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Meeting MCR (life changing)

Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 4956
September 21st, 2007 at 12:21am
and as for what to say:
just tell them what you want to.

why you like the music,
that you appreciate them.
Dr. Spencer Reid
Bleeding on the Floor
Dr. Spencer Reid
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 1776
September 22nd, 2007 at 02:46am
I was a wreck when I met Gee.
He was such a sweeeeetie though!
My mum gained so much respect for him when she saw how polite he was.
Here's what basically happened:
I walked over to him very slowly, shaking violently, very close to hyperventilating.
Gerard: Hi!
Me: Hi Gerard.
Gerard: How are you honey?
Me: (did he jut call me honey!?!?) I'm great, I actually made this for you (Hands him drawing I did).
Gerard: Wow! This is absolutely amazing! I love the way you did the eyes!
Me: Thank you! (slips comic onto table) It took me about 5 hours last night to do it.
Gerard: It's great thank you so much!
Me: Uh Gerard? I have a small favor to ask...can I have a hug?
Worm: No Hugs.
Gerard: Sorry honey I can't do hugs today, but what's your name?
Me: Molly.
Gerard: (sign's comic, almost writes IE instead of Y, corrects himself) thank you so much for coming!
Me: (Picks up comic and start walking away) Wait! Can I shake your hand?
Gerard: Of Course! (shakes my hand) Thanks for coming!
Me: Thank you! (Walks out door, still shaking) Bye Worm!
Worm: (turns around) O.o!

I got out and just started crying, my mum hugged me and we stood by the rail taking pictures of him through the damn posters on the window.
About 15 minutes later he went out for a smoke and to drink his coffee, and I got some amazing videos and pictures.
I was so grateful that I got to meet him and I will never forget it.
Motor Baby
Age: -
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Posts: 788
September 22nd, 2007 at 03:13am
I command you to upload to YouTube. And post the link here!

kid from yesterday.
Bleeding on the Floor
kid from yesterday.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 1265
September 22nd, 2007 at 01:01pm
I was a wreck when I met Gee...

I am a whimpering, squealing wreck when I read fan accounts. And yours was amaaazing. You are so lucky, he's such an amazing guy. In Love
Oh, and yes. Videos. YouTube. Now. xD
Dr. Spencer Reid
Bleeding on the Floor
Dr. Spencer Reid
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 1776
September 22nd, 2007 at 05:49pm
I'll find a way, the file is too big to send it to my e-mail in a message, but I'll find a way!
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 4956
September 26th, 2007 at 12:29am
you gotta hate worm.
i'm happy for you!!!
CAcT '-.-' tux
Salute You in Your Grave
CAcT '-.-' tux
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 2188
September 26th, 2007 at 06:19am
every time I read this thread it runs shivers down my spine!
all I ask for, when I see them in Sydney in november, is say hi, and get a hug from Gerard. That is all & if I get to say anything else to the guys, it's a bonus. I *have* to meet of the most important things to do before I die!
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2568
September 27th, 2007 at 06:10pm
Mine too.
I have too. I just have to meet them.
I want to when i go and see them next, i don't care if my mum says i can't. I'll drag her there and she will wait with me, no matter how much she complains.
They're worth it. Very Happy
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 125
September 28th, 2007 at 02:30am
your arent kidding!!!! mcr is worth weverything!
CAcT '-.-' tux
Salute You in Your Grave
CAcT '-.-' tux
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 2188
September 28th, 2007 at 07:34am
yeah, and I really have to thank Gerard or one of the guys for everything they mean to me. And I might bawl my eyes out if I get to say that to them.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 5099
October 2nd, 2007 at 03:20am

Gerard: Hi!
Me: Hi Gerard.
Gerard: How are you honey?
Me: (did he just call me honey!?!?) I'm great, I actually made this for you (Hands him drawing I did).
Gerard: Wow! This is absolutely amazing! I love the way you did the eyes!
Me: Thank you! (slips comic onto table) It took me about 5 hours last night to do it.
Gerard: It's great thank you so much!
Me: Uh Gerard? I have a small favor to ask...can I have a hug?
Worm: No Hugs.
Gerard: Sorry honey I can't do hugs today, but what's your name?
Me: Molly.
Gerard: (sign's comic, almost writes IE instead of Y, corrects himself) thank you so much for coming!
Me: (Picks up comic and start walking away) Wait! Can I shake your hand?
Gerard: Of Course! (shakes my hand) Thanks for coming!
Me: Thank you! (Walks out door, still shaking) Bye Worm!
Worm: (turns around) O.o!
Oh man your convo with him was wayyyyyyyyyy better than mine was. I think I remember you! I would love to see your pics and vids too, if you can figure out how to upload them. Or can you e them to me? I'll post them for you.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 152
October 2nd, 2007 at 03:51am
Luckyyy..... I wanna meet them. If only I was as good at art as you....
Age: 53
Gender: Female
Posts: 96
October 3rd, 2007 at 03:54am
Okay, I went to Toronto yesterday to meet MCR at their signing at the HMV. It started at 9 pm ( a tad later, as the boys were late Razz); and we were there at around 11 am. As the time got closer, we got to the near front of the line, and MCR came in their stretch black vehicle. They all jumped out, and ran into the HMV. Minutes later, we were standing in the store, waiting to get to their table. I felt that it was too quiet, so I screamed out a few random things.

"Bob, You're a SEXX GOD!"- everyone in line laughed: and i bet bob could hear me
and "Gerard! I can SEE your NOSE!" -he shook his head and laughed.

What they were wearing:
Ray- Black pants, black tee, pointy black was PERFECT. AMAZING! gah...the fro is fuzzy on the forehead tho Razz
Bob- Dark jeans, black tee, black leather jacket....his eyes were so BLUE! his hands were all callused and cut up though...Sad
Frank: Black and white striped shirt (NOT like Mikeys old one, thicker black lines) dark pants, hair was amazing...his smile was so sweet
Mikey: Winter jacket with the fur around the collar, the darkish green one...pretty pretty eyes
Gerard: tight black pants, tight black shirt...his hair is so gorgeous...and he really does talk out of the one side of his mouth-ITS ADORABLE! his little blemish was so cute...oh, and he had black stubble Razz

We got to the front of the line, and I went last out of my friends. The following is what happened to me, for that fateful and amazing three minutes or so.

Ray: Hi, I'm Ray. (Shakes my hand)
Me: I know...can I get a hug Ray? (he nods, smiling)
Ray: Of course! (major hug, god he's so tall and muscular! and a REALLY good hugger.)
Me: I actually made you something!
Ray: Did you? Let's see! (hand him the shadowpath of him; he smiles) That is amazing...holy crap...thank you! (looking it over)
Me: You're welcome...(eyes focus on Bob)
Ray: What's your name? (I don't hear him) What's your name? (I still don't hear the poor man) Honey, what's your name? (laughing slightly)
Steph: Her name's Kristen. (giggling)
Ray: Oh, okay...(laughing as he signs my Three Cheers cover)

Me: Hi Bob.
Bob: Hey, how's it going?
Me: Good. I bought you a CD, but I don't know if you have it or not... (hands him a RUSH CD I bought earlier in the day for him)
Bob: Oh my god! This is like the ONLY one I DON'T have! Thank you! (looks over the back, Toro smiles and looks with him)
Ray + Bob: *Start singing the chorus of a Rush Song*
Me: I got you a button too. (hands Bob a Rush button)
Bob: Awesome! (takes button) Where should I pin it? (puts it on his jacket)
Me: Can I get a hug?
Bob: **censored** Yeah! (stands up and wraps his arms around me, hair brushing across my forehead) Thanks!
Me: No, thank you! (smiling)

Me: Hey Frank.
Frank: Hello. (looks at the Frankie mask in my hands, and grabs it from me) You HAVE to be kidding me. Holy **censored**! (looks up at me, smiling from ear to ear)
Me: Yeah... (Frank holds it to his face, looking around at Bob and Toro, Mikey laughs)
Bob: It looks just like you! (Toro laughs as Frank takes it off, looking back at me; handing back the mask)
Me: Oh, no...
Frank: IT'S FOR ME!? (awe-struck)
Me: Uh huh...(Frank jumps up and gives me a huge hug)
Frank: Thank you SO much, wow...just...**censored**. (smiling so wide)
Me: No problem...(looks down and realizes I still have Bob's letter with his cartoon) Oh! Here, Bob.
Bob: Thank you...hey, it's me! (laughing)

Me: Hey Mikey!
Mikey: Hey!
Me: I made this for you. (hands lionel block print of Mikey to Mikey)
Mikey: Sweet! That is so cool!
Gerard: Wow...that's good.
Mikey: Thank you! (shakes my hand)
Me: You're welcome Mikey...(smiling, look over at Gerard) Oh god...(starts crying)

Gerard:'s okay...
Me: Oh god...(still trying to stop tears)
Gerard: It's okay...(takes my hand) How are you?
Me: G-good...I bought you this CD (hands him the Dresden Dolls CD, as his face falls) I thought you might already have it...but...
Gerard: I do, you know, I got it the day it came out...(sad look in his eyes as he hands it back to me)
Me: Me too, it's so good...Well, I have the receipt, if you want to return it here for something else you'd like...(giving it back to him)
Gerard: No, I want you to take it back for something you like, since you already have it too..(hands CD back to me)
Me: But I think YOU should return it, it was a gift...(giving it back)
Gerard: (chuckling) No YOU return should get something Bauhaus.
Me: Bathouse? (confused)
Gerard: No...Bauhaus.
Me: Boathouse? (more confused)
Gerard: No...(laughing as Mikey starts giggling) here...(writes it down on the edge of a MyChem poster taped to the table)
Me: Thanks...(goes to take off the poster, but it is taped)
Gerard: It's stuck to the table...(knocks Mikey's elbows off it, and pulls it off, handing it to me)
Me: Thanks...can I give you a hug?
Gerard: (smiling) Of course you can..(outstretches his arms)
Me: (whispering into his ear) Thank you so much Gerard, you saved my life...I don't even want to know where I'd be without you...thank you so much...(sobbing)
Gerard: Oh, you're very welcome...(smiling, I hand him a letter I wrote him...his eyes scan the first few lines, before he looks back up at me; a sympathetic look in his eyes)
Woman in Security: I have to cut you now honey.
Me: WHAT?!
Gerard: Huh? (looks at me)
Woman: Your wristband...(laughing)
Me: Do I get to keep it?!
Woman: Of course...
Man in Security: You have to move now sweetheart.
Me: He still has my thing. (pointing at the cover inbetween Mikey and Gerard, Gerard's been staring at me, and not paying attention to the table)
Mikey: Yeah, he has her thing.
Gerard: Oh, sorry...(signs quickly) Here you go....take care, okay?
Me: I will...thank you so much guys...
Gerard: No problem...thank you...(waves, as I am ushered out of the lineup)

Yeah...BEST day in my LIFE.
I bought the Bauhaus CD.
but kept the Dresden Dolls, as Gerard's hands touched it Razz
I had my friend Tori give Ray the Home Videos, and I have NO idea what he thought of them, and she can't remember Razz

I am so happy, and meeting them, looking into their faces...I can never feel bad again...ever. Like, bad days will come and go...but they're always going to be there... in my mind, and just in how they affected me. They saved me, once more, if it's possible. Ray's sweet voice, and willingness to hug everyone in line. Bob's baby blue eyes, and his excited and happy grin as I gave him the CD. Frank's happiness as he saw the mask, and figured out that he got to keep it, his lunge over the table. Mikey's beautiful eyes, I don't even care that he doesn't have glasses anymore...he's so pretty...has skinny bony hands though..and Gerard...his caring eyes, his sweet smile...his's all too much. I wrote them each a message on the back of their art pieces...and I put my email...if they have time, who knows...I can only hope that they remember me a litte, even if it's as the crazy crying fit girl...Razz It was the best day of my life, and saved me.

~Kristen xoxo

Oh, that is so awesome!!! I'm glad you got to experience that, and share it with all of us.
I hope it happens again for ya.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 4956
October 3rd, 2007 at 02:07pm
aweh, thank you...
it's hard to beleive that it's almost been a year since that.
but then, projekt rev was only a few months ago...

a year, it feels like it's gone by in a second.
it's a bit sad, really...

but in november, i'm going to The Academy Is...
and meeting up with some people that i met that day at the HMV.
so it'll be fun stuff, and like a reunion of sorts.
although i've gone with her to mcr shows since then.

gosh, i just can't get over that TBP's almost been out for an entire year.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 125
October 3rd, 2007 at 04:46pm
i know it been soooooooo long ago!

i need to c mcr.the need to come to pittsburgh,pa
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 152
October 3rd, 2007 at 05:41pm
I'm thinking of waiting outside the backstage-whatever door so they can sign my iPod. But it'll be no way as tight as your expirience.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2568
October 3rd, 2007 at 05:53pm
What an amazing, amazing, amazing day that must of been for you. Very Happy
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 4956
October 4th, 2007 at 04:57am
i was thinking of it while i was in the waiting room at the hospital today,
and i started to cry.

i'm so pathetic.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 152
October 4th, 2007 at 05:28pm
Not pathetic. I would cry because that's like, crazy awesome. And you were in a hospital.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 4956
October 5th, 2007 at 01:29am
thank you...

your siggy just made me smile so wide.
'fashion statement' is one of my favourite songs.
i wrote an essay on it in english last year