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Letters to Anyone

In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
July 10th, 2014 at 11:08am

my grandmother is dying from cancer. my aunt's lupus is making her really sick. my uncle is too poor to even make it month to month without help from my mother and my aunt. my parents are filing for bankruptcy, and we are going to lose the home that i love dearly. yet the thing that's upsetting me the most at the moment is you. i tried so hard not to cry last night over your sorry ass, but i failed miserably. i've told myself for years that i was going to give up on you, and now i finally am. i don't even want to be your friend anymore. you aren't good at being a friend. the only thing that you are good at is being an asshole.

- mandy
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Posts: 18
July 12th, 2014 at 01:09am

At the time of writing this, it has been more than an entire, long, painful year. And I know you, because you're me. You're going to agonize over this for a long while longer, and probably will return to this site again many times, as you've done when you wrote this. You'll re-read all the things you wrote, and all the things she wrote over and over again, wondering how blind you were to not to see all the lies sooner.

I'm writing this to tell you to stop. Close this window, shut down your computer, and go take a walk. Even if you don't do anything but click to a different page, even that is better than continuing to read past this post. It isn't worth it.

If you haven't found the one who you care about, and really cares about you in return, don't stop looking. You're going to beat yourself up over it time and time again, take things slow, and be completely and totally unable to trust anybody until you know them very well, but just keep working towards the happiness you once had before. Find the person you thought she was. The sweet, kind, selfless, wonderful woman you thought you found 3 years ago is out there somewhere. I don't know where, but don't stop looking.

You've suffered enough. Do whatever you have to, just forget she ever existed. Forget she ever came into your life. Forget you wasted your time on someone who only thought to use you. Just move on completely. Both you now and you when reading this will wish there was a way to wipe your memory. There isn't an easy way, so just keep forgetting on your own. Give it enough time, and we'll be free from this curse for good.

And sorry for the inconsistent subjects and possible errors, me. Talking to yourself in the future at 1am isn't easy. Just keep moving forward. You're better off than a year ago.

- Yourself.
Frnk iero.
Awake and Unafraid
Frnk iero.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11747
July 13th, 2014 at 11:57am
Dear Pete Wentz,
You are super handsome in RL and I want to thank you for what you said before Dark. It means a lot and I know that a lot of people think you're trash or snobby or whatever, but you've always been an inspiration to me. I mean it.


Do not go after Matt. He is 17.
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
July 13th, 2014 at 09:40pm
So nice that yall have checked on me. Especially since I was in so much pain I couldn't walk or even stand. And I left screaming and literally tearing my hair out. Again, thanks for asking how I am and showing you care. Oh wait...that didn't happen. You got mad that I couldn't help as much as I wanted (as much as you wanted me to), and proceeded to say to my face how disappointed you were. Fuck off.
Frnk iero.
Awake and Unafraid
Frnk iero.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11747
July 15th, 2014 at 01:54pm
The longer it gets and the more i realize why we aren't family anymore, the more i realize that this wasn't an over night thing. I had been making excuses to myself for years.
The minute we stopped being "in love" you stopped wanting me to be around at all. You can deny that all you want, but i know it's true. You never really meant anything you said after new years eve 2009. And that's, frankly, disgusting. YOU KEPT THIS CHARADE UP FOR 5 YEARS. and you have the audacity to blame me for it and call me a bad person, when you are the one who did this to yourself.
All I ever wanted was the best for you and i sacrificed myself many times over it. But that wsn't enough for you, I guess.
fuck off.
Don't think i haven't figured that out.

sad savior;
Wild Eyed Joker
sad savior;
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 86309
July 16th, 2014 at 03:00am

you are so incredibly motivating to me. i remember the first video of yours that i watched. i had just got home from karate but felt i didn't do much and wanted to get more in, so i searched blogilates on youtube. i had heard of it, but i don't know why that was the first thing to pop in my head when i thought "i should do some cardio." but i'm so glad my subconscious led me to you!
i did most of the beginner's calender but i wasn't totally committed to eating clean. i didn't really understand it very well. after over a month of not working out, mostly bc i was out of the country but when i got back i just couldn't be bothered, i started back up on the july calender. for some reason, by this point, nutrition and eating clean and my body sculpting itself just clicked for me. i finally understood all of that and i'm making such an effort to stick to it and live a healthy lifestyle.
i've definitely noticed changes not only in my body, but in my attitude and outlook. i feel happier, i feel more motivated. i know it came from inside of me but i have you to thank for inspiring me. you keep me working hard and pushing myself. i haven't seen the major changes in my body that i know are going to take a while, but i have seen so many changes in myself that i almost feel like a new person.
thank you so much for taking me on this fitness journey.
Billie Joe.
Crash Queen
Billie Joe.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 30939
July 16th, 2014 at 03:18am
I'm so so so so sorry.
I love you.

Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
July 16th, 2014 at 09:53pm
You have sparked a fire in me that cant be put out. It was there the day we met, years ago. It's been there since. It terrifies me that the person who ignited my heart most isn't the one I'm going to spend forever with. I mean, we'll always be friends, and I think part of me knows we can't be more, if we were meant to be it surely would've happened by now. I shouldn't love my best friend more than my fiance. I just shouldn't. But I do. Like I said, surely we would've tried being together by now if we were meant to. It's beyond frustrating cause I don't wanna accept that this is the way it HAS to be. Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance with everything in me, I just feel like I'm gonna be married and it's not gonna be right. If I just keep reminding myself we aren't meant to be, maybe it'll go away.

Who am I kidding? This is going to be with me forever. Anytime we're hanging out, I just wanna wrap my arms around you and just be yours. I can't control these feelings, I've tried. I'm going to feel like this towards you forever. I will always have a love for you that is undying. If I'm being true to myself, we would've gotten together the million of times we had our chances. I know this. I don't accept it, but I know it. I just cant. This can't be the way things are supposed to be. I'm supposed to love my fiance with everything and that's it. There's gotta be a reason it's different. It tears me apart.
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
July 19th, 2014 at 08:53pm
Kinda funny you married a girl who looks just like me. Well, as far as hair and face are concerned. Ha!
In the Cannibal Glow
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 53026
July 22nd, 2014 at 10:00am

you were in my dream last night. i could hear your high pitched hilarious laugh and your sarcastic tone when mocking someone. i'm dreading the day that i forget what your laugh and your voice sounds like.

- mandy
Frnk iero.
Awake and Unafraid
Frnk iero.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11747
July 22nd, 2014 at 10:47am
I am very embarassed about the way i was acting on sunday night. it's the way david affects me.
i try to stay away from him, bc he always brings out the weird side in me.
but for right now,
stay the fuck away from me and i will stay the fuck away from you.

stereo typical.
Tragic With a Capital T
stereo typical.
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 46847
July 24th, 2014 at 08:48am
M & R,

It means so much to me that you came out and checked I was alright and that I was okay to get home. It lifted my spirit a lot. Thank you.

Frnk iero.
Awake and Unafraid
Frnk iero.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11747
July 24th, 2014 at 11:45am
i promise that when it comes time, I won't be pushy and expect to much from you. I want to see you as an equal, not anything more or less. If this is supposed to work out, then i want it to work out. I'll have been waiting too long for me to fuck it up. I can still feel you, even if you don't search for me often. But, I want you to know that i am working as hard as i can tomake feelings a thing of the past. I know this is super cryptic, but i guess it'd have to be, for now.

patiently yours,
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
July 24th, 2014 at 04:28pm
You really do get on everyone's nerves. All you do is complain about how N runs his business and how "you're only there until you find a job in your field". I really don't like you much. I mean, I'd love to have your hours. I can learn to run a register. I don't want to, and I'll probably fail, but I can if need be. I wish he'd hurry up and fire you.
Frnk iero.
Awake and Unafraid
Frnk iero.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 11747
July 25th, 2014 at 01:02am
future self and BIL,
Don't do it.
Don't fuck it up over one night of passion.
He's too perfect and precious, don't let it get away.

20 year old self
sad savior;
Wild Eyed Joker
sad savior;
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 86309
July 26th, 2014 at 01:13pm
b, m, m, m, and others

get off your fucking high horse and stop being bitches. you're all fucking empty.
Richey Edwards.
Demolition Lover
Richey Edwards.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 16507
July 29th, 2014 at 04:59pm
Remember back when C and I weren't together, but were talking about getting back together? I told you I needed validation as to whether or not we'd ever have a chance of being together. I thought I got my validation, but your actions tell me otherwise. We rarely talk unless we're hanging out. When we're hanging out, it's like we're something different. We are best friends. We have been for years. I wish you'd stop acting like you wanna be more, but saying you don't. My emotions are fucked up enough as is. I'm trying really fucking hard to not let this affect me and just live the life I know HAS to be. If it were meant to be anything else, it would've happened. It would've happened a long time ago. We had the chance when we were freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, college kids, and up to a year ago or so. Things had plenty of chances to move forward, they never did. Even if things were to happen between C and I, things still wouldn't change between me and you. But you see, that's the thing, I have to be with C, because that's the only future I have. You and I will never be more than what we are. Stop confusing me. I need to get over this. I need to get over you. I have no choice. I can't afford to love you. I need to just let go. I already know it cant and wont happen, but wishful thinking is usually a weakness of mine.
Ghostbuster Famous
Age: -
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Posts: 71107
August 5th, 2014 at 11:54pm
The last time I wrote a letter to you here, I was confused. I was happy, and comforted, but very, very confused. I'm not confused anymore, but I'm not as happy, and I'm not as comfortable. I don't think it's anything to do with you, I think it's just that now that I'm not confused about you anymore, I've found holes in my happiness.

I'm still happy you're there. You're part of the reason there's any happiness left. I just wish that weird, comfortable feeling was back.

Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
Age: -
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Posts: 69728
August 7th, 2014 at 10:02pm


I miss you so so so much. Finally being able to see your face again (even if it was only on skype) made the feeling even worse. I know you're coming back again in a few short weeks, but damn it just feels like such a long time.

sad savior;
Wild Eyed Joker
sad savior;
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 86309
August 8th, 2014 at 01:49am
future significant other,

please hurry up, i need you.