students here lack in. For one, in the third grade, I was able to read at a ninth grade reading level. I know for fact I can spell, use punctuation, and grammar better then most everyone I know in real life. My vocabulary as well is very large. Although I don't do very well in math, but thats not because I wasn't taught it, it's because I personally don't feel the need to know anything beyond division for what I intend to do in my life time.

I interact well in social situations, and I also believe I am rather intelligent.
Too think; I hardly do the homework yet pass every test thrown my way. I think I learn more by reading books then by doing school work, although I won't deny school work does help you memorise things.

Honestly though, I don't like home schooling, that's just a little too much Mom for me. xD I'd rather of gone to public school, but thats only because I wouldn't have to be around my Mother's yelling.
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July 4th, 2006 at 12:40pm
You're more focused. You can work at your own pace. You may not have any social life Confused
mcr saved my life!
mcr saved my life!
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July 5th, 2006 at 01:10am
what do you guys reckon makes parents want to have their kids homeschooled?

It reminds me of puppy preschool where you have to socialise your dog so they dont bite the crap out of every other animal that is sees when you take it for walkies.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 30
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Posts: 124
July 7th, 2006 at 01:08pm
i dunno.. your all saying how bad it is, i dont see it to be honest. school might be where you meet a lot of people, but usually you'll only befriend them because you see them day in day out. my best friends are all out of school. you get one-on-one tutoring when being home-schooled so that must be better. i'm at a private school and theres 20 people in each class!! so yeah, i think you get a better education out of school. there's also the thing that you wont get bullied or trying to fit in, you can just be yourself

parents would want a child homeschooled for the influences at a public school, like smoking and stuff.. you get pressured into it and your like, they're little darlings.. i think theyd rather have you home to spend more time
Jazz Hands
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July 8th, 2006 at 03:16pm
The good thing(s) about it :

-You can get extra attention
-You get proper help with your homework
-You don't have pressure from other people around you and you are not embarrassed to ask questions.

The bad thing(s) about it :

-You might not have social skills if you go to school later on.
-You didn't make any friends apart from family.
If you go to a real school later on, people will assume things of you and will stereotype you.
Jazz Hands
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July 8th, 2006 at 03:19pm
My cousins are home-schooled and I think it's kinda convenient since you won't really be late for school and you don't have to really inpress anyone by wearing nice clothes. (unless you want to impress your family...)