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School Legends

sad savior;
Wild Eyed Joker
sad savior;
Age: 28
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September 24th, 2008 at 11:22pm
^ holy crap. Cheese (to the last 2 parts)

the 1st two parts have happened at my school too, kinda.

this kid "had a seizure" at like, they VERY end of the day, there were about 20 minutes left of school.
and then the next day, everyone found out he faked it.

and this one girl was trying to get this guy to have sex with her in the library, and there were librarians in there. o.0
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
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Posts: 1725
September 26th, 2008 at 07:16am
Oh, I forgot: Fairy Knickers.

This guy is pretty much the sole reason I believe intellectually disabled kids should be in special school where they are around people like them, not dumped into the middle of a regular school where, as we all know, kids are too cruel for their own good.

There was this guy a year above me, who was severely autistic. I'm pretty sure he had a few other behavioural problems, as he was aggressive, violent, and you basically couldn't look at him sideways without him pulling a knife on you (and, funnily enough, if any other kid had a knife at school, they were expelled on the spot - this kid would get a gentle 'talking to' by his favourite teacher, and they wouldn't even take the weapon off him).
Anyway, the guaranteed way to set him off was to call him 'Fairy Knickers'. I'm not sure of the story behind that, but I heard it was something about him getting dacked and he was wearing girl's underwear, with pictures of fairies on them.

All you had to do was say, 'Fairy Knickers' as he walked past, and he would literally chase you from one end of the school to the other, breathing heavily and groaning and stomping his feet like he was a bull about to charge. If he caught you, God help you - you'd get it like you'd never been beaten before.
One of my friends had never seen him in action, and didn't believe the story, so we told him to just say 'Fairy Knickers' next time he saw this kid.
Sure enough, he was chased all the way to the other end of the school before he ran out of puff and took an ass-kicking. And was then promptly suspended for 'provoking' the other student.

Following on with another cautionary tale of why autistic/disabled kids should not be in mainstream schools, is Ant Boy.
This kid... wow. He was your typical 'rocking and drooling' kind of autistic. His triggers were ants, snakes and farts. Kids used to tell him there were snakes coming to get him, and he'd insist that his mother told him snakes weren't real, they didn't exist. He used to pick ants up off the pathways and eat them, hence the nickname Ant Boy, and if you made a fart noise within his earshot, he'd burst into tears and do the whole rocking back and forth and moaning thing.

And, then there was Terri, who got pregnant in year 11. The social committee was always around the school taking photos for the yearbook, and somehow a picture of a heavily pregnant Terri at her last school disco before dropping out made it into the yearbook.
The principal had an absolute shit-fit, screaming at the social committee about how parents would be appalled at the image that photo would present to other students, families and the community.
Pfft. It's a pregnant 16-year-old. Happens all the time around here. Her being pregnant was not a big deal at all, just the fact that a photo of her with a huge belly, dancing with her friends at a school disco, was in the yearbook for posterity.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 31
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Posts: 13337
September 26th, 2008 at 12:17pm
Last year at lunch, my two friends started clapping at each other for no reason, then our whole table caught on, and then ALL of the cafeteria started clapping too.
it was quite extraordinary. some people even stood up and cheered our school's name. XD

Well, its not very nice but we called our principal Brown Sugar. my table did it all the time last year. and then I had told my cousin, a junior at the time, about the nickname. He said that his group were the people that made the name up.
I thought that was pretty neat.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 32
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Posts: 1052
September 26th, 2008 at 04:32pm
^ I've got a similar story: Last year the entire musical cast got to have a lunch togehter with the usual 5th hour lunch. With in 5min we had started playing theatre games and by the end of the class, we had the entire lunch room involved. The kids had no idea what hit them and it was one of the coolest lunches I had ever been apart of.

Apparently 5 or so years back, in the middle of the Advanced Theatre Show, a senior who was standing behind a counter, took off his belt and was completly naked from the waste down. The audience knew nothing of it, but crew got a very nice side view of "everything" lol. I think it was all apart of a bet.
mostly human
Always Born a Crime
mostly human
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September 26th, 2008 at 05:13pm
one time during german this kid threw achair up to the ceiling [ yes a chair ] and our ceiling has like these boards up there n stuff. anyways one of the boards moved and a packet of heroin or crack or whatever it was like fell the floor. everyone was just speechless lmao.
turned out it belonged to this chick i sorta knew.

our maltese teacher is basically the school perv. he makes kids sit on his lap someitmes. sometimes he comes to school with his shirt half opened and you can like shitloads of hickeys on his neck and chest. plus he allways looks up girls skirts. sorta freaked me out.

people say theyve seen this girl in the basement bathroom. i belive this alot coz my friend allways feels a preasence whilst going down the hall and alot of first formers have been crying their eyes out coz they said they saw a girl [ shit now im scaring myself ].
Liu Kang
Awake and Unafraid
Liu Kang
Age: 31
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September 26th, 2008 at 06:09pm
Well, for the past two years a guy from my Highschool, a Senior and Black, died.

Both of them came from a very rocky start, and were on their way of really being something. One died by a train, I think. I don't rmeember much, and the other was shot.

There have been water ballon fights in school, and outside of school. Some kid broke the piano in the auditorium.
A whole bunch of things.
dark desire.
Salute You in Your Grave
dark desire.
Age: 30
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Posts: 2200
September 26th, 2008 at 06:36pm
my old math and science teachers are really huge buff guys.
so one day they had an armwrestling match in the media centre and the entire school made bets among themselves as to who would win.

and not too long ago there was a little incident involving these 2 juniors, cody and lindsey. they were/still are going out and there was a dodgeball tournament after school. cody's team lost so they left the gym and went to the dugouts to get a little privacy. they ended up ~getting it on in an ant pile and they both came to school covered in ant bites and they couldn't tell anyone why xDD
word got around.
Demolition Lover
Age: 31
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Posts: 18470
September 26th, 2008 at 08:23pm

At my school there was - and still is - this one teacher; he's in his forties, and he's married. Or at least he was. He had an affair with one of his 19-year-old students and his wife found out. He and his wife divorced and I actually think he and the 19-year-old are still dating.

And that's the only one that comes to mind for now.
wind opaine.
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
wind opaine.
Age: 33
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Posts: 66328
September 26th, 2008 at 08:33pm
One of our old teachers, last year was the last year he worked here [thank god, I hated him],
anyway, he was generally an asshole, and he had a liver disease and needed a new liver, but he turned down his liver transplant surgery because it was on the same day as the superbowl and he didn't want to miss it. Due to this he had yellow skin, and a lot of people called him "Sunny D" or "Spongebob". No one felt bad though, because he was an asshole and he tried to act gangsta.

I've got plenty others, my school is filled with wierd, but that's all I can think of atm.
the desperate ranks.
Always Born a Crime
the desperate ranks.
Age: 30
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Posts: 6712
September 26th, 2008 at 09:34pm
A few years ago, a student in my school got drunk and drove his car into a river.

And there was a group of juniors that made a habit of stealing cars, rolling them down hills, and jumping out right before the cars drove out onto a major highway at the bottom. Eight kids died in that class in one year.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
September 27th, 2008 at 01:24am
OMG. Mr Garrison.

Not his real name, obvs. He's actually Mr Grayson, but we always called him 'Garrison' behind his back after the South Park character.

Now, I give him credit for trying to be cool and attempting to get along with his students, but he steps waaaayyyy over the line into doofus territory.

On free-dress days, he shows up in full school uniform - knee socks, tie, and short shorts. Ugh.

He always walks past groups of students at lunchtime and goes, 'Wassup brus?'... like, in all seriousness.
It's hilarious.

And a friend of mine who went to a different school, transferred in year 10. On his first day, he didn't have uniforms yet, so he just came in jeans (which everyone wears anyway cuz our uniform is 'navy pants') and a yellow hoodie... Grayson saw us talking and came up to say hi, my friend had already been warned about Grayson so he's like, 'Oh hey, Mr Gayson'... Mr Grayson's smile just dropped and he was like, 'It's GRAYson' and then walked away.... my friend and I stood there just laughing our asses off, it was soooo funny.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 2065
September 27th, 2008 at 02:13pm
Bitchin' Bryar:
Oh, and.
Courtney Love went to my school for about a year. It was aeons ago, and only three teachers can remember her, but it was The Courtney Love.
Someone scratched 'Courtney Harrison' into the wall of my Social Studies classroom, and some people think it was her, but I truley doubt it.

Apparently it was. Check this out.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 2065
September 27th, 2008 at 02:52pm
But yeah, oh mi Gosh, my school was founded in like 18 hundred something (it's an old boarding school) so there are loadsss of legends:

My school's huge and there's loads of woodland anf forestry and there's a crazy tramp that lives in there who has a deal with the school to never come out and or talk to the students. Well since there's load of woods, we do our X counry running in there and once there was this kid who was running and he was this really over weight guy who was slowest ever. Well, one time he comes sprinting out really freaked out and no one could get out if him what had happened. All he was saying was 'He's in there, he's fucking in there!' pointing to the woods and he'd never talk about it. So everyone assumed it was the crazy guy.

Right outside one part of the woods there's this creepy outdoor swimming pool that's all drained out with moss over it and the ladder's broken with broken plastic chairs and shit and it's got this massive old gate out side it with a huge padlock and sign on it saying 'DANGER. NO ENTRY' and apparently some one died in there. We asked a teacher but she said they're not allowed to talk about it and it's one of the first things you have to sign about on the confidentiality contract when you teach at the school.

One of the boarding houses is supposed to be haunted too and the school chapel. The only weird stuff I've ever encountered though is that once when it was about 6 o clock in the winter (so it was dark already) I was walking past the chapel and heard the organ playing. All the lights were off in there so unless some one was playing in the dark (and only the music teacher and one other guy can actually play it) then I don't know what the fuck it was.

Also one time, again the in the winter, me and a couple of friends stayed after school to put up drama posters around the corridors and my friend thought it would be funny to turn off all the lights. It was pitch black and we heard footsteps and I told my friend to stop messing around when he whispered 'I'm right next to you!'. We turned the lights on, there was no one there. We freaked and ran off.

One girl actually has died for a fact but I was in the junior school. She had heart problems I think.

Contemporary legends aren't as spooky but more funny. One guy sellotaped every single table in the library together. That was pretty funny. And this one time we were looking at the insides of a sheep when my friend threw the tongue at the teacher's back, getting blood all over him so he started taking his shirt off and we all like 'STRIP STRIP STRIP!' just at the moment when the headmaster came around the corner showing a family around. Hilarious.

We got drunk in school once. It was at the time when we were doing our GCSE's and I did a practise paper and still got a B. My friend asked the teachers if frogs got haircuts and still no one suspected.

Oh and once when my brother was at the school he found a ballet shoe covered in blood in the woods. There are tonnes more but that's all I can remember for now. I'll come back for more later lol.

Bulletproof Heart
Age: 31
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Posts: 25232
September 28th, 2008 at 12:34pm
It's not quite legendary yet, but it's still pretty famous:

Mr Toll is a PE teacher, and he had to take the Sports Studies students sailing, and because there are so many of them, they were allowed to take the brand new minibus. So they all pile into the brand new minibus, and they get there, go rowing, and then head back. Unfortunately, the bus ran low on fuel, so they stopped at a gas station where, Mr Toll proceeded to fill the brand new mini bus with four star, when everyone knows that mini buses are diesel. Rolling Eyes


this didn't happen at my school, but as a Leaver's Prank at my mate's brother's school, they found two pigs, and sprayed one with a number one, and one with a number three, and set them loose in the school, and the teachers spent all day looking for Pig Two.
Need to know.
Salute You in Your Grave
Need to know.
Age: 30
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Posts: 3052
September 28th, 2008 at 12:50pm

We had a Religion teacher once who used to talk about her sex life and ask students personal questions too. One time, she said something about wanting an Ensuite bathroom so her children don't have to see her naked. And she used to complain about the Headmistress a lot as well. Too bad she got transferred though, she was hilarious.

Another time, my friend's Maths teacher threw a chair at a student. It missed her by a few inches and left a mark on the wall. Thankfully, my friend was absent that day or else it probably could have hit her.
Bulletproof Heart
Age: 31
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Posts: 25232
September 28th, 2008 at 12:54pm
Ashley, a kid in my math class, got school famous for having an attendance record of 87%, and not getting kicked out. (You usually get expelled if it falls under 94%)

And all the little 6th graders think that Ms Carter (my latin teacher) has no feet. Not quite sure how they believe it though, she quite clearly has feet...
neville longbottom.
neville longbottom.
Age: 30
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Posts: 43843
September 28th, 2008 at 12:57pm
It was the last day that my guidance teacher was working before he reitired, and he didn't much care anymore so he didn't come to teach our class. And my friend, Merlin, got bored and made a small shy boy sit on the computer seat then shoved him through the wall. XDDD
He didn't even get in trouble.
That teacher was ace, instead of doing work, he told us stories and let us talk.
ziggy stardust;
Salute You in Your Grave
ziggy stardust;
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September 28th, 2008 at 01:00pm
Ooooh. We've had a few.

My Year 8 Science teacher was LEGENDARY. He was only there for a year but he was the best teacher the school's ever had. He just let us do whatever, and he just gossiped with us all. I can remember one double lesson where we all just sat around, ate cake [he brought it in for us. Told you he was awesome] and talked about Jeremy Clarkson for two hours. And when he left, we dressed him up in pink fairy wings, a sparkly pink cowboy hat and gave him a pink wand. He wore them all day.

Umm. My friend fainted in Science one year and I had to catch her and fell over myself.

Our school plays are always a mess. We normally put them together in about seven or eight weeks and they're just a nightmare. Nothing goes right, no-one knows their lines, but we just have our own little raves backstage. And normally everyone's drunk [well, the Y9s and 10s.] on the last night.

Our Math teacher is insane; he just throws things. Chairs, books, whatever he feels like. He also gave us a lecture on underage drinking once and just told us not to get caught.

And our teachers dress up and perorm a song for us once a year. They did 'Gay Bar' by Electric Six last year. Very odd.
the used.
In The Murder Scene
the used.
Age: 34
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Posts: 22515
September 28th, 2008 at 04:24pm
last year, at my sophomore year in high school, my class went to our teacher's house to gather around one last time before the summer.
a couple of the guys in my class had written a poem which included some of us.
i, among others, were actually mentioned in it to my big surprise.
while lina was listening to my chemical romance,
the rest of us formed an against alliance.

all of us laughed then, and it was really special. :]
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 32
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Posts: 1052
October 4th, 2008 at 12:44am
Stupid Computer!