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School Legends

josh franceschi.
Salute You in Your Grave
josh franceschi.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 3243
October 13th, 2008 at 09:18pm
ohh, dear.
well at my middle school, they can't keep a music teacher for more than a year. there's some rumor that the position's cursed. in sixth grade, mr. rugani's class made him cry and he quit. in seventh grade, mr. martinez was hella chill but then at the end of the second semester, he had a detention kid and mr. martinez had to take a leak so he locked the kid in the classroom while he went to pee and he got fired. and in eighth grade mr. wookey quit at the end of the year.

that middle school has also had a gay guy and an emo/scene girl as "most unique" in the year book for three years in a row. only the gay guy is never very obvious, but all three have come out to me.

also, at my high school, my english teacher (a short, fat, forty-something lady with short curly blonde hair and a thing for theatrics) did the soulja boy dance, the thizz dance, and she also got hyphy, all at the first prep rally of the year. she also constantly seats me next to the boy she thinks i like, but that's her issue.
dark desire.
Salute You in Your Grave
dark desire.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2200
October 14th, 2008 at 05:52pm
we've got a few.
our old bible teacher from seventh grade was a little out there. he'd skip class to smoke outside and every day we read this chant-prayer-esque-thing. everyone who was there still remembers it, even me.

and then at our school's pep rally this year, there was a ~rap contest with one kid from each year. my friend john paul and the senior guy owned every one else and they had a tie breaker in which john paul cussed out the other guy in portugese. the only 2 teachers who could understand him were shocked.
cyanide cola.
Jazz Hands
cyanide cola.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 292
October 14th, 2008 at 06:09pm
there was this boy kieren in our school. we were in primary 5 or 6, and he thought he'd be funny and stick his head in a chair. we all went out for interval and came back in and realised he had his head stuck in the chair rolling on floor.
so he was there for the whole of interval. rolling on floor
stella spotlight!
Joining The Black Parade
stella spotlight!
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 224
March 9th, 2009 at 06:03pm
in the past 10 years, our school has yet to keep a math teacher for over three years, the last got fired three weeks ago...

in seventh grade, our teacher was really ill and we had a sub for 4 months-ish. she was like the spawn of satan, and we acted absolutley terrible. she eventually "quit" and said "you couldn't pay me a million dollars to watch these kids"

i'm kind of proud of that, lol.
look alive sunshine.
Shotgun Sinner
look alive sunshine.
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Posts: 8012
March 10th, 2009 at 03:11pm
the gas leak of 2007.
it was heaven sent.
we slept. and went to the mall... and the next day was my friend's b.d
we had a big reason to par-tay!!!!

and then the power went out on our last 'real' day of school in 2006
we just had exams after that. this was around 11 am.

both of these were a result of our lovely construction crew re-doing our school.
i miss them, it's strange not to see men in hard hats in the halls anymore.
they had been a part of my whole high school career up until a few weeks ago
all of us miss them, needless to say [can you imagine why?]
girl interrupted.
Salute You in Your Grave
girl interrupted.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 2792
March 10th, 2009 at 04:19pm

this kid called oliver got his nose broken in a fight.
he had bleached white-blond hair, and it got so stained red from blood, he couldn't wash it out.
and he had to dye his hair black. O_O
it's not that legendary though. but i always think of that when i think of epic times at
school because i liked oliver, he was safee. :/

and this kid marcus went in the girls toilets, like really casually just walked in.
him, me and these other girls i'm friends with had a laugh and a joke about it,
and then (the toilets we were in were next to a senior staff's office) this teacher
walked in and told all us girls to get the hell out for causing such a racket, marcus
hid in the toilets. and then he thought she'd gone, but she hadn't, and he just
walked out and past her and smiles and is like, "alright miss?"
he got suspended for two weeks for that. xD
Bulletproof Heart
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 26349
March 10th, 2009 at 04:36pm
oh, hahaha,
Well, my art teacher is a legend himself. We think that he is something like chuck norris, you know. He did karate, a gun course, smokes cigars, tried cocaine, was addicted to vodka, we still haven't found out something he hasn't done.
One time, while he was speaking, he started saying "the cat is god, this table can be god, I'M GOD!!"
I laughed in front of him and couldn't stop after this revelation! xD
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 8203
March 10th, 2009 at 04:41pm
There's been rumors about two of our teachers.
One being that one of the German teachers is a former porn-star and that a business teacher is a former russian cage-fighter, ahah.
James Owen. Sullivan
James Owen. Sullivan
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 12000
March 11th, 2009 at 07:00am
Last day of class, ninth grade
We all show up to history, but the teacher's not there. After about ten minutes, out of sheer boredom, we begin stacking chairs on top of each other. Then, someone has the genius idea of bringing them outside itno the main hall of the school.

We ended up having a huge scupture, about 7 feet high and about that wide in the middle of the school hall, with one or two dozen chairs. It was insanely epic, and a passing art teacher complimented us on it, until someone from a different class ran by, crashing into the chairs, making an insanely loud crash.
one of the guys from our class ran after him in anger, and we got in trouble from a teacher who thought it was us that knocked it over for fun.

It was still immensely awesome, and pretty fucking epic Very Happy
Lounge Fly
Bleeding on the Floor
Lounge Fly
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Posts: 1061
March 12th, 2009 at 05:06am
I graduated last year Smile.

But here's some stories. Especially since I went to an all boys school.

One day when I was in the 11th grade, the Education Review Officers were at our school reviewing us. At the bottom of the field a couple of Maori kids decided they wanted to start a fight - not a rare occurrence. But this one spread through the whole school to a point where it became utter anarchy for almost the whole day. Me and my mates were sitting up in a high classroom watching students hit teachers, teachers hit students and vice versa. Eventually it broke up, but over 100 students were suspended in some way, shape or form and 23 were expelled.

Then there was our immortal Geography field trip last year, where the guys in the other dorm decided to mosey over to the other group at the campsite we were staying, who were mostly female and attractive. Then I had to go out take a slash, as soon as I step out these guys are gapping it back as fast as their fucking legs will carry them. A couple of them jumped into our dorm (one hid in my sleeping bag). Right, I thought. I don't want any part of this, so I went back in and pissed out the window. Then the Doc (the teacher in charge of us) came into our room and asked who was squirting water out the window. Riiiiight.
lisbeth salander.
Shotgun Sinner
lisbeth salander.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 9025
March 12th, 2009 at 10:29am
Some idiot brought an undetonated World War II bomb into my old high school one day.
Bomb squad was called, the entire school (nearly 2000 people) had to be evacuated, and the bomb had to be detonated.

I wasn't at the school at the time. But it was all over the local news and everything.
Fucking hilarous rolling on floor.

Oh, and there's a massive rumour that the tallest building in the school sways.
I think it does..

Also, I was somewhat a school legend throughout my first year at middle school for passing out the middle of assembly in front of the entire year.
People talked about it for weeks O_O. Low lifes...

AND at my middle school, there was this huge rumour that there was a woman with a shotgun walking around the surrounding woods, and writing 666 on the trees.
And because we were all so young, the school went completely chaotic for about two weeks with little kids scared to come outside. I remember me and my friends getting some boy in our class to be our bodyguard rolling on floor!
God, those were good times XD!
chelsea smile
Shotgun Sinner
chelsea smile
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 8661
March 12th, 2009 at 01:49pm
when few of my friends took their bikes inside our school and started
driving around with them in the corridors. they all got detention.

and once we did these short movies and i got the role as
the protagonist called "rosa the villimies" (villimies is finnish and it means a caveman)
and before we were shooting the short movie i had to find
something from my locker and i already had my costume and make up on
and my face was totally covered in black eye-liner stripes,
my hair was messed up like i'd had an electric shock or something
and i had this one fake tooth :'D gosh, it was so hilarous to see me walking around the
school looking like that with a bunch of bananas in my arms.
we still laugh at it :)

these five boys in my class ordered pizza at school
lunch time. they got their pizzas when a pizzadriver brought their
pizzas outside our school at the yard. boys got their pizzas and a lot of attention.

dude, i'm so gonna miss these times with my best friends.
these three years in primary school have been so fucking awesome
:DDD i love these guys.
Young One Rick
Really Not Okay
Young One Rick
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 624
March 12th, 2009 at 03:18pm
In french, our teacher was warning us about what to expect when we get our exchange people and she told us about 'the kissing thing' where they kiss you on both cheeks and one time she called it 'French Kissing' and me and my friend burst out laughing, I hope she didn't mean real french kissing Naughty
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 10418
March 14th, 2009 at 04:39pm
we have this teacher called mrs legg , who always wears purple and gets wound up so easily . one guy managed to sellotape a sign saying "satan" to her back oncee haaa XD

once we turned all our desks to face the opposite direction when she was out of the classroom and she just walked back in and never even noticed O.O
stella spotlight!
Joining The Black Parade
stella spotlight!
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 224
March 14th, 2009 at 04:40pm
^haha, that's hilarious.

our french teacher infamously tried to duct tape a hole in one of the boy's was on his ass, so it was super awkward...she wouldn't let him leave the room until she covered it because his boxers were hanging out.
Frnk iero.
Awake and Unafraid
Frnk iero.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11747
March 14th, 2009 at 09:13pm
I'm in Freshmen year of Highschool.

Last year, in 8th grade, at middle school some kid evidently brought a gun with him and we were locked in the class we were in, hiding under desks silently for 1 hour 45
the desperate ranks.
Always Born a Crime
the desperate ranks.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 6712
March 22nd, 2009 at 11:34am
Okay. This may not be a legend, technically, but...

I just counted up all of the pregnant girls in our high school, and there are 8.

This may not be a huge thing in a school with thousands of kids, but there are only 400 kids in my school; it's located in a little town in PA, where there are hardly any people. It's like we had a mini teenage baby boom in our area. It's crazy.
Dear Tokyo...
Salute You in Your Grave
Dear Tokyo...
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 2000
April 14th, 2009 at 04:45pm
Every year at my school, the students are separated into Human, and sub-human. It really sucks because in my first year, I was sub-human (and the year after that too.) We (the sub-humans) had to sit on the floor at the back of the classroom, wear these bright orange tags on our uniforms, and during lunch, while everyone else was seated at the tables in the lunchroom, we had to sit outside on the floor.
In my second year, all the sub-humans planned a 'revolt' and during lunch, we escaped into the nursery area and hid. It was really funny, but all the teachers were really pissed. We got caught of course, and punished. But the next day we did it again! Haha. It was so much fun!
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 35214
April 14th, 2009 at 05:17pm

Well, at my School we've always had a group of ~bad boys, who get upto no good and cause chaos.
and one time we were in Science. and at the front of our class there's a door that goes into like, the lab
room where all the chemical equipment is, and above the door there's a window, idk why. But anyway,
one time we were all grouped at the front because our teacher Miss. Draper was showing us an experiment.
and one of the guys in our class, Joe, is in with this crew of bad boys. But on this occasion he was behaving?
and we were all sat there half listening and suddenly you heard someone in the other room, and about two
minutes later you saw two hands on the window above the door, sticking this sign to it which read
"Joe has no dick." and we all DIED. Like, the way it had been written and everything was hilaious.
And of course, as soon as Joe saw it, well, he hit the roof and started pacing like "Miss, I aren't having this.."
Hahaha, it was a totalllll 'you had to be there' moment. So funny, omg.
Kolorful Katja
Really Not Okay
Kolorful Katja
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 723
April 16th, 2009 at 10:18am
My school has two levels. On the second level theres a "Balcony" where you can look over onto the main enterance and hallway of the school. One of my friends dumped a trashcan full of water balloons onto the mob that was trying to leave during a fire drill for his senior prank.
He Got Expelled.
2 months before graduation.

Our mascot is a trojan warrior, so a bunch of us spelled out "Go Trojans" on the front lawn of a rival schools quarterbacks house. With Trojan condom wrappers.