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C-Section Being An Option.

Crying Blue Eyes
Crying Blue Eyes
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June 22nd, 2006 at 06:48pm
My answer for this is mostly influenced as an economic standpoint. I think that c-sections should be allowed. I like the idea of giving people options. The more competition that there is to do something, the more competition there is, and with the more competition the more new techniques/ improvements can be made, ergo we as a society advance in our knowledge.
Awake and Unafraid
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June 25th, 2006 at 01:24pm
this isn't wether or not they should be ALLOWED.
it's wether or not they should be OPTIONAL.
Jazz Hands
Age: 32
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June 25th, 2006 at 03:03pm
9/10 women who have vaginal births rip their vaginas and have to have them sewn up.

Do you by any chance have a source for that?
I'm not questioning it, just curious, i've never heard anyone say that before...
Bulletproof Heart
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June 25th, 2006 at 03:36pm
I think it is the mother's choice. Period. If they want to have the child naturally, that's fine. If they want to have it by C-section, that's also fine. It's whatever they want.
reckless decadence.
Salute You in Your Grave
reckless decadence.
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July 2nd, 2006 at 11:27am
^I agree. It's every woman's personal choice what they want to do with their body. But to have it just so you can have your baby on a certain day gets pretty annoying.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
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July 2nd, 2006 at 03:20pm
I think c-section should be an option. I don't plan on having one, but it should still be an option. My sister didn't have one, either.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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August 18th, 2006 at 08:06am
If you have a C-section can you have another child. I heard some where that with a C-section you can't have another child. It doesn't sound like that is true but, I was wondering.

I don't see why the mother shouldn't be able to choose. There are risks for both.

Im not reading from a source here, but I believe from what I can remember that on average a woman is allowed to have no more than three c-sections. This is because each time a c-section is performed the uterus becomes weakened and it is dangerous at a certain stage to become pregnant following several c-sections.

Now I remember reading this at some point in a medical book, however I can't seem to locate any information regarding this on the internet, so if anyone has any actual information regarding this then please post it.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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August 24th, 2006 at 03:03pm
personally, i'm for c-sections. my mom and i alost died when she was in labor. and because our bodies are built in almost the same way, i know i'm probably gonna have to one, too.
but if it wasn't for that fact, i'd probably have a natural birth. less expensive and like it's been said, "easier recovery time"
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 32
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August 24th, 2006 at 09:14pm
guns go bang!:
i may sound dumb but is c-section the same as caesarian? like if you can't have normal birth, you get to have your tummy sliced and that's where the baby goes out?

Yes, they mean the same thing and are both perfectly fine forms of Birth. Either way the baby will be delivered, each have their benifits and each have their cons. It's the choice of the mother, what I choose to do shouldnt tamper with what someone else chooses to do.

I know some people are against C-sections, and only believe in natural Birth, but that can be a big problem at times when it's safer for the baby to be delivered by a c-section. It isnt like you can force someone to give birth a certain way, but when a baby is injured during birth, and the parents were told it could be prevented by a c-section, I think they are to blame for it.
Ceiling Gerard
Awake and Unafraid
Ceiling Gerard
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August 24th, 2006 at 09:59pm
C-sections shouldn't be optional. My mom had to have one for me and she almost died. So many bad things can happened and I don't see why anyone would want that.

Like Yara said, you are generalizing. I know a young woman who died during natural vaginal birth. My older sister NEEDED a C-section when my niece was born, because my sister-who is very petite- couldn't push my niece through...alexa was too big. She went through the C-Section and both came out fine. But imagine if a C-Section wasn't an option for my older sister?

I think it should be an option, and I don't see anything wrong with it- theres danger with everything, you just have to weigh the risks, and see what is best for your life, and the life of the baby inside you.
Age: 30
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Posts: 5
August 28th, 2006 at 12:33am
I think it only matters to the mother. It's their decision, along with abortion, adoption and having children at all. Anyone who has a c-section knows the risks, and its up to them to have one.
Motor Baby
Age: 40
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August 28th, 2006 at 11:53pm
My mum had to have a c section with my youngest brother because my brother before that was stillborn 1 week before he was due, so they took my brother out early to avoid any complications. My mum was in agony, she said it was like having her stomach attached to her feet with a very short rope and she wishes she could have had him normally.
Unless there is something wrong or for health's sake i would prefer to have my children all naturally
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
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Posts: 513
August 29th, 2006 at 12:03am
i think it should be optional because that should be the mothers decision about how to have her kid. but i guess if you want to experience the birth more the normal birth is the way to go.funny talking about this because my cousins girlfriend is having a c-section tommorow. =-)
dana eats dreams
dana eats dreams
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August 29th, 2006 at 04:49pm
I think you should only do it if there's a problem with the birth.

There's really no reason for doing a c-section instead of a natural birth (except for fear, I guess and that's not a solid reason in my opinion).

I agree.
If it's an Emergency, then yes.

But I also think that it should be the Mother's choice.
Motor Baby
Age: 35
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Posts: 850
August 30th, 2006 at 02:10am
I think it should be an option.
Personally. I think i would rather go for a C-section.
I am TERRIFIED of giving birth naturally.
But that fear might go away.
& Plus there are things about natural birth that are just gross to me.
I might not even have a choice. I am 14 and 5 feet tall. I'm only supposed to grow 2 to 3 inches. It just matters how big the baby is.
Age: 45
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Posts: 2
August 31st, 2006 at 09:41pm
If you have a C-section can you have another child. I heard some where that with a C-section you can't have another child. It doesn't sound like that is true but, I was wondering.

I don't see why the mother shouldn't be able to choose. There are risks for both.

Yes, you can have another child after a c-section. You will probably always have to have c-sections from then on though. That's the deal. Not that you can't have another baby. but that you won't be able to deliver them vaginally.
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 41
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Posts: 9205
August 31st, 2006 at 10:11pm
If you have a C-section can you have another child. I heard some where that with a C-section you can't have another child. It doesn't sound like that is true but, I was wondering.

I don't see why the mother shouldn't be able to choose. There are risks for both.

Yes, you can have another child after a c-section. You will probably always have to have c-sections from then on though. That's the deal. Not that you can't have another baby. but that you won't be able to deliver them vaginally.

You guys are both wrong.

C-sections are a pretty amazing procedure. Why is there so much controversy about them? First, C-sections are a major surgery, and major surgeries can have major complications. Some complications that can occur during or after a C-section include heavy bleeding, damage to the bladder or intestines, major infections of the uterus, kidneys, lungs, or other areas, opening up of the skin incision, blood clots around the uterus or in the leg veins or lungs, an inability of the blood to clot, and damage to the uterus that makes future childbirth more dangerous. The uterus is a large, muscular organ that has an enormous blood supply. When an incision is made into the uterus, there can be a lot of bleeding. Modern doctors have medications and stitches to stop this, but even so, there are some women who need a blood transfusion during a C-section. (Others, on rare occasions, need a hysterectomy to save their life).

Most women who undergo a C-section need to take oral iron pills, since the blood loss is at least twice as much as during a vaginal delivery. A number of women develop uterine infections, requiring extra days in the hospital and powerful antibiotics.

Another reason why many believe that vaginal delivery is preferable to a C-section is that some patients who have a C-section must always have another C-section, due to the type of cut made into the uterus. While the cut on the skin does not matter, the cut on the uterus is very important. We try to make a side-to-side cut on the uterus, called a "low transverse uterine incision," since these are safer and have a very small chance of breaking open during later pregnancies. Since the chance of the incision breaking open during a later pregnancy is very small (probably at or under about 1%), doctors now consider it safe to try for a vaginal delivery during later pregnancies if the patient has a prior low transverse incision. This is called a "vaginal birth after cesarean" or VBAC (pronounced "V-Back"Wink. An up-and-down uterine cut, in contrast, has a much higher chance of breaking open, which can cause heavy internal bleeding or even stillbirth, so we consider it unsafe to try for a vaginal delivery when there is a history of a prior vertical incision. These patients should have a repeat C-section.

Babies also need special attention during a C-section. Their lungs are not compressed by the vagina during a C-section, so they often have lungs with a little extra fluid in them. Not all problems occur during a C-section; some occur later. These include pelvic pain or pain with intercourse from scar tissue (called adhesions), difficulty using "sit-up muscles," and development of scar tissue between the afterbirth and the uterine lining in later pregnancies (which can lead to hemorrhage or emergency hysterectomy).
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 9205
August 31st, 2006 at 10:14pm

I might not even have a choice. I am 14 and 5 feet tall. I'm only supposed to grow 2 to 3 inches. It just matters how big the baby is.

Your height has absolutely nothing to do with it, and neither does the size of the baby. Some 8 pound babies come out easier than 6 pound babies.
Yara; wtf...
Shotgun Sinner
Yara; wtf...
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 9205
August 31st, 2006 at 10:17pm
Christina Corporate:
I think i would rather have a c-section. Less pain that way. I know that sounds selfish, but thats just how I feel.

Less pain? Doubtful. Sure, you won't feel the actual "birth" of your baby, but the healing process is ten times worse than from a vaginal birth. Some women can't get out of bed for days because of the pain, and you'll be somewhat hunched over for a week or two. Your incision can get infected, which would lead to even more pain. You can't drive a car for several weeks, you need help sitting down and standing up, and in some cases you're not even allowed to carry your baby because of the weight.
Gerard Way.
In the Cannibal Glow
Gerard Way.
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September 2nd, 2006 at 03:20pm
9/10 women who have vaginal births rip their vaginas and have to have them sewn up.

Do you by any chance have a source for that?
I'm not questioning it, just curious, i've never heard anyone say that before...

its called the episiotomy,where they cut the skin between your vagina and your anus (the skin's called perineum).it's a must for every woman having their first child because the vaginal opening is not wide enough,but some lucky women dont need it due to them having wider waists or the vaginal opening had exceeded the required amount that the baby can just slip through the vaginal canal. the advantage of having baby this way sompared to c section is that you wont have that bulge on your stomach after childbirth and that also means you can have more than 3 child (coz women are only allowed to have 3 childbirths through c section)