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MCR dreams...

Thinking Happy Thoughts
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June 5th, 2006 at 02:33pm
My chem came into my art lesson [abit too cool]
And frank sat next to me, and started drawing on the table.
I got blamed for it.
Then I woke up.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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Posts: 583
June 5th, 2006 at 02:48pm
I had a dream, i was at school and there was a school bus in the music block, and gerard and mikey were getting onto it, and i screamed "I LOVE YOU MIKEY!" and "GERARD YOU SEXY BEAST!" then my friend popped up from nowhere and said "Im scared, Hannah!!!" and then we got on the bus and Johnny Depp was on there...and it was headed for the moon and i went to sleep on Frank's lap when he appeared. i also had one when they played at my school, covering a celine dion song, REALLY BADLY and then they asked who was a fan and i put up my hand and gerard hugged me. <3333
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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June 5th, 2006 at 02:50pm
^Thats abit too cool.
I wish gerard hugged me in my dreams.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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June 5th, 2006 at 02:52pm
hell ya i know! the best part was when frank gave me a chocolate bar! then i woke up. smiling.and muttering, according to my mum lofl i do that alot...sleep talking.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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June 5th, 2006 at 02:52pm
In my dream...I want to know what frank drew on the table. I never found out [sigh].
cruel melody
Salute You in Your Grave
cruel melody
Age: 33
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Posts: 4430
June 5th, 2006 at 02:54pm
i had a dream once that i was in my kitchen with my family and all of a sudden MCR just walked into my house.. and Mikey, Ray, Bob, and Frank were all sitting at my kitchen table talking with my family like they have known us forever and me and gerard were in the kitchen talking about everything and anything... it was weird but good Very Happy
Always Born a Crime
Age: 31
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June 5th, 2006 at 03:17pm
I had a dream last night, it was really cool.

When we were at a concert i fainted i dunno why and then Ray stopped playing and so was the whole band and i woke up backstage but i have no english accent so i talked very weird to them lol and after a while we talked about INO and they saw the posts and Gerard was crying cause he saw all the posts of the people who talked all good things about him (so almost everyone i guess) so they were all happy about INO Mr. Green i forgot the next part but it ended with a "see you soon" lol
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June 5th, 2006 at 05:48pm
i dunno i hav dreamz or more wat u would call nitemarez
xxxOur Lady Of Sorrowsxxx
xxxOur Lady Of Sorrowsxxx
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June 5th, 2006 at 06:18pm
i had like one...i think it was me and frank and he was at the mall..and i just asked him for a ride he gave me one..we ended up being demons in love
Age: 33
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Posts: 72
June 6th, 2006 at 05:04pm
I have really odd dreams. Some have MCR, but others don't. Like, the first MCR dream I had, I was a teacher, and Gerard was a student of mine. And uh...let's just say that I made Gerard stay behind and slap some erasers around! Very dirty, but I don't give a fuck! Then when I was riding the bus to the middle school to get on my regular bus, I had a daydream that Gerard was our art teacher, and me and my friends were in the front row, and we were seniors, but I'm actually a sophmore, and my friend Erica sadi, 'Watch this' and she dropped her pencil right when he was passing, and he looked at her, and she said, 'Oops!' so he bent down and picked it up, and I looked at Erica and said, "I love you right now!' because we had the world's most perfect view of his ass! Retarded, but one of the best ones I've had! And this other one I had reminds me sorta of Demolition Lovers. Me and Gerard were in the back seat of a car, and we were in love, and these bad guys were up front, and then it goes to me and him outside of the car, and he whispers to me, 'When they're not looking, we'll runaway' but we ended up being shot. Sad
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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Posts: 583
June 7th, 2006 at 02:36pm
i could forever stare at that revolving hamster... but im not going to. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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June 7th, 2006 at 02:47pm
I had an MCR dream that was actually really scary.
I was in a cemetary with MCR, and for some reason we all had on formal clothing, and I remember thinking "HELL YEAH!!!GOTHIC FORMAL!!!"
then the night grew cold and I remember looking at the moon thinking outloud "WOW!!!Big blue moon..."
then Frank said that there were skittles arriving from the grave, and I and the others wore a WTF look, and then astronaut zombies drank cyonide by a mosoleum door, and then Gerard and Miriah Carey got in a bloody fight over who sung "All I Want For Christmas.." better of course, Gerard won,
and I woke up only to relize that my CD player was on and the main menu to LOTMS was on my T.V. about accedental insanity.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 593
June 8th, 2006 at 12:44pm
Fuck, I had the greatest dream last night...
I was in high school, and Gerard and I were going out, and me and him were at my dads and we locked the bedroom door, and we made out and hugged and cuddled and held hands and everything, it was FUCKING AWESOME ^_^
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June 8th, 2006 at 12:52pm
I had an MCR dream that was actually really scary.
I was in a cemetary with MCR, and for some reason we all had on formal clothing, and I remember thinking "HELL YEAH!!!GOTHIC FORMAL!!!"
then the night grew cold and I remember looking at the moon thinking outloud "WOW!!!Big blue moon..."
then Frank said that there were skittles arriving from the grave, and I and the others wore a WTF look, and then astronaut zombies drank cyonide by a mosoleum door, and then Gerard and Miriah Carey got in a bloody fight over who sung "All I Want For Christmas.." better of course, Gerard won,
and I woke up only to relize that my CD player was on and the main menu to LOTMS was on my T.V. about accedental insanity.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's hillarious! I've never had an MCR dream, and whenever I try to induce them, I have dreams about random shit like ravioli.
Motor Baby
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June 8th, 2006 at 02:06pm
Erm, well, this one dream there was talking dinosaurs and then the long neck said that meat eaters were comming so I ran with the little dinosaurs through this weird metal room and slid underneath a big metal door that was closing. When I got inside It was like a bedroom, and there was 3 other people, some woman, a rich-smug looking guy and chubby-highschool Gerard. After long periods of time just sitting against the wall and listening to the big ROARS and ARGGGHHHHAAG's outside the door. Everything with quit. Gerard and the rich dude decided to go open the door. The rich dude opened it and Gerard cautiously walked out and look. The big metal room now had wires hanging from the ceiling and big tiles riping of the walls and floor. Then the last thing I saw was a big shadow comming from behind Gerard and Gerards face turning into a green zombie/frankinstein looking face 0.o
Fabulous Killjoy
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June 8th, 2006 at 04:54pm
I had a dream once that Ray came to my old house and said to me that he needed to protect me. it was so weird. so, like, he came with me everywhere that day. I got on the bus to go to school, and no one reconized him. it was like he was invisible. and one of my friends started to talk to me and he told me not to talk to her because he said that she might not be the person i think she is. it was so weird. And, the reason why this dream is so weird is b/c in real life she turned out not to be the person i thought she was and we aren't friends anymore.
Video Kid
Shotgun Sinner
Video Kid
Age: 32
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Posts: 7328
June 8th, 2006 at 05:05pm
I don't know if I've already said this, because I haven't been on this thread forever, but once I had a dream that I was sitting on my kitchen counter and Gerard was telling me I needed new shoes.
Fabulous Killjoy
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June 8th, 2006 at 05:14pm
^wow. thats an interesting dream.
wind opaine.
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
wind opaine.
Age: 33
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Posts: 66328
June 10th, 2006 at 02:31am
I had a pretty weird one not to long ago.
I was living in like a beach house with my parentals and brother and we hear alot of noise outside. I go outside and MCR is outside my yard on the beach, they ask if they can stay with us and stuff so I tell them yes. They had to stay in our room so me and Mikey was staying in my bed -coughI'llskipthispartcough-
The next day I stayed after at school but my parents wouldn't give me a ride home, so I ended up having to call Ray and he picked me up at school and drove me home.
Something else happened then I remember going outside and they were leaving down the beach, I was upset because I thought they were never coming back so I tried to drown myself on the beach.

That was the weirdest one and I remembered quiet a bit of it o.o
In a Bullet's Embrace
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June 10th, 2006 at 02:33am
cough* weirdest... i think when in my dream i was at home and gerard offered to give me a haircut, my hair looked awesome <3/