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MCR dreams...

Fabulous Killjoy
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Posts: 129
May 15th, 2006 at 08:58pm
I had a dream that mcr came to my school
and played in the band room and there was
like ten people there and then i got to meet
frank then i passed out and then i woke up
Fear and Regret
Crash Queen
Fear and Regret
Age: 34
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Posts: 33926
May 15th, 2006 at 10:12pm
I would DIE if they came to play in my school's band room!
Oh, man if you are about to pass out into slumber pop in one of your MCR CD's
And just let it play.
If the words from the songs doesn't from a picture in your mind then...
WTF is wrong with you?!
I did that and when it went to Our Lady Of Sorrows it got to the "Switchbalde saint..." and I saw a dude with this knife moving his mouth to the words.
O_O It was WEIRD...
Sorreh about the spam! >_<
Michael James Way.
Always Born a Crime
Michael James Way.
Age: 32
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Posts: 6104
May 15th, 2006 at 11:41pm
ok my dream ended with a kiss from each band member how boring lol Sad
snow at christmas.
Crash Queen
snow at christmas.
Age: 38
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Posts: 31690
May 16th, 2006 at 06:01pm
So, today is my birthday. Last night, I dreamed that because it was my birthday, Mikey Way came over to my house. We talked for a while when he sat down and started doing my brother's math homework. Later on, he started using my computer to talk on the internet. I'm not sure whether it was a good dream or not, because it was cool that he was there, but he was really cold and distant. Oh, and then I told my brother I was going to steal his homework, because Mikey had written on it.
Celine For War
Shotgun Sinner
Celine For War
Age: 35
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Posts: 8075
May 17th, 2006 at 07:26am
i had this dream few days ago. in my dream, i was in a beach resort. i was on my way to the bathroom when i saw ray toro. he came out of the bathroom, wet and wearing shorts. then, he approached me and i said hi. then, i woke up...
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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May 17th, 2006 at 08:22am
I had a kinda creepy one.
I was at an mcr concert with some friends and we were in front row, but I'm really small, so I get crushed in the railings by rabid fangirls. My friends had to pull me away, so we hid backstage, but guards found us and there was a karate fight between my friends and the guards, and I feel onto the stage, and I sang the ghost of you with Gerard while my friends talked to Brian their manager, and we all hung out backstage before I collasped and blood started coming out of my mouth.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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May 17th, 2006 at 08:23am
-page claim-
sorry 'bout that
Demolition Lover
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May 17th, 2006 at 10:18am
Okay, if you really really REALLY have to claim the page. Do it in the first post. See that button called "Edit"?
C a n d y
Bleeding on the Floor
C a n d y
Age: 32
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Posts: 1005
May 17th, 2006 at 10:32am
My one started of in a math class, then everyone got onto a really huge long bus. Green day and my chemical romance was there. Then i forgot what happened.

This dream happened ages ago! I woke up, thinking wtf
john bonham.
Bulletproof Heart
john bonham.
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May 17th, 2006 at 09:23pm
Last night... oh jeez.
Last night I had a dream that Gerard was in my bedroom when I came home from school, he was going through my stuff. I walked in and I was like "WTF? Why are you going through my crap?!" and he looked at me, he looked really scared. He was like "Ohhhhh shit... FRANK!" and then I heard a really loud *BUMP* and Frank came out from under my bed, rubbing his head. Frank started crying and Gerard went to cuddle with him. (I think that was because of all the freakin slash that I read) and then *poof* they were gone. Then Tinkerbell came in my room and started cleaning it, complaining about how she's "sooooooo overworked"
Michael James Way.
Always Born a Crime
Michael James Way.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 6104
May 17th, 2006 at 09:26pm
interesting dream
mercy in the sky.
Shotgun Sinner
mercy in the sky.
Age: 33
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Posts: 7503
May 18th, 2006 at 10:36pm
I had a dream that Gerard asked me for a rabbit. (WTF?)

And Bob read a fairy tale to me.
Surprisingly....he was a good storyteller, actually. <3

It was rather cute. Stupid...but cute.
Sorta like me. (jk)
Celine For War
Shotgun Sinner
Celine For War
Age: 35
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Posts: 8075
May 19th, 2006 at 01:46am
ha ha! ^
Motor Baby
Age: 33
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Posts: 978
May 19th, 2006 at 01:34pm
I had a dream just last night that all of MCR were in my school play...odd
bullets_are_the reason
Thinking Happy Thoughts
bullets_are_the reason
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May 19th, 2006 at 03:16pm
I've never had a dream with MCR but I wish I did Wink
mercy in the sky.
Shotgun Sinner
mercy in the sky.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 7503
May 19th, 2006 at 05:44pm
I had a dream where MCR was....ahem, barbecuing hot dogs. LOL. Honestly, they were. I was sitting at a picnic table, and Gerard was like, "OH MY F*CKING GOD, THERE AREN'T ANY HOT DOG BUNS!"
Then they all looked at me as if I was hiding them, and I saw that there were three bags of hot dog buns under the picnic table where I was sitting. I'm all, "....*shifty eyes*..."
And then Ray came running at me and found the buns and he screamed, "SHE HAS TINY HOT DOG BUNS BUT THERE ARE NONE FOR BIGFOOT!"
Frankie yelled something about how the buns weren't stretchy enough, and then I woke up.

^I already posted that one but I don't care

and I remember another!

My mom was upstairs vaccuming my sister's room and the doorbell rang so she's like, "Oh, I'll get that door now..." And it was Ray strapped to a rocket. (?)

So she brings him in and asks if he wants coffee and ice cream. Then I run up the stairs and I'm like, "MOM, WE HAVE TO SAVE RAY, HE MIGHT DIE, YOU KNOW?"

So yeah....then he started playing w/my hair and I woke up...

Bess is Yoda
In The Murder Scene
Bess is Yoda
Age: 35
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Posts: 20910
May 19th, 2006 at 06:05pm
^ LMAO those dreams are awesome Laughing
Age: -
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Posts: 73
May 19th, 2006 at 07:04pm
I have so many!

I had one where the dead came back to life and instead of them eating the living, the living ate the dead. And Gerard, Jazz (my friend), me, and Mikey were the only people who were normal and were not eating the dead...

It's from all the damn zombie movies/storys I read/watch/write
Really Not Okay
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 610
June 5th, 2006 at 06:44am
i dreamed gerad was touring and was hangin out with he randomly kissed me with was wierd but his a good kisser...the i sat on the styars with him and ray and he sayed he doesnt like the sun....i dont either
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 1026
June 5th, 2006 at 06:54am
i had one when i went to a MCR concert then they came down to the mosh and said hi to ppl. in the dream i hugged gerard and frank and frank called me cute. hahahha. only in my dreams ey?.

then there was this other one i had last nite. gerard was this head vampire and he bit me and i turned into one. it was actually quite scary. he made me murder ppl and bring back the bodies.