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Mental Disorders

Not very nice
Shotgun Sinner
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June 7th, 2006 at 11:23am
black heart-diamond eyes:
I think all mental disorders are cureable. It's just in the persons head. If you can get inside their head, if you could know exactly what they were thinking, you'd be able to stop them from thinking it.
I think the key to helping cure mental disorders is education. If you could educate people on how mental disorders can occur and what kinds of thoughts can lead to mental disorders, then I think the whole world would deffinately benifit from it.

So you think if someone was to go around probing round your head and stop you thinking thoughts that lead to mental dissorders?
So whats left of your brain is caged?

The whole point of thinking is its you and you can think ANYTHING you want to, if you say that people can cure mental dissorders by stoping poeple from thinking what they want, they'd be happier, I'd take the dissorder.

Say if someone had Bi-Polar dissorder, are you saying it will be justifible to go inside someones head and remove all unhappy thoughts, thus making the depression state impossible?

Without the bad you wouldn't know what was good.
Not very nice
Shotgun Sinner
Not very nice
Age: 31
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June 7th, 2006 at 11:35am
I would rather not make any comments on any Mental Dissorders as I know absolutley nothing about them, Dani seems to know quite a lot, but we could put that down to the psychology major.

I think I missunderstood my before statement, I didn't mean to offend anyone if I completly missed the point.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
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June 7th, 2006 at 11:39am

Both my half brother and sister have autism and it has got to be the most annoying MD ever... they have the IQ of someone one third of their age but like all Autistic kids they have one skill that they kick ass at.

So true. My brother is 4 and has just started school. He has learned to become very social...
He first went to school for part of the day, then about half. Now he is going as long as the other kids.
Roxx my Soxx
Bleeding on the Floor
Roxx my Soxx
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June 21st, 2006 at 10:29am
Schizophrenia is pretty bad. I don't think there are going to ever be cures for stuff like that.
Crying Blue Eyes
Crying Blue Eyes
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June 22nd, 2006 at 06:41pm
I think that many people abuse "mental disorders." My cousin in the perfect example of that. Since the day he was born, my aunt has claimed to everyone that he is "learning impared" and "mentally disabled." Why? So she can get him out of going to school before labor day (bc he cant handle going yet), to not take state testing (bc hes not smart enough). etc. Now, I babysat him when he was growing up and I KNOW he's not. My cousin was offically tested again before he went into middle school and he just purposely failed that test because he knew that it is what his mother wanted him to do. It makes me sick to think of how they are abusing the system. My cousin knows how to do his homeowrk if you force him to do it, he knows how to act, he's completely "normal" by mental standards. My best friend is going into special education and my dream if to get him and my cousin in the same room.

Also, kinda off topic, but it offends me personally with how widely people use terms like "retarded"," stupid", "idiot" things like that. I admit I too occassionally said it but my friend in special education really rationaled out for me one day how hurtful someone who may have a mental disorder may feel if they hear those words, even when your talking about a toaster.
sonnie paranoia
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sonnie paranoia
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September 8th, 2006 at 03:01am
Mental Disorders are not curable, the main aim is recovery. People who have mental disorders may have relapses that is why they need to have community visits or in medication. It is hard to differentiate the disorders, just refer to DSM-IV. It's true what stormy said, it is in their head but is way deeper than that. They don't choose to have this disorder and it is hard to fight against all the illusions and hallucinations and thoughts that they have to go through everyday. I think we have accepted mental disorder more today than compared to the past. People who have schizophrenia were refered to as being possessed by demons. I guess it is always best to know the person before you judge them.

lastly, don't call them schizophrenic! that's labelling.
sonnie paranoia
Salute You in Your Grave
sonnie paranoia
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September 8th, 2006 at 03:08am
i think bi polor disorder one minuet ther all happy next ther trying to skin you alive,

probably not skin you alive. Bi polar disorder is a mood disorder, they can go from manic or hypomanic to major depressive episode. In a manic episode may not need to sleep, become more talkative, elevated mood, have racing thoughts and may be risk takers. etc. They usually take lithium as a mood stabilisers.
asha shake.
Devil's Got Your Number
asha shake.
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September 8th, 2006 at 06:22am
Our Avenged Jules:
My cousin is Autistic. Although he is quite a handful, he is a beautiful little boy.
He can recall to you ANY floods, tidal waves; anything to do with disaster on the water.
As well as that, a family friend was diagnosed with Bipolar Depression.
It's sad to see him like that, but I know he is on his way to recovery.

Wow, now I feel really stupid because I didn't know Autism was a mental disorder.

My youngest brother has Autism, & he is honestly one of the most annoying people I have ever encountered.
He is only interested in sports & video games, and he knows so much about them that it freaks me out.
I get really frustrated with him at times, but then I realise that it all stems from the Autism.

My twin brother has Bipolar.
It's so weird to have him one minute be the happiest guy in the world, & the next he will be so depressed.
It is honestly heartbreaking to see him like that.

I think that if there was any way they could be 'cured' they would go for it. But any medication that they have used hasn't really done anything for them. Especially my twin, he is constantly having to change medications, & I honestly think that that is messing with him so badly.
I think a lot more research needs to go into finding 'cures' for mental disorders, because it doesn't just affect the person with the disorder, it affects everybody around them.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
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September 8th, 2006 at 10:46am
Mental Disorders...I think the worst one is the disability to walk/talk. I mean, that must really be hard to be around constantly / to have a disability.
Motor Baby
Age: 33
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September 10th, 2006 at 12:00pm
My Best Friend has ADHD, Skitzophrenia, He's Bipolar and his parents have brain wahsed him inot believing no one is to be trusted.

It's really hard to stay his best friend when he's like this. He's always on power trips, where he'll kill animals just to let him know he's in control of someone. He wants me to stop being his friend, because he's had thoughts of killing me before, but I'm not just going to abandon him.

It's not fair that he's treated so differently, and most people just know about his ADHD. He hates being around people. but I'm afraid to leave him alone, because, at times, His...umm....bipolarness....makes him suicidal. I'm always there for him though, no matter if he doesn't want me there.

I wish I could say that MD's can be cured, but I honestly doubt it. Just watching him suffer, and being thrown from doctor to doctor without getting any better, is enough proof for me to say there is no hope.
romance never hurt u
Thinking Happy Thoughts
romance never hurt u
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September 11th, 2006 at 04:50pm
I have friend same that the last author, but isn´t hard for me be her friend, she is a nice person, talks alot, but its nice. Sometimes this people need too much help, even they doesn´t wanna.

to Be a friend of aperson like that needs too much ehh (I´m srry, I forgot the word), any way, u have to be there any way, any time, hear them all the crazy stuff, & don´t get mad about it. You, u should be too much for them if u wanna have them like a friend...

& I don´t belive in the stuff "think happy tougths", it doesn´t works
Baby Jesus is
Baby Jesus is
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September 16th, 2006 at 08:21am
I found out my half sister (who has autism) has a gift for science... she's doing yr 8 stuff and shes only 9... plus she has a memory like an elephant
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1307
September 16th, 2006 at 08:25am
Schizophrenia is pretty bad. I don't think there are going to ever be cures for stuff like that.

Lots of people recover from schizophrenia and go on to lead normal lives as long as they recieve the correct treatment and support.
romance never hurt u
Thinking Happy Thoughts
romance never hurt u
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September 17th, 2006 at 12:47pm
it is like severe asthma, if takings the control drug you will be well
Thursday's Child
Bleeding on the Floor
Thursday's Child
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November 9th, 2006 at 11:28pm
I don't really think I can say "oh, this one is definately worse compared to this one!"
I mean, nobody wants to have to be happy for a week straight and then suddenly for no apparent reason become depressed over having to touch the top of the door on your way out of a room and vis versa.

though, I will say that I think depression is very tragic for this simple fact that it affects so many people, yet it gets looked over so often.

But the best medication for mental disorders is tolerance. when someone is suffering from a disease, you can't just simply tell them to get over it.
This is mostly pretaining to depression or bipolar though.
I think there is much more of an understanding for autism or down syndrom or dyslexia than a disorder like depression for some reason.
Age: 35
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November 9th, 2006 at 11:43pm
Autism isn't technically a mental disorder. Autism is a condition that is genetic; it has to do with the 23rd chromosome, and a large part of autism is physical. The body forms differently, shorter and generally more round, with specific facial and skeletal formations. The mentality is just one part of it, so I don't think that it can be qualified as a mental disorder.

Just for clairity reasons.
And there is a perfect, infallible way to cure every and any mental disorder.

Labotomy. Which is what was used to "fix crazy people" way back before anyone knew the reasons behind the disorders, or even that there were the types of disorders that there are today.

The only other way is death. And doesn't that just sound perfect, killing off anyone who isn't perfectly mentally sound?
Treatments are advancing, medications and understanding and TLC are more and more prevalent now than they have ever been, and we are doing all we can to make sure that the people afflicted by mental disorders are on their way to "normality", or at least, are able to live happy, full lives.

That's all I could ever ask for.

Though, for me, I would ask not necessarily ask for better treatments, I would just ask for quality of life. If I had a mental disorder, I would prefer being given the chance to live and be happy, rather than be pumped full of medication in an attempt to "cure" me. I would wish that I'd be happily unaware, instead of brooding over what was wrong with me.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 37
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November 11th, 2006 at 05:26pm
Schizophrenia has to be one of the worst. I was misdiagnosed as it, but I'm not. That disease just ... scares the shit outta me.
Jazz Hands
Age: 40
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November 13th, 2006 at 06:12pm
My best friend is bi-polar/manic depressive. She has been for as long as I've known her. And it's not exactly a peach to be friends with her all the time. There have been times in the past when she's gotten angry and didn't speak to me for days, and I didn't even know what I'd done wrong.

But know what? As much of a pain in the ass as she can be, I love her to pieces. Wouldn't change her for the world.

Well, that's not true. Sometimes I think she does play up the "oh, I have a problem, treat me special" thing, and that bugs me. I've gotten to the point now where I can tell when she's truly having a problem or when she's just acting. Of course, that's after 13 years of a roller coaster friendship. And I'm just now getting to this point. But it's worth it, because underneath all the problems, she's really great.

A lot of people seem to have very medieval views on mental disorders. I've known people who treated my friend like she has the plague just because she tends to have more severe mood swings than normal people. We really need to start educating everyone better on how to co-exist with people who have problems.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 35
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November 13th, 2006 at 08:02pm
To the many posters who have people in their lives that have Autism and can do many amazing things- I believe you know what it is, but some don't. Sometimes when there is an Autistic child who knows things at a higher level than some is called a Savant. Meaning, like the poster above me that he/she's autistic, yes, but is highly gifted in something like Science or Math.

About the question: I don't think MD can be cured, only maintained. I am taking a Psych. Class myslef and we are just getting to the subject of stress. Much of what makes MD (schitzhophrenea, OCD, Bi-Polar) *<sorry if I spelled anything wrong* happen is from things that have happened that have changed the chemicals in our brain. For example: Your brain is functioning normally, and a load of stress hits you. The stress chemicals change and alter it over a period of time if it doesn't go away. That in turn affects everything else in the brain, also making symptoms for a MD.

Note that I'm not an official person to be telling you this and stuff, I'm just learning and that was what was told of me in class.
The Jack Of Spades.
Salute You in Your Grave
The Jack Of Spades.
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November 14th, 2006 at 02:58am
Some things JUST CAN'T be cured. Sometimes there is a screw up in the brain system. Thhe person at the top of the page is so wrong. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO CANT EVEN EAT WITHOUT HELP? that is a mental disorder, where they just dont have hardly ANY I.Q. Or serial killers. theres gotta be something wrong with that. Haha one time we had a religious education teacher who told us that mental disorders were because they had evil spirits in their heads. Maybe not.. ..