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Always Born a Crime
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July 7th, 2007 at 11:28am
x-Hail Of Bullets-x:
pot is DEFINATELY a gateway drug.

you can only do so much pot before it gets boring.

I don't think you should really say marijuana is a gateway drug because for some that's all they do. Most of my pothead friends (including me) would never touch anything else than weed. My friends establish connections with dealers they can trust so we avoid anything that's laced. So, it may be a gateway drug for some people, but to others it's DEFINITELY not!

Also, the comment about you can only do so much before it gets boring. Ha, I've been smoking for over a year now. I don't smoke everyday or even every week like some people. But, smoking weed never gets boring for me. Haha. My current boyfriend was smoking pot everyday for a while, but now he rarely smokes and when he was doing it everyday he never said omg this is so boring, time to try cocaine or acid or anything of that nature...
x-Hail Of Bullets-x
Thinking Happy Thoughts
x-Hail Of Bullets-x
Age: 38
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Posts: 483
July 9th, 2007 at 02:08pm

I don't think you should really say marijuana is a gateway drug because for some that's all they do. Most of my pothead friends (including me) would never touch anything else than weed. My friends establish connections with dealers they can trust so we avoid anything that's laced. So, it may be a gateway drug for some people, but to others it's DEFINITELY not!

Also, the comment about you can only do so much before it gets boring. Ha, I've been smoking for over a year now. I don't smoke everyday or even every week like some people. But, smoking weed never gets boring for me. Haha. My current boyfriend was smoking pot everyday for a while, but now he rarely smokes and when he was doing it everyday he never said omg this is so boring, time to try cocaine or acid or anything of that nature...

If you read the entire thing, you would realise right at the beginning I say, in my PERSONAL experience... Meaning, even though I've never done drugs and never will, I've watched a lot of people through my life go through it.
Friends, housemates, even my mother.
Who ALL started on weed, thinking it was cool, that everyone else was doing it. Before long (and when I say that I mean DEFINATELY more than a year, I mean a year is nothing in your life), speed starts coming to the party and before long dealers start to realise they want to do other stuff and offer them deals on the stuff.

I still definately stand by both my comments, believing them to be true.
I honestly don't understand why SOME people have to do them to have fun - in my opinon, that is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of.
It's just so painly obvious to me that anyone who does drugs (and by this I mean alcohol and cigarettes included) has issues that need to be sorted out by a professional, because anyone in their right mind, I don't think would delibrately put their health in danger.

But hey, that's just one person's point of view, and each to their own.
People wanna screw up their lives, that's really not my problem.
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 6219
July 9th, 2007 at 04:21pm
I definitely read your whole post, so whatever...

And can you please spell DEFINITELY correctly. It's really irritating. Okay, end of spam.
What the Frank!?
Motor Baby
What the Frank!?
Age: 31
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Posts: 927
July 10th, 2007 at 04:42am
i am against drugs they real only end up hurting people
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 11
July 10th, 2007 at 05:06am
I don't do drugs. I think it's stupid..

My sister is 14 years old and has been in the hospital for days because of ecstasy and ritalin. It's disgusting. I don't live with her, so I don't know what all she does,but I do know she smokes weed though.

I think the effects of drug usage should be forced upon children, especially during junior high. I just don't think most schools do enough to prevent kids from starting up.

She's 14? Wow. I'm sorry. But that's just disgusting. Teenagers these days disgust me in general. I hate my generation.

I'm completely against drugs. But I do however agree that it's a personal choice. Not one that I would agree with, but a choice nonetheless.
Age: 36
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Posts: 57
July 10th, 2007 at 11:42am
drugs never were the problem, people are...
and im proof to that fact, yes ive done drugs a few times.. and i didnt crash, i didnt fuck up my life and i never get addicted. a year ago ive done marijuana, drank a lot of booze and took cocaine... cocaine is the the craziest shit ever, the feeling is just "wooooow", yes, it was a very good feeling and i did it cause i wanted to know how it feels and enjoy it... but i only did it a few times, something like trying, now im 100% sober^^ (i dont even drink any alcohol, cuz i hate the feeling of being drunken, i only smoke cigarettes)

i dont wanna play down the hazard of drugs, you have to take this serious, but if u have a strong personality and a good life, u may be able to handle drugs and if u are able to do it, why shouldnt u take some then if u want? just for fun... i dont think its something "bad"...

but on the other hands, the whole stuff is much more dangerous than you might think cuz its hard to estimate the effect that the drugs will have on you... and if you have a weak personality, a lack of self confidence of if your life is allready fucked up: stay the hell away from that shit!

and btw: yeah, i guess its better if you know what you are taking... people who havent any clue about drugs better eat sugar drops... im sorry being harsh: but if you take some pills or liquids and u dont know whats in there, your just to stupid for the whole stuff...
sonia say's what!?
sonia say's what!?
Age: 32
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Posts: 24
July 11th, 2007 at 07:38pm
i despise drugs... they eff people up so bad they dont even realize it
people are always like "well weed dosnt kill so it's ok" TRUE fuck face, but its bad for ur brain cells. my sister used to be an HONOR student and was a GENIUS... and then she did and i do not joke.... she cant read.
its mest her up so bad shes a anemic mess of a person... she looks like a corpse with scars everywhere not just from all sorts of drugs but really alcohol and not being able to say enough is enough.
i look at her in disgust because i would never want to end up like her... a 21 year old failure
Really Not Okay
Age: 34
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Posts: 722
July 16th, 2007 at 02:05am
Ive had a bit of a different expierience then most. Drugs acutally helped me.

I did drugs since I was 15, so thats been 3 years, and I just recently quit becuase Im leaving for college soon and wont be able to reach my dealer (I have one that I trust, and I would never trust anyone else with any of my drugs). I might go back to them once college is done if I feel need to, or if I get pregnant again, for that I did stop all drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. But drugs are really what got me through high school. If I didnt use my spare time getting high then I probably would have used my spare time for self harm, possible even suicide. I dont see weed as too bad a thing, it does mess some people up, but not all. I think that weed should be legalized, as long as people arent idiots with it.
Age: -
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Posts: 8
July 27th, 2007 at 03:32am
ive done pot once and coke twice. i also started smokin cuz of this chick. but thank god i stopped before i got addicted. i was under peer pressure. it was with the same person though. i dont let her do that to me nemore. she doesnt bug me about bein pussy cuz im afraid of getting addicted or something. shes still one of my best friends.
Age: 32
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Posts: 50
July 30th, 2007 at 10:19pm
im a drugie a smoke pot alot and when i do i laugh and twitch alot but now its hard to remember things that happened before i cant remember some of my friends name im trying to quit but its hard to when im high i feel batter and happy but when i crash from the high i get headaches and feel like shit ive started poping pills i dont think ill shoot up stuff my friend said if she sees track marks on me she will kick my ass but if you dont do drugs then stay like that if you do quit i know its hard but we have to sober up
Motor Baby
Age: 31
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Posts: 964
August 2nd, 2007 at 05:30pm
Okay, so I do weed. Not all of the time though, and I do not support people doing it or doing harder drugs. Weed is bad, yeah, but it is not as bad as some people exaggerate it to be. I would never think of ever doing Meth or Heroin etc. So I believe people can choose what drugs they want to do, weed is not always a gateway drug. One of my friends has done weed for probably 4 years now, and he hates anything that has to do with harder drugs. So all in all, I'm not saying their good, but I wouldn't hate someone for doing them unless they are killing people or something.
Age: 29
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Posts: 3
August 2nd, 2007 at 08:41pm
I used to do drugs. I began to take them only once in a while. I took them when i needed to get away from my problems. Sometimes i did them with my friends. But Drugs are addictive and i got hooked. Drugs screwed me up. It ruined my looks. I was behind in school. This was over a year ago and i am only 13 now... It was hard to stop, but if you have true friends. They wouldn't let you waste your life away on drugs. Thats how i stopped. Friends that are always there for you. So, anyways, before u consider drugs, think about what you are throwing away....
Age: 29
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Posts: 3
August 2nd, 2007 at 08:56pm
Drugs are wrong, they screw you up. Don't try them. You end up wasting all of your $$$ and your dignity.
Lounge Fly
Bleeding on the Floor
Lounge Fly
Age: 32
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Posts: 1061
August 3rd, 2007 at 12:19pm
I've tried weed a few times and P once. But they cost too much so I couldn't get more.
Salute You in Your Grave
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August 7th, 2007 at 01:39pm
Reading this thread left me seriously concerned. So many of you seem to think that it's cool to be high, smoking pot is something totally normal and there's nothing wrong with them. Seriously people, they're illegal, and for a reason! Yes, not everyone gets addicted after smoking a couple of times, no, pot doesn't always work as a gateway drug and having smoked a couple of joints doesn't make you a junkie. The biggest issue in all this is that buying and using drugs of any kind is supporting organised crime. Another thing is that so many of you are still so young, 13-14 years of age. What you don't understand is the bigger-scale effects your "habit" might have on your personal future or the lives of other people. Yeah, so might you feel good when you're high. How good will you feel if you get arrested? In most countries just the possession of drugs is illegal, let alone using or selling them. I know you probably don't think about it now, but you should. You might not be going to jail for it, hell, you might not even get a fine, but it's put on record and it will stay there for a long, long time. Doing drugs is a crime, supporting criminal organisations is a crime, ruining your own future by making stupid choices is legal but you really should reconsider it before you do it.
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 6219
August 7th, 2007 at 06:52pm
it's put on record and it will stay there for a long, long time.

Not trying to be an ass or anything, but here in Maryland (I don't know if it's like this anywhere else), if you're a juvenille and get arrested, once you turn 18 there is a process where you can get what happened on your previous record erased. Not that I'm saying go out and get arrested or anything...

ruining your own future by making stupid choices is legal but you really should reconsider it before you do it.

Also, if you are occasionally smoking pot you aren't necessarily ruining your future. I personally am smart about smoking. I don't do it often because I don't want to become a burn out. My GPA is a 3.71, often higher than kids who don't do drugs! Also, my parents grew up in the 70s, so they smoked pot and have great jobs, like most of their friends.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
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Posts: 2159
August 7th, 2007 at 09:10pm
Also, if you are occasionally smoking pot you aren't necessarily ruining your future. I personally am smart about smoking. I don't do it often because I don't want to become a burn out. My GPA is a 3.71, often higher than kids who don't do drugs! Also, my parents grew up in the 70s, so they smoked pot and have great jobs, like most of their friends.

That's just the attitude I'm worried about. No, I'm not saying YOU (or anyone else on this board) will one day become an addict. What I'm saying is that most people think just like you do. It's great if you know what your limit is, it's great that you don't plan to do them forever and it's great that do it rarely. Please, don't take this personally, but it doesn't have anything to do with your GPA or IQ or anything like that to become addicted to drugs. I don't think anyone has woken up one day going "wow! Now I know what I want to do when I grow up! I wanna be a junkie!" It happens gradually, as I'm sure most of you know. No matter how smart, pretty, funny or shy you might be, it still could happen to you. Especially these days, as doing drugs seems to be somehow cool and fully acceptable (hell, most people don't even consider marihuana a drug anymore). That troubles me, big time.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: -
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Posts: 164
August 8th, 2007 at 01:49am
a person tht i reeli care about does drugs and it breaks mi heart... and i know i shouldnt give a damn about him ever since he chose weed over me... but i think i luv him, he never thinks of me and i no it...... but neways DRUGS FUCK U UP!!!
bright lights x x
Really Not Okay
bright lights x x
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 715
August 8th, 2007 at 02:15am
idk and idc what your excuse is for doing drugs but really you shouldnt
im not telling how to live your life or w/e but whats the point?
other than the fact that it spends your money?
i mean iv had a very close family member whom i was really close to.
hell she took me to my first MCR concert. it was her that i got to meet Frank Iero with!
anyway i cant do anything with her anymore.
its sad.
i love her to death and always will.

thanks drugs. Evil or Very Mad
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 32
August 8th, 2007 at 06:03am
i will NEVER do drugs. it doesnt make sense to screw up your life... no matter how messed up it already is. youll just hurt you and your family.this is just MY opionin